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Get this to the Mun

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This is my latest monstrosity:


I have tested it using HyperEdit, and can land on the Mun from 15k no problem. But I have no idea how I am going to get it to the Mun. I'm working on getting a large one-piece refueling station into orbit that weighs about the same as this, and I'm having trouble even with that, so I don't have a clue how I'm going to get THIS to the Mun. So I'm asking the community on this one. No Mods are allowed.

Craft File: http://www./download/9b27k8pppwub5il/JSS_Mun_Colony_Mk_6.craft

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That's...about 120 tonnes, right? I'd imagine you could do it with one of Temstar's Supernova lifters.

No Mods, though...that would include Subassembly, I'd wager. That's unfortunate. Means you'd have to replicate the Supernova by hand. Oh well.

Not much of a challenge either. This probably needs to go in "How-To" instead.

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Hey, Back from testing stuff..

I've got it in orbit :D! yeah.. smile.. after exactly 14 launches to make it up in once piece .. lol

here's some pictures during launch - gravity turn - and finally orbit.. tomorrow i'll continue -> what i'm gonna do tomorrow is..

-1 Send a refuel ship to refuel this one ( I used the outer tanks, not the jumbo or the one underneath it ' in middle ' ) so yeah, refuel those.

-2 Go dock with my station SPICE S1 (shown in pictures below, which is a massive Space station with lots of fuel.. ) dock with it.

-3 Send a mainsail with jumbo tank, dock underneath the middle tanks on the main ship ( i Put a docking port there )

-4 Then head for the moon, go for 30km x 15km orbit then use the main spaceship engines. and boom it's done! NOTE: FML I FORGOT TO ADD KERBALS !! AM SO ANGRYYYYYYYYYYYY!!

some pictures..

any yeah, silly gravity turn, it's just to make this rocket go up to a really high altitude then use the main engines to circularize, not anybody can do this.. very precise moves are required











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Hey, Back from testing stuff..

I've got it in orbit :D! yeah.. smile.. after exactly 14 launches to make it up in once piece .. lol

here's some pictures during launch - gravity turn - and finally orbit.. tomorrow i'll continue -> what i'm gonna do tomorrow is..

-1 Send a refuel ship to refuel this one ( I used the outer tanks, not the jumbo or the one underneath it ' in middle ' ) so yeah, refuel those.

-2 Go dock with my station SPICE S1 (shown in pictures below, which is a massive Space station with lots of fuel.. ) dock with it.

-3 Send a mainsail with jumbo tank, dock underneath the middle tanks on the main ship ( i Put a docking port there )

-4 Then head for the moon, go for 30km x 15km orbit then use the main spaceship engines. and boom it's done! NOTE: FML I FORGOT TO ADD KERBALS !! AM SO ANGRYYYYYYYYYYYY!!

some pictures..

any yeah, silly gravity turn, it's just to make this rocket go up to a really high altitude then use the main engines to circularize, not anybody can do this.. very precise moves are required



Edited by Joshington
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yep, I landed that 140 ton thing on the moon, I will post pictures as soon as I can, I must go now,

Excuse me!

NOTE**: thanks for making my head blow up while thinking to bring that to the mun.

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2046 Tons and 460 parts on the pad


7 Skippers and 30 Mainsails in first stage


Beginning Gravity turn


Dropped last Mainsails and burning for Mun


Arrival at Mun


Braking burn


Jettisoning transfer stage


Descent to surface


T- 20 seconds




Publicity shot

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alright! I'm back from a short trip!

oh I see somebody else has done it... well nice job! quite a big rocket ! ( mine is 640 tons on launchpad.. ) NOTE****************: I've done this challenge in 6/8 ( Yesterday )

First Picture: After refueling the ' hotel ' , the space tug carries it to the mun ( very long burn.. ) also note*: the space tug can refuel itself using the jumbo tank on it. ( not the main craft's one )


Second Picture: After achieving an Orbit, I did like I said before, 30x15km orbit, then use the mainship engines from 15 Km to the ground.


Third Picture: Making the braking burn, this is where I finish de-orbiting and be close to the ground.


Forth Picture: Finally Landing on the Mun! ( look where I landed.. VERY FLAT TERRAIN! )


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