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K.R.A.K: A multi-player continuous universe[SIGN UPS CLOSED]

How do we deal with the large number of players?  

  1. 1. How do we deal with the large number of players?

    • Multiple games(alternate realities)
    • Assign all missions early

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This still going.

Name:Spart Kerman

World: Duna,Eeloo,Minmus

Skillz:Rovers,probes and all things efficient.Unable to quickload(that's a good thing right?RIGHT?)


-landed a carrier once

-Landed on all bodies or moons

-Flew a plane through jools athmosphere

-Went on a grand tour

-Circumnavigated Eeloo in 6 hours Gilly in .5

Have I missed anything?

Edited by Spartwo
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Name: Bellino

World Pref.: I hate worlds


Launched and returned over 200 rockets

Put 3 orbital stations up, but no docking (Think Salyut, but the crew along)

Landed but failed to return from the Mun

Flown planes, though very few

Character Name: Chet Kerman

Flys a plane decently, can land O.K. but enjoys orbit the most. Wants to command space station/ long term orbital flight

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Name: Octagon

World: All (except "Eve", if I need to bring something back from there)

Character name: O'tagon Kerman

Skills: Capable of complete build/pilot small/medium spaceplanes ( take-off, orbiting and landing with out parachutes). Large experience in building Space Stations over kerbin and Duna. Visited all Interior worlds( Moho, Eve, Kerbin) and the exteriors, Duna and Jool( and it's moons). Never been to Eeloo. No "MechJeb". Anything that is related to Jool is a "easy cake".

Edited by Octagon
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Sign me in, if there is any more room


World Preference: None

Character Name: Siegmund Kerman

I'm experienced with sending ugly, enormous spaceships to various planets and then forgetting them there after two hours of planing. Also I'm capable of the most maneuvers like orbiting, docking, transfering and landing.

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Oh this looks like a neat idea and implementation :D

Sign me on the roster!

Name: Cal'Mihe

World Preference: Kerbin and its moons (but willing to stretch legs).

Character Name: Cal Kerman

Career highlights:

- Spaceplane pilot and fan. If it doesn't have wings we're not associating with it.

- Visited and landed kerbals & cargo on Mun and Minmus by SSTO

- Circumnavigated Kerbin

- Made 80 km of rover tracks on Mun

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Name: SRFirefox

World Preference: Tylo (yes, Tylo. Don't look at me like that)

Character Name: Cmdr. Hans Kerman


Station and Satellite support network around Kerbin, including construction/refueling stations around Kerbin and the Mun.

Landed 4 Kerbonauts on Tylo with one vehicle and returned them safely to Kerbin in 3 years.

Lead several missions to Moho and the Moholes.

Commissioned DS1 and Charon, an orbital platform and base complex on/around Eeloo. Final population 12 Kerbonauts.

Developed the Winter series of reusable launchers, 11-25T to orbit. All reusable stages propulsively landed.

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Name: Rainbow-Dashie

World Preference: Mun, Minimus, and Duna (I am a bit of a noob)

Character Name: Rainbow Kerman

I am a bit of a noob at KSP still, but I can do some more complex Mun landings, get to minimus, and I have gotten close to landing on Duna, (got to the SoI, but ran out of electricity) Docking is something I havn't done yet, but I have gotten close, and feel i could do it with a bit of time.

I'll be more then happy to take some of the smaller jobs, landing something on the Mun, get a rover to Duna or something, orbit minimus, leave the big stuff to the pros :P

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First mission report is up on the reports thread. I will post the new assignment tonight along with the zip file. I also updated the front page list of players. Send me a PM if I missed anyone.

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Name: bman2232

World Preference: Duna (cause i love mars, so:cool:. sometimes like the Mun, but thats to mainstream).

Character Name: Bman Kerman


LOVE landing rovers. also like setting up bases.

likes getting challenges

EDIT: i like to use Mechjeb, but mainly for information and landing predictions

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You can use it on the simulation runs but for the final run you have to keep track of dV and whatnot yourself. Old school style. :wink:

I chose a flag from the stock ones (the blue one with the changing mun phases on it). If people don't like that one or want to present a specific KRAK design on this thread then I would love to see them. I am not really a good artist so anything non-stock would have to come from you all. I would love there to be a specific KRAK flag that we all agree on though.

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I don't know. I was thinking about that and I suppose if you want to you can make a mission specific flag for your mission but I really want there to be a single KRAK flag for the overall organization. Also, just FYI, feel free to put comments and discussion of the mission on the mission report thread. Once we get a few reports on there I will add a table of contents to the OP there to link to each report.

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BRO lets dooooo this!!!!

Name- (well you can see that)

World preference- mun, eve, and Laythe ( Its got O2!)

Character name Tidus-Lamare-Kerman (aka TLK)

specialty- super small prob rovers, utility rovers, and atmospheric jets

Things I suck at- large rockets and landers (they like to run out of fuel on me;.;)

Places Ive been- kerbin, mun, eve, duna, laythe, and vall.:cool:


Small rover on eve and duna.

Over 20 mun landings,

two jets at laythe,

a small prob on vall.

Station around kerbin

and I have a interplanetary station with multiple vehicles in construction around kerbin that im going to use to visit every planet! (hopefully, remind me to pack extra snacks for jeb.)

PS I have never even touched mechjeb (I fly solo and by the seat of me own kerbal sized PANTS!!!)

Edited by Tidus Klein
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I noticed something curious: Every time a post appears on this tread something like 2 or 3 players join the game, which is amazing, but can turn into a problem. By problem I mean, if everybody uses the entire two weeks given by the rules the game, it will only end in 14 months(considering 4 week months and the actual cont of players: 28), which is more then a year. Of course the players probably will not use all the time and, maybe, some will give up the game but is to much time. What I suggest is: separate the player in groups (2 or 3) all of them with the same mission (in a competition or not) to make this more dinamic. This is, of course, only one idea. But I repeat that we must take care with the time. Any other ideas?

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Name: impwarhamer

World Preference: Joolian system (I have some experience of bringing capital ships to that location)

Character Name: Yarrick Kerman

I would like to ask if maybe you could start up multiple of these campaigns, as I fear it may be a very long time to get through everyone, especially at the rate of new people being added. I would not mind running one myself if need be.

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Ok so I closed the sign-up. I'm sorry to do that but, as Octagon rightly pointed, out we are getting to the point where people are signing up for a slot that may not actually get to play for a year:0.0: (honestly I didn't realize this would be so popular). I do want to address though the high player count we now have. I am reluctant to start concurrent games because the whole point of this was to have one continuous legacy. It does seem like a cool idea though to have "alternate universes" so to speak that are running the same missions and see where they diverge. My alternative to making multiple games was to put some extra work in now and get as many missions planned out as possible and try to assign everyone a mission now. (like a real space program planning out their missions) I could then assign everyone their missions and they could start working on the design and mission plan now. This would help cut down the time that each person has the game. I guess I will put up a poll. What does everyone want to do? I am open to either option (or a third if someone suggests it).

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I'd like to do something like this but I have vastly different ideas on how to run it and what to do. I could take a small group of interested players (no more than 8) and diverge to spare you the players while still keeping the whole concept rolling.

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Fine with me. If you get a group just let me know the names so I know who to take off my list. Also, I'm open to any suggestions if you think there is stuff I could be doing better. This thing has gotten much bigger than I thought it would much faster than I thought it would so any helpful input from you or any other player would be greatly appreciated. I understand though if you just want to go try to do your own thing.

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