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TSP (Tau Space Program 1.2)


Modular designs are...  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Modular designs are...

    • too heavy for my cpu (too many parts).
    • awesome and useful, thanks to so many applications.
    • ugly, dedicated desings are much better looking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BEM-M (Basic Engine Module - Medium)

Preparations for Constellation like Duna mission goes slowly... here is BEM-M module designed to be used as

orbital tug (stackable like every orbital tug I made so far),

retro-burn module for larger ships,

part of heavy lander and many more in future :)

Single BEM-M:

parts: 29

weight: ~7t

4x LV-909 engines

300 RCS fuel

Large and small docking ports (fuel flow is designed to first burn fuel from tanks attached to top and bottom large docking ports)

4 - toggle retro-burn engines (bottom node version)

7 - toggle engines (top node version)

(those two put in subassemblies)

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Craft file for craft from album.

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V-Perseus MPCV MK 1.5

Trying to improve my MPCV. New build with 2x LV-909 emergency engines is much better... more thrust and more dv than before.

Testing cargo bay, but without fairing it look ugly :/

When engine hit the ground caused explosion... good that command pod got huge impact resistance (I didn't had quick save and couldn't revert at this point).

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Soyuz inspired (not even close to make replica) craft design. Lifter it is my ascender 5.

weight: ~5t

parts: 26

dv: ~860m/s

0 - toggle solar panels

On screens you can see fairings mod

100% stock craft file

Modded craft file

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Update: stock screens and re-entry

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Edited by Darnok
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This thread deserves a lot more love than it gets. You have some great designs right there, and wow, you've just been playing for like, 2 months? I spent 2 months trying to get a mun encounter + landing (though, in my defense, back in 0.13 that was a lot harder :P)

Bring on the crafts, don't get discouraged by the lack of replies, because yes, you make great stuff!

Also, consider making a thread in the Rocket Builders section.

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V-Perseus MPCV MK 2

And it is done:)


parts: 37

weight: 24.5t

MPCV without engine module (only escape pod):

parts: 25

weight: 11.6t

sub: file

engine module:

parts: 12

weight: 13t

sub: file

(sub 8t version: file)

abort system MK 2:

parts: 49

sub: file

backspace - activate abort system

8 - toggle emergency engines in MPCV

0 - toggle solar panels

All in one craft file

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Um this may be a stupid question but what is a modular design?

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_design

"Modular design, or "modularity in design", is an approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts (modules or skids) that can be independently created and then used in different systems to drive multiple functionalities."

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Basic V-Rover and Basic V-Rover Drone

Release of my 2 wheels rover, manned and drone in two versions.

Basic V-Rover MK 1:

parts: 12

weight: 0.89t

sub: file

Basic V-Rover Drone MK 1:

parts: 11

weight: 0.77t

sub: file

Basic V-Rover MK 2 file

Basic V-Rover Drone MK 2 file

Both MK 2 versions got same part counts and weight as MK 1.

Before using rover or drone you should change your key settings in rover tab,

I have set rover controls to key arrows and WSAD is for SAS.

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Sagittarius Modular Rocket System

That question about modularity gave me some idea... on forums there is no modular rockets (at least I didn't found any).

So I built one :)


First rocket lets call it SGR-5, Can lift ~5 tons to 75km

look at 1st and 2nd stage it is important.


Can lift ~12 tons to 75km, name SGR-12.

Ok now the fun part, side boosters are same as SGR-5 1st stage.

SGR-12 1st and 2nd stage are copy of SGR-5 2nd stage :)

Get the idea? No?

Ok next example



SGR-22, can lift ~22 tons to 75km

Boosters again are from SGR-5 1st stage.

Here 1st stage is double 2nd stage from SGR-5 and SGR-22 2nd stage is copy of SGR-5 2nd stage :)

Of course my idea is not to build using only those two "modules (1st and 2nd stage from SGR-5)".

you can have more modules, main idea is to design rocket stages in way you can re-use it in other larger rockets :)

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Second Mun landing

Duna Constellation like mission is still in progress, right now it is time to test some of my modules on Mun landing.

BEM-H (Basic Engine Module - Heavy) is designed as interplanetary propulsion for any mission, can be stacked :)

Perseus MPCV MK 3 with landing legs and 2 tiny docking ports, now it is able to dock with anything you want to.

Rover drone MK 2, same weight as MK 1, but little smaller.

Small science array it has any basic science equipment, antena and enough solar panels to restore power in batteries.

Packed all that on Ascender 50 and sent to Mun.

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Second part of Mun landing mission.

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Ascender rockets

V-Ascender 15

parts: 41

weight: 167t

status: stable, made few flights


V-Ascender 25

parts: 54

weight: 236t

status: super stable, made many flights and never exploded


V-Ascender 50

parts: 64

weight: 406t

status: stable


V-Ascender 65

parts: 111

weight: 523t

status: stable


V-Ascender 75

parts: 119

weight: 571t

status: testing


V-Ascender 90

parts: 173

weight: 693t

status: testing


V-Ascender 100

parts: 179

weight: 755t

status: testing


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Some time ago inspired by this video

I've started to build ships for my Duna Mission.

Here is my NTR 1 launch (on posted video this part of mission is between 0:10 and 1:06)

NTR stats:

parts: 100 (tank + BEM-H, fuel tank 62 parts)

weight: ~102t

delta-v: ~9900

(craft files soon...)

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It is possible to stack NTR fuel tanks in line and you can stack whole NTRs to build propulsion for this monster


if your CPU can handle that ;)

I hope you enjoy it and any feedback please :)

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Really nice designs! I tried once to design a (almost) stock Constellation-style mission to Duna myself, but I couldn't build a working cargo lander (the one with the MAV).

I'm looking forward to see how you'll handle this, and to shamelessly incorporate your solutions in my designs :D

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It maybe be dificult to use it, size of my landers might be main problem.

Here is truss section launch for Constellation Copernicus like ship.

I know it is in wrong order, but Copernicus is simpler than landers and I needed something to start with.

Truss section gave me few ideas how my landers should look like.

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Constellation Habitat module.

"A bit" unrealistic launch, but right now I don't have idea how to split it and make modular and sadly it would lag much more.

All 3 modules NTR + Truss section + Habitat got over 350 parts and I still have to send there two MPCVs.

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One of many images I found during studies of Constellation vehicles


my modules allow to make more than those two configurations, but my CPU not :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ascender rocket family WIP (currently 5, 10, 15, 20, 26, 32, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 tons lifters are done)

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Every time you see orange tank used as booster it is same engine cluster used in smallest 5 ton lifter.

I've used 5 different 2nd stages configurations with different thrust power 120, 200, 400 and 650, some 400 stages got different fuel tanks configurations.

as 1st stage I have 3 different engine configurations:

- 5 engine cluster with 1000 thrust,

- sls core engine 3200 thrust

- 9 skipper cluster 5880 thrust

feedback please :)

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