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Kerbal Sound Overhaul Project


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Hello everybody, I've been lurking the forums for quite a while but registered just now to be able to make this post.

I don't know if this has been covered in this thread. But I used to play a lot of Flight sims before, and I remember that some of the planes had "shaky sounds" During take off and landing when flying in IVA view. I would love to see something similiar in KSP. It really added to the atmosphere. I hate how in IVA view it's just quiet inside the cockpit now. Supposedly these shaky sounds would be heard when launching and during atmosphere reentry.

At around 3 minutes in, you can hear the sounds i'm talking about.

Anyone got any ideas on how to do it? Or has anybody done it?

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I would love to install this mod collection, but a lot of those links are pointing to very old mods.

Are all of these compatible with 0.25?

Also, I have tried installing RCS Sounds and Ion Drive Sounds before, and both seem to conflict with Hot Rockets (the engine VFX is always on). Is there any patch for this issue?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello everybody, I've been lurking the forums for quite a while but registered just now to be able to make this post.

I don't know if this has been covered in this thread. But I used to play a lot of Flight sims before, and I remember that some of the planes had "shaky sounds" During take off and landing when flying in IVA view. I would love to see something similiar in KSP. It really added to the atmosphere. I hate how in IVA view it's just quiet inside the cockpit now. Supposedly these shaky sounds would be heard when launching and during atmosphere reentry.

At around 3 minutes in, you can hear the sounds i'm talking about.

Anyone got any ideas on how to do it? Or has anybody done it?

A few mods add ambient sounds in IVA (Chatterer and B9 for example), but I haven't come across any dynamic bouncing or creaking sound mods yet. It's on my list of things to do when I have time.

How about a thud when you get it right, too?

There's a nice tyre screech when you touch down now with Collision FX. Firespitter wheels and the mods using them such as B9 Aerospace have this and smoke too.

I would love to install this mod collection, but a lot of those links are pointing to very old mods.

Are all of these compatible with 0.25?

Also, I have tried installing RCS Sounds and Ion Drive Sounds before, and both seem to conflict with Hot Rockets (the engine VFX is always on). Is there any patch for this issue?

This isn't intended as a collection, rather a list of what's out there for sound. You'll have to ask in the individual mod threads for updates and issues.

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  • 2 months later...

I really like this, but I think there is something very important that is being forgotten, Kerbal sounds.

What I mean is reaction sounds from the kerbal, shouting, scared, happy, bored, all that.

It would be super awesome to have it ingame, I could even help recording some backwards spanish :)

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I really like this, but I think there is something very important that is being forgotten, Kerbal sounds.

What I mean is reaction sounds from the kerbal, shouting, scared, happy, bored, all that.

It would be super awesome to have it ingame, I could even help recording some backwards spanish :)

This is a great little plugin that says you can add Kerbal sounds http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56179-WIP-KSPCustomSounds-Plugin-v0-2-Custom-Engine-Landing-Gear-IVA-Sounds

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Is there away to change the sounds on decoupler ?

I haven't tried, but it should be simple enough. Open its part.cfg and under FX definitions, change the "sound_vent_large" in "sound_vent_large = decouple" to your sound file's name (without the file extension). Make sure the sound file is .wav or .ogg and is inside the GameData directory. If the sound is in folders inside GameData, you'll have to write it as "MyFolder/Sounds/MySoundFile = decouple" (no quotation marks).

- - - Updated - - -

I really like this, but I think there is something very important that is being forgotten, Kerbal sounds.

What I mean is reaction sounds from the kerbal, shouting, scared, happy, bored, all that.

It would be super awesome to have it ingame, I could even help recording some backwards spanish :)

I'd actually intended on doing this for CollisionFX, so that you'd here some sped-up kerbalish "oof" sounds when you fell over. If you have a microphone, the more sounds the merrier!

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I tryed this

!sound_vent_large = DELETE

sound_dcp_stack_bullettarp_v0100 = decouple /// This is where the sound file is inside GameData A.R.P/Sounds/sound_dcp_stack_bullettarp_v0100

and it still plays the stock sound ?

EDIT- Trying not to copy over the stock files.

EDIT- And with your plugin can we add sounds to ModuleAnimateGeneric parts and RetractableLadder , ModuleLandingLeg ? hehe want souds for it all and thanks for all the work you do.

Edited by Mecripp2
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I'd actually intended on doing this for CollisionFX, so that you'd here some sped-up kerbalish "oof" sounds when you fell over. If you have a microphone, the more sounds the merrier!

I have a pretty neat condenser microphone and I also speak spanish, so yeah I will record some sounds when I get my pc fixed.

Pm me a list of kerbal sounds if you want, I can make one myself but idk what the game is able to trigger :)

I can also tweak them on audacity for a more kerbal-ish sound.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello! Is this project still on-going? earlier this day I finally decided to take a shot at that IVA sound effects "ship rattle, shaking, metal sounds"

Idea was to use geeForce_immediate to readout gravitational forces applied to entire ship. But im not really a programmer but I manage to play and apply the sound to the vessel but it was oddly in playing in fastforward.

So I removed the code, but basically here's the logic behind it:

Edit: I redid it, im going to test now if this works:

EDIT: IT does work!

[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)]
public class ShipEffectsMain : MonoBehaviour
public FXGroup shipFx;
public bool shipFxSet;
public string soundclip = "ShipEffects/Sounds/sound1";
private Vessel vessel;

bool gamePaused = false;

void Awake()

void Start()
shipFx = new FXGroup("ShipFXGroup");
vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
shipFxSet = createGroup (shipFx, vessel, soundclip, true);

void Update()
if (!gamePaused && CameraManager.Instance.currentCameraMode == CameraManager.CameraMode.IVA) {
shipFx.audio.Play (); Debug.Log ("sound playing");


double geeForce = vessel.geeForce_immediate;
if (geeForce > 1.1f) {
shipFx.audio.volume = 1f;
Debug.Log ("Gforce Sound on");
} else {
shipFx.audio.volume = 0;
Debug.Log ("Gforce Sound off");
} else {


void onGamePaused()
gamePaused = true;

void onGameUnpaused()
gamePaused = false;

void OnDestroy()
GameEvents.onGamePause.Remove(new EventVoid.OnEvent(onGamePaused));
GameEvents.onGameUnpause.Remove(new EventVoid.OnEvent(onGameUnpaused));

public bool createGroup(FXGroup group, Vessel vessel, string clip, bool loop)
group.audio = vessel.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
group.audio.clip = GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip (clip);
group.audio.loop = loop;
group.audio.bypassEffects = true;
group.audio.volume = GameSettings.SHIP_VOLUME;
group.audio.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;
group.audio.playOnAwake = false;

return true;


Thats the most basic form, if there is a way to read out atmospheric forces we could expand this. I'm not a programmer thats the problem ahah. guys can help out?

Edited by ensou04
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Hello! Is this project still on-going? earlier this day I finally decided to take a shot at that IVA sound effects "ship rattle, shaking, metal sounds"

Idea was to use geeForce_immediate to readout gravitational forces applied to entire ship. But im not really a programmer but I manage to play and apply the sound to the vessel but it was oddly in playing in fastforward.

So I removed the code, but basically here's the logic behind it:

Edit: I redid it, im going to test now if this works:

EDIT: IT does work!

[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)]
public class ShipEffectsMain : MonoBehaviour
public FXGroup shipFx;
public bool shipFxSet;
public string soundclip = "ShipEffects/Sounds/sound1";
private Vessel vessel;

bool gamePaused = false;

void Awake()

void Start()
shipFx = new FXGroup("ShipFXGroup");
vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
shipFxSet = createGroup (shipFx, vessel, soundclip, true);

void Update()
if (!gamePaused && CameraManager.Instance.currentCameraMode == CameraManager.CameraMode.IVA) {
shipFx.audio.Play (); Debug.Log ("sound playing");


double geeForce = vessel.geeForce_immediate;
if (geeForce > 1.1f) {
shipFx.audio.volume = 1f;
Debug.Log ("Gforce Sound on");
} else {
shipFx.audio.volume = 0;
Debug.Log ("Gforce Sound off");
} else {


void onGamePaused()
gamePaused = true;

void onGameUnpaused()
gamePaused = false;

void OnDestroy()
GameEvents.onGamePause.Remove(new EventVoid.OnEvent(onGamePaused));
GameEvents.onGameUnpause.Remove(new EventVoid.OnEvent(onGameUnpaused));

public bool createGroup(FXGroup group, Vessel vessel, string clip, bool loop)
group.audio = vessel.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
group.audio.clip = GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip (clip);
group.audio.loop = loop;
group.audio.bypassEffects = true;
group.audio.volume = GameSettings.SHIP_VOLUME;
group.audio.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;
group.audio.playOnAwake = false;

return true;


Thats the most basic form, if there is a way to read out atmospheric forces we could expand this. I'm not a programmer thats the problem ahah. guys can help out?

Excellent work ensouensou! It sounds like you're making good progress! Keep it up! What atmospheric forces are you looking for that you're not getting from vessel.geeForce_immediate?

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Excellent work ensouensou! It sounds like you're making good progress! Keep it up! What atmospheric forces are you looking for that you're not getting from vessel.geeForce_immediate?

Thanks bro!, Actually Now that I improved upon it, I dont think we need it at all! Here's an update!

This time, im converting the geeforces into a number usable to control the volume. have you tried the code? I also made sure your Atmospheric Sound Enhancement mod doesnt apply the filters to the sounds used :D

Edit: Its done! I already made my own post here it is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114471-WIP-ShipEffects-Sound-Mod-%28Dynamic-IVA-Ship-Sound-Effects

But here's a video demo!


[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)]
public class ShipEffectsMain : MonoBehaviour
public FXGroup shipFx;
public bool shipFxSet;
public string soundclip = "ShipEffects/Sounds/sound1";
private Vessel vessel;
bool gamePaused = false;
float gftoVol;

void Awake()

void Start()
shipFx = new FXGroup("ShipFXGroup");
vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
shipFxSet = createGroup (shipFx, vessel, soundclip, true);

void Update()
if (!gamePaused) {
if (!shipFx.audio.isPlaying) {
shipFx.audio.Play ();
if (CameraManager.Instance.currentCameraMode == CameraManager.CameraMode.IVA) {
double geeForce = vessel.geeForce_immediate;
Debug.Log (gftoVol);

gftoVol = (float)geeForce - 1f;

if (geeForce < 2.0f) {
shipFx.audio.volume = gftoVol;
if (geeForce > 2.0f) {
shipFx.audio.volume = 1.0f;

} else {
shipFx.audio.volume = 0;

} else {

shipFx.audio.Stop ();

void onGamePaused()
gamePaused = true;

void onGameUnpaused()
gamePaused = false;

void OnDestroy()
GameEvents.onGamePause.Remove(new EventVoid.OnEvent(onGamePaused));
GameEvents.onGameUnpause.Remove(new EventVoid.OnEvent(onGameUnpaused));

public bool createGroup(FXGroup group, Vessel vessel, string clip, bool loop)
group.audio = vessel.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
group.audio.clip = GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip (clip);
group.audio.loop = loop;
group.audio.bypassEffects = true;
group.audio.volume = GameSettings.SHIP_VOLUME;
group.audio.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;
group.audio.playOnAwake = false;
group.audio.panLevel = 1f;

return true;


Edited by ensou04
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This does look cool. Though, the wheel sound does sound a bit too much like some sort of video game car's engine.

So, if I use it, I'll probably trade that for something that sounds more like a little electric motor.

Plus, the scraping sound sounds like a jet engine?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just posting here to mention I'm going to start contributing to this project. cross-post with reddit: I'm a trained audio engineer who applied to Pixar last weekend. I did sound design projects in college but realized my portfolio was lacking...thus I'm turning my attention to modding/improving KSP. I'd like to improve sound in KSP through stock/loyalty free sounds and my own sound design. I need to learn more about how Unity handles sound...any input there would be appreciated...

Things that need to be fixed:

-KSC sounds. There are no trees near KSC and yet there are birds during the day and night. What I'd like to see is wind/bay noise and crickets during the night. These should decrease in volume as you zoom out, while wind/atmosphere noise should increase. Just like when zooming in on your space craft.

-Rover wheel noise

-Better wind/turbulence noise

-landing gear/drill/mech noise

-Panning that isn't so extreme when rotating around a spacecraft/map view.

-Sound on planets with atmospheres. Some of these sounds could be realistic, others cartoony...like those found in Wall-e.

-what's with that sound tick/glitch when ascending? It's either a notification of breaking the sound barrier or completing a mission.

-more menu sounds, loading music

Edited by jtn191
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Another piece of the puzzle: Water Sounds adds an idle water sound effect for when you're floating around after splashdown.

Just posting here to mention I'm going to start contributing to this project.

Glad to hear it! There's much to be improved by someone with the right audio skills!

Whilst your at it, maybe take a look at a bug I found regarding the panning of sound / 3D sounds of engines


Thanks, I haven't noticed this one before. I've tried to reproduce it but I'm not seeing it. Can you make a video?

From today's dev notes:

And lastly, I reckon it turned out for the best that we couldn’t include the audio pass we had planned for the 1.0 release due to time constraints, because Unity5 has the most awesome audio toolset I’ve ever seen in a game engine. Imagine tools you’d find in pro audio software like Audition or ProTools, inside the game engine. Multi-channel mixing, EQ control at runtime, the works! It would have been such a wasted opportunity had we managed to get the audio revision in on time for 1.0… Good things did come for those who waited in this case.

Good news for audio in stock KSP!

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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That is good news! Here's my pack of toggle switch sounds http://www.freesound.org/people/jtn191/sounds/274521/ It's small, but they could be played when engaging lights, SAS, RCS, action groups. Also working on Kerbal movement sounds. Hard to sync those when your computer records video below 30 fps...

walking Valentina v2,

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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