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[0.23] Targetron - Target or command vessel from a list of active flights!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems I might have found a bug. :P I'm not sure what causes it but I do have 3 control points on my ship. MechJeb, that can for holding one kerbal (because of RemoteTech, I can't control any of my ships without a kerbal) and one tiny mini computer thing for probes. Screenshot;


Issue; I mark all my ships as satellite but they show up as a rover in the window.

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Seems I might have found a bug. :P I'm not sure what causes it but I do have 3 control points on my ship. MechJeb, that can for holding one kerbal (because of RemoteTech, I can't control any of my ships without a kerbal) and one tiny mini computer thing for probes. Screenshot;


Issue; I mark all my ships as satellite but they show up as a rover in the window.

Are you using the Jinks release? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46956-0-23-Targetron-Target-or-command-vessel-from-a-list-of-active-flights%21?p=1123683&viewfull=1#post1123683

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  • 1 month later...

I'm crashing using 1.4.1 on linux 64 bit. I'm using no other mods. I start KSP, create a new career game, go to VAB, select a pod, launch, and crash back to the OS.

Here's the weird part: This only happens when the GameData/Targetron folder is a symlink. I do this with all my mods to make it easier to switch mod selection when switching between games. None of my other mods (about 40) display this behavior. Here's the log:


Any ideas? I'd like to use the symlink trick on Targetron instead of making copies for each game.


If either Targetron -OR- 000_Toolbar is a symlink there is a crash. Toolbar alone has no problems running from a symlink. Is targetron accessing 000_Toolbar for some reason? Is it using ../ in paths?

Edited by deepholecaver
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  • 4 weeks later...

I wonder if it would make any sense picking up this plugin and bringing it up to date. If I remember correctly, it had problems with vessel types once space objects were introduced. I would be kind of sad to see this go down the drain.

So, is anyone using this?

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I wonder if it would make any sense picking up this plugin and bringing it up to date. If I remember correctly, it had problems with vessel types once space objects were introduced. I would be kind of sad to see this go down the drain.

So, is anyone using this?

Those problems are corrected in unofficial 1.4.1 from Jinks: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46956-0-23-Targetron-Target-or-command-vessel-from-a-list-of-active-flights%21?p=1123683&viewfull=1#post1123683

Also the plugin is working fine in 0.24 even without recompile on 32 and 64 bits game (based on my experience), but you're free to fork or make prs against the one from Jinks, I'm sure he would be happy.


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Ah, I totally forgot about that one. I don't want to get in the way if there has something been done already. Might I instead suggest opening a new thread and making it an official fork? Just take me as an example, I was under the impression that the plugin is totally dead.

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If somebody picks this up, please, PLEASE change the Docking Port list to recognize named ports. Currently,if there are multiple ports, they are all listed Clamp-a-tron. NavyFish's DPAI recognizes docking port names. Targetron should do so as well.

EDIT: given that Targetron may have died, you may wish to look at Haystack. Be advised: Haystack does NOT list docking ports on the target vessel. However that is being corrected in the next version. Haystack provides a raft of additional features as well, including sorting by distance and SOI.

Edited by Apollo13
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi all,

seems I haven't been getting notifications for KSP threads in quite a while. I've been out of the KSP loop for a while now, but I'm not dead yet :)

Since Jarcikon hasn't been around either I guess I'll just rebuild it for .24 finally and pop up a new thread soon. (Hopefully around the weekend.)

Any better naming suggestions than "Targetron Redux"? Or should I just keep "Targetron"?

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Hi all,

seems I haven't been getting notifications for KSP threads in quite a while. I've been out of the KSP loop for a while now, but I'm not dead yet :)

Since Jarcikon hasn't been around either I guess I'll just rebuild it for .24 finally and pop up a new thread soon. (Hopefully around the weekend.)

Any better naming suggestions than "Targetron Redux"? Or should I just keep "Targetron"?

Well, the author hasn't been active since January, So i'm sure nobody would mind if you kept "Targetron"

But if you wish to rename it, go ahead. I have no ideas though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Jinks, any chance you'll have this re-made for 0.24 any time soon? It's the only mod I'm really missing now. I'll be needing it soon enough.

8 or 9 posts back.

Those problems are corrected in unofficial 1.4.1 from Jinks: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46956-0-23-Targetron-Target-or-command-vessel-from-a-list-of-active-flights%21?p=1123683&viewfull=1#post1123683

Also the plugin is working fine in 0.24 even without recompile on 32 and 64 bits game (based on my experience), but you're free to fork or make prs against the one from Jinks, I'm sure he would be happy.


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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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