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On which planet did you Aerobrake for your 1st time?


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Well, it was just today in fact. I sent up Jeb in a small pod, then set it on a barely-suborbital path, EVA'd Jeb, used KAS to grab a parachute and deploy it while still grabbed, drifted on EVA for awhile. Followed by a quadruple aerobrake. The atmosphere didn't quite kill enough velocity, and I just arced out of the atmosphere and aerobraked again. I wonder if it still counts as B.A.S.E. jumping if it's from an orbiting spacecraft.

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This should be a poll. And as pointed out it should be worded to include "...without immediately landing on the surface" and probably "intentionally".

My first aerobrake was on Kerbin, during my first flight that made it out of the atmosphere.

My first aerobrake without immediately landing on the surface was also Kerbin, because I grossly overestimated how far up I needed to be to brake and land. I skipped off the atmosphere and went back out for a few more orbits before landing.

My first aerobrake while intentionally not landing on the surface was Duna. I braked there to land on Ike.

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It's easy to say "Kerbin", but I don't think I actually aerobraked there first, more like re-entered.

My first aerobrake maneuver was actually Jool. Jeb, Bob, and Bill were testing out using nuclear rockets for deep space voyaging and were going to orbit some and return. Anyway, it *didn't* end well.

2nd was at Duna. Also an orbit and return mission. It *didn't* end well either, although everyone survived. Rescue mission was exciting, and the rescue the rescue mission was even more exciting!

3rd was Eve... With a sweet return ship. It *didn't* end well... A pattern?

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first time i used aerobraking was an ill planned trip to jool. I need fuel for transfer burns to the moons, but knew I had not enough....enter Jool...

i found an altitude in the atmo that clung me out to tycho and shaved about half my velocity.


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Jool, it was my first interplanetary mission and was aiming for Bop to find the Kraken. I was reading on the forums for aerobraking and thought to myself let's try it. The capture was a success and i had an encounter with Bop after a small correction. After that Eve and lastly Duna. The most scary one was Duna due to the low altitude

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No need to lie,Kerbin.Everyone first aerobraked on kerbin while returing back from mission :)

It was Jool and it was so awesome, I took pictures through the whole nail

biting experience.

-huge snip-

Then I crashed on Laythe.

Next time use imgur album

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