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My number is bigger than yours!, Redux


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Well, it looks like there's just been some kind of organic reset. SunJumper is the winner of round 1. I didn't really plan for one, but it would be good to give the non-large-number-enthusiasts a chance too.

With that said,

Sx = 10x

My number is S6.

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were TF=transfinite number

a transfinite number is the largest theorized number,it would take an uncalculatable amount of space to simple store the size of a transfinite number(its bigger than a googleplex or grahms number).

EDIT: this doesn't violate rule 5, given infinite time and space i could write it out in full...

Edited by jaidens111
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's 18 digits! You haven't broken the spirit of the rules (which was mainly to avoid exponent walls, which were a big problem in the first thread), but try not to go over the limit.

Since your post is stretching the boundaries of exponentiation, I'm going to go into the wonderful land of tetration.

8100 + 1.

Wow, that's pretty compact for a number so immensely huge. This number can also be expressed using only ASCII as 100^^8 + 1.

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a = 10000

b = int(input('Please enter a number: '))

c = a ** b

print ©

C is the number. This makes me first as for you can do any number. The number can be a huge one, like 10^20, but as for it can be any number, it makes this work. Forever. It doesn't break rules, it's just loop holed it.



a = 10000

b is a input, input any number you want

c is answer

a ** b = a ^ b

Edited by TheCanadianVendingMachine
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Sorry, but integers only go up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615; this means that any larger number isn't particularly attainable with your python code if my knowledge is correct. I've also added a new rule 8 to allow functions like that without making them OP.

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I think that your pentation was larger than that anyway.

Anyway... (100↑↑↑3)!+1

Never forget the factorial! Or the +1.

Apologies for my grave transgression.


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