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Orbital Fuel Station by GamePlay Review Inverted NavBall Fix


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Hey all,

Just downloaded the AWESOME Orbital Fuel Station by GamePlay Review and ran into a little issue with the NavBall being inverted during flight. After some fiddling around and quite a bit of misinformation on MY part, I came up with a fix for the NavBall issue. While this fix is specific to this add-on, it seems fairly common in other creative ship designs, so for noobs like myself it's a good lesson to learn. (Please note that I am not the author of this mod. You can find the actual mod posted by the author at http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/orbitalfuelstation/ )

Here are the steps (detailed for noobs like myself):

1. Load the original Orbital Fuel Station (Stock) in the VAB.

2. Click and lift the first PPD-12 Cupola Module (marked LK-S3E on the side) assembly from the top of the main stack and set it aside. Do not delete!

3. Click and lift the next part in stack: the MK2 Lander-Can assembly (marked T-C4N on the side). The connecting struts will disappear.

4. While you still have the MK2 selected, turn it right side up (by pressing the "D" key twice).

5. Reattach the MK2 Assembly to the main stack. The struts will reappear .

6. Reattach the PPD-12 Cupola Module assembly to the top of the main stack.

7. Save the file.

8. Repeat steps #2 and #3.

9. Repeat step # 4 but turn the MK2 back to its inverted position as per Adam's original design.

10. Repeat steps #5, #6, and #7.

Remember, "Ctrl-Z" is your friend!!!



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I don't think such a fix is even necessary - the reason the nav ball points down (as designed) is because you're controlling from the (downward pointing) Cupola.

Take the craft as originally downloaded, load it onto the launchpad, right click on the Mk-2 Lander Can and select "Control From Here". The nav ball will automatically point back up, because in terms of the craft hierarchy and relative orientation to the launchpad, the Lander Can is the only pod that is the right way up.

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I've just looked into this issue and sumghai is correct. All of the control points are in their intended orientation.

In this version;

-The Lander can is for controlling the station

-The 'upside-down' cupola is used if engines are added via the nose docking port.

-The central robotic unit is for crewless launch

-The rest are basically just for extra crew capacity or part of the escape pods system.

In my original copy the Kerbinaut is not in the 'upside-down' cupola but in the bottom one. I just tried downloading from the craft's download page and I too ended up starting with the Kerbinaut in the 'upside-down' cupola.

There are many possible crew layouts and also a crewless launch option and I'd encourage others to mess about with these settings as much as possible.

Thanks a lot for the posts guys, gotta love ksp.

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Exactly as sumghai mentioned, using a different control pod is the easiest fix. I have to admit, through, that orienting the navbal cross hair on your rockets thrust vector would make stuff lot easier in some situations.

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Sumghai, AdamRoberts, Well all that means is that I'm an idiot! You mean to tell me that spaceships don't need to be controlled from the "top"? Well that's just some Rebel Alliance crap right there I gotta tell ya!! LOL Thanx for all the info and the alternative thinking lesson. I've always been a "Smash the Ogre" kinda guy and it shows sometimes when I least expect it. I wonder if this forum has a facepalm smiley....? :confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The "control from here" option also works with docking ports to re-orient the navball.

I was launching station modules on the weekend and it took me a bunch of crashes and loads of redesigns in the VAB before I noticed the navball was the wrong color before launch. Once I did I just switched control to a docking port rather than the inverted probe core and everything was fine.

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That station does fly. There is a read me or a forum post where the author tells you exactly how to launch it. I have a mission report called, Beagle Flight - to the Mun, where that station is featured. I think you'll like it.

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