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Hi All. Is 146 hours rubbish and slow trying just to get to the Mun and orbiting or is it dedication lol. Today I have finally orbited Mun with my Rocket after 146 Hours its orbiting 61km and 60KM above mun. I have finally also figured out how to do Asparagus staging for the fule. I just cant believe it took me 146 hours to learn. lol. How long did it take you?. I no there still lots to learn but this is a big brake threw for me. I don't no why but listening to Two Steps from Hell and Audio Machine at the same time must have helped as this is the only thing different I have done since playing.

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You won't believe this, but the first time I orbited Kerbin, it was a accident.

I'm not even kidding. It was a whole darned accident. My rocket tipped over sideways while I was making coffee, and stayed there. When I came back, I was in a stable high orbit.

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I made a successful orbit back in 0.16. I think it took me collectively less than 20 hours - of course I took ''inspiration'' from other designs. Trial and Error - lots of error :3

However, I have only just made my first successful Mun landing - in 0.22. Granted, I wasn't playing that much for a while ^^ The upshot is, now I learned to land on celestial bodies with no atmosphere ^^

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It too k me about two weeks of gameplay, about 4 hours a day, to figure it out. That's 56 hours. But of course I'm a fast learner, everyone goes at their own pace. Never give up, the first time you land will feel soooooooo good!

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I don't really keep track of hours but of launches... that said

I started with the 13.3 demo and before I managed an orbit was hooked so paid for whatever version was active then... (think it was 17 or there abouts).

After about 20 launches I managed an orbit that could be charitably called eliptical (As I recall it was 73 km by 560 km). Lack of knowledge of gravity turns and a tendency (still active tendency) of underpowred 1st stages seemed to really hamper me. It was another 50 or so launches before I was able to hit an orbital target height regularly. Then docking ports arrived and I had to start all over.

I downloaded 10 mods (KW, Nova, HOME and other bobcat stuff, random odds and ends I now forget, and mech jeb) and proceeded to suck for a long time again. 20 more launches to get a feel for all the new parts, 10 more to figure out Mech Jeb enough to be lazy. So another 30 launches total for docking parts with mods into space.

All was well, only a big tweak since then was the ASAS redo, which only had a 10 launch learning curve. That is until Career mode.

I play career with remote tech mod which means I need a line of sight to mission control between all my unmanned craft to maintain control. I have since learned the joys of reaching an orbit from a loss of signal launch, and career itself being brutal (20 launches till orbit for my style of rockets).

I am glad you got a a long time in before actually getting to orbit. I did too and it made the game a lot more fun. Now that you are up, check out KurtMac and Scott Manley vids on youtube for launch tips and tricks. (my vids are less instructive and more silly).

Keep flying and get some vids so we can watch


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I'm at 140 hours and 135 of that was spent going to the Mun and back, as i was unable to do anything else :P Though the last 5 hours have moved quite fast, landed my first interplanetary probe on Eve, and my first rover on Duna. Gonna make a trip to Ike and Gilly, then aim for the Jool System ( i'll give you the update in another 300 hours of gameplay :P )

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To me, 146 hours of enjoyment out of ANY video game is nothing short of astonishing these days when companies are advertising "40 hours of gameplay

Well, Squad could start advertising 3,000+ hours of enjoyable gaming. Assuming you LOVE this game.

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It took me about 1.5 hours for my first docking. I think I went into orbit with my second or third rocket? I don't remember, it seems like ages since my first flight in version 0.18.2

EDIT: I don't have steam by the way

Edited by team.leit
forgot something
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Played career mode, learned to use the limited tech for orbits, learned to use the nodes, learned to land on Mun and other celestial bodies, figured out some spaceplane basics.

Then I unlocked the orange tanks and spent 8h to design a ship that would make it into orbit. I finally made MechJeb work again - it's a big helper for these design jobs.

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According to my screenshots folder, my first successful (and non-cheat-y) Mun landing was 10 December 2011. Since 0.12 introduced the Mun, that means it took me somewhere in the neighborhood of a month to figure it all out. Back then I was at it around 2 to 3 hours a day, so I'd guess it took somewhere around 75 hours to figure it all out? That's if you include the first 20 or so hours I was playing KSP, wherein most of my time was spent purposely building rockets that would just blow up if I tried to launch them. Back then, of course, we had no maneuver nodes or patched conics; it was about a hundred times harder to get to the Mun if you didn't know the details about the correct phase angle for Munar intercept as a result.

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Since we're all reporting our personal stats...

I don't know how many hours it was, but I went from not knowing what KSP was to landing on Mun and getting a safe return for the 3 Kerbonauts within a weekend. I did this all in the demo and told myself that if I wanted more after that, I'd buy the game.

Needless to say I bought the game :)

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I don't remember exactly how long it took for the first time, but I recall it took about two days of constant playing or so before I could *efficiently* get something in a decent orbit and then land it on the moon.

A lot of the challenge was designing a spacecraft that could do it. XD

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To me, 146 hours of enjoyment out of ANY video game is nothing short of astonishing these days when companies are advertising "40 hours of gameplay!"

So I call that a major win on your part :)

What I find depressing is these dozens of hours of gameplay is pumped up because of the grinding needed to get achievements or levels. Take the grind out of modern games, and the story's done in far, far less.

But KSP is different. even with the career mode, it's not really grindy. People have already posted videos of being able to max the tech tree in two launches... and that is absolutely anti-grind... Squad has this nailed down, where the reported hours of gameplay could possibly be an underestimate, rather than an inflated figure.

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