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I have a rover on the Mun, (I can't get a picture right now, I will tomorrow though) and it won't move.

At all.

It has two Gigantor solar panels (plenty of power), and none of the wheels are broken. Help?

EDIT: I also had the same problem with a completely separate rover on duna. They both worked fine on kerbin.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by TechnicalK3rbal
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I had this problem, too!

I landed on Dres with a rover ( Unmanned, but has seats) docked underneath, It had one small ( 1 x 6 ) Solar panel and 6 RTG's, so it had plenty of power, when I landed and un docked, the rover wasn't moving, it can only move the wheels left and right, even when jeb is controlling it, I re loaded my save, and what I did to fix this problem is open the solar panel BEFORE un docking then undock, and voila you have a functional rover!

Also check these:

1. If rovers are broken ( not attatched to craft )

2. It has power, or solar panels folded?

3. Maybe just an error?

Try what I did then try it again!

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Check the brakes - when I can't get a rover to move, that's usually the problem. If the brakes are off, make sure the wheels are getting power. If they are, try putting the controls into docking mode and hold down the "W" key on the keyboard. If nothing happens then, well......time to try SCE to AUX.

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