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BROKEN [0.90] TextureReplacer 2.1.2 (20.12.2014)


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So um... I'd like a texture pack that remodels the stock parts. Maybe remove the dents and make them simpler.

I see absolutely no texture packs that mess with the part textures. Only the skybox and planets. Is there a reason?

KSPRC replaces some stock part textures: several 2.5 m tanks, MK1-2 Pod, Crew cabin, ladders, landing legs ...

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  • KSP never generates mipmaps for PNGs and JPEGs. TextureReplacer fixes this by generating mipmaps under paths specified in the configuration file. Other images are omitted to avoid making UI icons of various plugins blurry when not using the full texture quality.

Can you help me get this working?

I do not understand mipmaps at all, wondering if thats what the problem is.... Im an old Cobol programer and haven't messed with C stuff very much. I think this is visual C and this is the first time I have messed with that, if it is visual C. (Im learning the rules the hard way, trial and error lol)

I am fairly sure I have all my textures in the right places but, for some reason, It is not putting the correct heads or suits on my kerbals and I don't have a normal map for my heads. (but i don't think I need one)

They do not take off their eva helmets/or suits in breathable air.

It is not creating female kerbal applicants.

Everyone has the same head and the same EVA Suit but they have the correct IVA suits on, its like the only file its reading in my suit file folder is the kerbalMainGrey and adding the EVAtexture... from somewhere I do not know, I have that EVA texture in a couple different suits that i built.

It also looks like Jeb and my custom kerbals names... the font messed up or it has a ghost image or something, it looks weird (but I can live with this, it makes Jeb and my custom kerbals names stand out lol) and thats why im wondering if I need to read up on mipmaps.

Im working with a fresh install of KSPx86 that has never been run. The ONLY mods I have are ModuleManager .2.3.5, ActiveTextureManagement x86 (ATM full version not basic) and TextureReplacer.

I have removed EVERYTHING from my default folder because i thought that was the texture that was... being applied to all my kerbals and i included it all in the suits folders and deleted the default suit entirely).

Im racking my brain trying get this working and Im to a point that i just don't know what to try.

I am working on a HUGE 'modpack' for both x64 and x86. I have it all working in x64 except this and hoping it can handle all the extra head and suit textures! lol x86 is a lot tougher to get working because of the memory limitations but i haven't given up. I will HAVE to get this working right first and then eliminate all the textures I can for it to work in x86. Im also trying to make an installer so that if anyone wants to use my 'mod pack', all they have to do is download my pack and extract it into their game. This would be easier if all the mods i use were AVC ready but their not so I guess I'll decided how to handle that once Im to that point. I hate to think that Id have to make a new pack every time one of the mods update. I guess thats why you have to download all the mods, one at a time, but that needs to change, in my opinion. Im thinking these modpacks need to be more like expansion packs because most people are not going to go threw... all of this to get their game looking like... mine.

I used GreenSkull's KSP-Pack-v0.38 to install Texture replacer and then I added all the textures I have in the locations that the GreenSkull instructions said to put them.

I have not added any planet textures yet

I did add a bunch of heads and suits but the suits I ended up building, then I added all the normal maps to the suits folders, thinking maybe that would do it.

(so I have a lot of extra copies of my normal maps,... except for a head normal map, I do not have one at all)

do I need a "GreenSkull" or "default folder in "Gamedata" with all the textures that arn't loading from the suit folder in texture replacer and then map it in the config?

Its called @GreenSkull but I used your @default as... a starting point and then changed the name because... I didn't know what else to try lol

this is my config: (my persistent is below my config, after the line)



// Texture compression reduces textures size to 1/6 or 1/4 and hence reduces

// memory usage (video and possibly also RAM if a texture is "readable") and

// improves performance (less data has to be transferred to GPU).

// Possible options: `always`, `never` and `auto`. Auto means it is enabled

// unless Active Texture Management mod is detected.

isCompressionEnabled = auto

// Generate mipmaps for PNGs and JPEGs in certain directories (specified in

// the next option) to a fix KSP bug that doesn't generate mipmaps for these

// images and makes them look ugly under sharp angles.

// Possible options: `always`, `never` and `auto`. Auto means it is enabled

// unless Active Texture Management mod is detected.

isMipmapGenEnabled = auto

mipmapDirSubstrings = /FX/ /Parts/ /Spaces/ TextureReplacer/ KAS/ Engineer/ FASA/ ASET/ FusTek/

// List of regular expressions that trigger mipmap generation when matching

// the path of a texture that is missing mipmaps. These should cover all model

// textures but not UI icons. The strings are case-sensitive on all platforms.

// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.

// Duplicated lists are joined.

generateMipmaps = /FX/ /Parts/ /Spaces/ ^TextureReplacer/ ^KAS/ ^FASA/ ^ASET/

// Some textures (all JPEGs, PNGs and TGAs plus MBM tagged as "readable") are

// kept loaded in RAM. Since this feature is rarely actually needed those

// textures can be unloaded just before the main menu.

// Possible options: `always`, `never` and `auto`. Auto means it is enabled

// unless Active Texture Management mod is detected.

isUnloadingEnabled = never

// Prevent unloading for textures whose paths match the following regular

// expressions. Some mods access and modify textures, so those shouldn't be

// unloaded.

// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.

// Duplicated lists are joined.

keepLoaded = /FX/ MFD ^BoulderCo/ ^CommunityResourcePack/ ^Romfarer/textures/

keepLoaded = ^WarpPlugin/

// Replace helmet visor shader to support reflections (EVA only).

isVisorReflectionEnabled = true

// Reflection colour. Reflection is multiplied by this RGB colour before it is

// added to the visor colour.

visorReflectionColour = 0.985 0.785 0.785

// Spawn a Kerbal on EVA in his/her IVA suit without helmet and jetpack when

// in breathable atmosphere (oxygen + sufficent pressure).

isAtmSuitEnabled = true

// Minimum air pressure required for a Kerbal to spawn in his/her IVA suit.

atmSuitPressure = 0.5

// Remove IVA helmets in safe situations (landed/splashed and in orbit).

isHelmetRemovalEnabled = true



// Custom heads and suits for specific Kerbals. Entries are of the form:


// Name = headTex [suitDir]


// where `headTex` is an image (without extension) inside `Heads/` and

// `suitDir` is a subdirectory inside `Suits/` containing textures for a

// suit. `DEFAULT` keeps the default head/suit textures from `Default/` and

// `GENERIC` assigns a generic head/suit using the same rules as for the

// generic Kerbals. If `suitDir` is missing then `GENERIC` is assumed.


// Examples:


// Huey Kerman = head1 Suit1

// Dewey Kerman = head2 DEFAULT

// Louie Kerman = head3

// Donald Kerman = DEFAULT DEFAULT

// Daisy Kerman = DEFAULT

// Scrooge Kerman = GENERIC Suit2


Enrich Eduranium = m1a GSI_Black_Suit

Richard Cranium = m1g GSI_Black_Suit

Orkey Dorky = SpacepigHead GSI_Dorky_Suit

Jebediah Kerman = JEBkerbalHead Orange_Suit

Bob Kerman = BOBkerbalHead Orange_Suit

Bill Kerman = BILLkerbalHead Orange_Suit




// Prevent the following heads from being assigned to generic Kerbals.

// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.

// Duplicated lists are joined.

excludedHeads = JEBkerbalHead, m1g, m1a, SpacepigHead, BOBkerbalHead, BillkerbalHead,

// Prevent the following suits from being assigned to generic Kerbals.

// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.

// Duplicated lists are joined.

excludedSuits = Orange_Suit, GSI_Black_Suit, GSI_Dorky_Suit,

// Female heads. Those will only be paired with female suits.

// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.

// Duplicated lists are joined.

femaleHeads = f1a, f1b, f1c, f1d, f1e, f1f, f1g, f1h, f1i, f1j, f1k, f1l, f1m, kerbalHead_f10, kerbalHead_f11, kerbalHead_f12, kerbalHead_f20, kerbalHead_f21, kerbalHead_f30, kerbalHead_f31, kerbalHead_f32, KerminHead1, KerminHead2,

// Female suits. Those will only be paired with female heads.

// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.

// Duplicated lists are joined.

femaleSuits = Blue_Female_Suit, Blue2_Female_Suit, Red2_Female_Suit, Red2_Female_Suit, White_Female_Suit, White_Female_Suit, Yellow_Female_Suit, Yellow2_Female_Suit,

// Regular expressions for female names (the last word/surname is removed).

// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.

// Duplicated lists are joined.

femaleNames = [ei][elns]$ [belmns]y$ i(ng)?$ a$ oe$

// Eye-less heads. Eyes will be hidden for those heads, so one can paint

// custom ones on the head texture.

// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.

// Duplicated lists are joined.

eyelessHeads =

// Whether generic suits should be assigned pseudo-randomly based on a

// Kerbal's name's hash or consecutively based on a Kerbal's position in

// the global roster.

// Possible options: `random` or `consecutive`.

suitAssignment = random




// Cabin-specific suits. These are enforced even if a Kerbal has a custom

// suit. Entries are of the form:


// partName = suitDir


// where `partName` is the name of a part (`name = ...` in `part.cfg`) and

// `suitDir` is either a suit directory from `Suits/` or `DEFAULT`.


// NOTE: Any underscore in `partName` has to be replaced a dot.


// Examples:


// Mark1Cockpit = PilotSuit

// crewCabin = DEFAULT





Im wondering if there is something in My persistent file that i haven't changed and need to... the only thing I have done in this, so far, is Add my custom kerbals so I think this is all good but here it is incase i missed reading something I needed to read. I swear, my brain feels like a marshemello lol



version = 0.24.2

Title = Enriched Uranium (CAREER)

Description = No description available.

linkURL =

linkCaption =


Status = 1

scene = 5

flag = NASAmission/Flags/NASA

launchID = 1





CanQuickSave = True

CanQuickLoad = True

CanAutoSave = True

CanUseMap = True

CanSwitchVesselsNear = True

CanSwitchVesselsFar = True

CanTimeWarpHigh = True

CanTimeWarpLow = True

CanEVA = True

CanIVA = True

CanBoard = True

CanRestart = True

CanLeaveToEditor = True

CanLeaveToTrackingStation = True

CanLeaveToSpaceCenter = True

CanLeaveToMainMenu = False




CanSave = True

CanLoad = True

CanStartNew = True

CanLaunch = True

CanLeaveToSpaceCenter = True

CanLeaveToMainMenu = False

startUpMode = 0

craftFileToLoad =




CanFlyVessel = True

CanAbortVessel = True

CanLeaveToSpaceCenter = True

CanLeaveToMainMenu = False




CanGoInVAB = True

CanGoInSPH = True

CanGoInTrackingStation = True

CanLaunchAtPad = True

CanLaunchAtRunway = True

CanLeaveToMainMenu = True




MissingCrewsRespawn = True

AllowStockVessels = False





name = ScenarioDiscoverableObjects

scene = 7, 8, 5

= 1635869231



key = 0 0 1.5 1.5

key = 0.3 0.45 0.875 0.875

key = 0.7 0.55 0.875 0.875

key = 1 1 1.5 1.5





name = ContractSystem

scene = 7, 8, 5, 6, 9

update = 29.0399999999995





guid = 6f656cf2-efda-41e8-9340-9dcbac2cbc14

type = AltitudeRecord

prestige = 0

seed = 582680900

state = Offered

agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society

deadlineType = None

expiryType = None

values = 0,0,458.715587854385,2293.57793927193,500,0,10.9,0,0,0,0,0

alt = 5000



name = AltitudeRecord

state = Incomplete

values = 0,0,0,0,0

alt = 5000





guid = 31acdcf4-343c-4ecb-88ad-b141e315938d

type = OrbitKerbin

prestige = 2

seed = 582680901

state = Offered

agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society

deadlineType = None

expiryType = None

values = 0,0,14763.7791931629,59055.1167726517,18750,30,142.24,0,0,0,0,0



name = EnterOrbit

state = Incomplete

values = 0,0,0,0,0

body = 1





guid = 5cefd437-33fd-4016-8f76-b1ae2f55e747

type = ReachSpace

prestige = 2

seed = 582680905

state = Offered

agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society

deadlineType = None

expiryType = None

values = 0,0,9448.81868362427,29527.5583863258,12000,15,95.25,0,0,0,0,0



name = ReachSpace

state = Incomplete

values = 0,0,0,0,0





guid = cf2a47a3-5942-4efc-9038-876ff571f2e2

type = FirstLaunch

prestige = 0

seed = 582680908

state = Offered

agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society

deadlineType = None

expiryType = None

values = 0,0,1834.86235141754,4587.15587854385,2000,5,10.9,0,0,0,0,0



name = LaunchVessel

state = Incomplete

values = 0,0,0,0,0







name = Funding

scene = 7, 8, 5, 6, 9

funds = 10000




name = ProgressTracking

scene = 7, 8, 5







name = ResearchAndDevelopment

scene = 7, 8, 5, 6, 9

sci = 0



id = start

state = Available

part = mk1pod

part = liquidEngine

part = solidBooster

part = fuelTankSmall

part = trussPiece1x

part = longAntenna

part = parachuteSingle





name = VesselRecovery

scene = 5, 7, 8, 6, 9




name = Reputation

scene = 7, 8, 5, 6, 9

rep = 0




version = 0.24.2

UT = 30.7999999999995

activeVessel = 0



pid = 4d8733a80bc8465387a051549388daf5

name = Ast. HSJ-227

type = SpaceObject


landed = False

landedAt =

splashed = False

met = 0

lct = 0

root = 0

lat = -2.83448087518376

lon = 181.081275493736

alt = 14594724946.8721

hgt = -1

nrm = 0,1,0

rot = -0.2984336,0.402898,-0.8173988,0.283672

CoM = 0,0,0

stg = 0

prst = False

ref = 0

ctrl = False



SMA = 15240602753.6903

ECC = 0.109160220665998

INC = 2.8722370123103

LPE = 2.11729351758543

LAN = 261.773336038703

MNA = 6.22770555284234

EPH = 2043585.73608398

REF = 0




name = PotatoRoid

uid = 559298752

mid = 559298752

launchID = 0

parent = 0

position = 0,0,0

rotation = 0,0,0,1

mirror = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sqor = 0

sidx = 0

attm = 0

srfN = None, -1

mass = 150

temp = -1

expt = 0.1

state = 1

connected = True

attached = True

flag =

rTrf =

modCost = 0







state = 1

lastObservedTime = 0

lifetime = 586354.751586914

refTime = 1728000

size = 4











pid = c202ba3d419548619ec40318876844ed

name = Ast. SJD-297

type = SpaceObject


landed = False

landedAt =

splashed = False

met = 13.7799999999998

lct = 13.7799999999998

root = 0

lat = -1.30290356501302

lon = 194.302122820935

alt = 16143103598.9932

hgt = -1

nrm = 0,1,0

rot = 0.01944295,0.6074048,-0.2412273,0.7566313

CoM = 0,0,0

stg = 0

prst = False

ref = 0

ctrl = False



SMA = 15321309037.9201

ECC = 0.111895432535909

INC = 1.61149967964498

LPE = 7.95808837371615

LAN = 320.370795082181

MNA = 0.00707507061380408

EPH = 3809965.25705078

REF = 0




name = PotatoRoid

uid = 1883036337

mid = 1883036337

launchID = 0

parent = 0

position = 0,0,0

rotation = 0,0,0,1

mirror = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sqor = 0

sidx = 0

attm = 0

srfN = None, -1

mass = 150

temp = -1

expt = 0.1

state = 1

connected = True

attached = True

flag =

rTrf =

modCost = 0







state = 1

lastObservedTime = 13.7799999999998

lifetime = 1515844.99511719

refTime = 1728000

size = 1











pid = 1aaaaae55a054637a4e6342a327cbe18

name = Ast. FYZ-081

type = SpaceObject


landed = False

landedAt =

splashed = False

met = 13.7999999999998

lct = 13.7999999999998

root = 0

lat = 0.464160110872915

lon = 188.805183963284

alt = 14830429064.4403

hgt = -1

nrm = 0,1,0

rot = 0.1463571,0.9308515,-0.1015545,0.3190325

CoM = 0,0,0

stg = 0

prst = False

ref = 0

ctrl = False



SMA = 14404562830.27

ECC = 0.0622464403646299

INC = 0.498344788994094

LPE = 210.953239385451

LAN = 120.162503853721

MNA = 5.84319008908571

EPH = 3136830.42597656

REF = 0




name = PotatoRoid

uid = 1635869231

mid = 1635869231

launchID = 0

parent = 0

position = 0,0,0

rotation = 0,0,0,1

mirror = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sqor = 0

sidx = 0

attm = 0

srfN = None, -1

mass = 150

temp = -1

expt = 0.1

state = 1

connected = True

attached = True

flag =

rTrf =

modCost = 0







state = 1

lastObservedTime = 13.7999999999998

lifetime = 1093994.46716309

refTime = 1728000

size = 4














name = Enrich EdUranium

type = Crew

brave = 0.75

dumb = 0.25

badS = True

state = Available

ToD = 0

idx = -1




name = Richard Cranium

type = Crew

brave = 0.5

dumb = 0.35

badS = True

state = Available

ToD = 0

idx = -1




name = Orkey Dorky

type = Crew

brave = 0.25

dumb = 0.9

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 0

idx = -1




name = Jebediah Kerman

type = Crew

brave = 0.5

dumb = 0.5

badS = True

state = Available

ToD = 0

idx = -1




name = Bill Kerman

type = Crew

brave = 0.5

dumb = 0.8

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 0

idx = -1




name = Bob Kerman

type = Crew

brave = 0.3

dumb = 0.1

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 0

idx = -1




name = Thompuki Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.4337115

dumb = 0.0296998

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 145966.660650024

idx = -1




name = Enster Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.3994258

dumb = 0.1319301

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 103840.742452393

idx = -1




name = Gregtrey Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.08128536

dumb = 0.01936448

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 102931.980855713

idx = -1




name = Shelsby Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.5327902

dumb = 0.7579666

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 180613.896901855

idx = -1




name = Gildon Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.9774332

dumb = 0.7275898

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 210184.24449707

idx = -1




name = Samke Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.944778

dumb = 0.2899262

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 96550.1945092773

idx = -1




name = Genemore Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.3867871

dumb = 0.787923

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 133205.559880981

idx = -1




name = Aldgel Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.8986008

dumb = 0.09640038

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 254642.659719238

idx = -1




name = Ersel Kerman

type = Applicant

brave = 0.04498541

dumb = 0.8207208

badS = False

state = Available

ToD = 104264.203603516

idx = -1





flash = False



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Also, is there a way to replace the loading screen art?

Currently not. The loading screen is shown before textures are even loaded. However, I think it can be done with ATM, it loads textures before the loading screen and also supports replacing certain textures.

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Yes, i'm using TR. I've checked the textures over carefully also and it shouldn't be causing seams.

I've tested some other skybox textures, but cube edges are not visible. I also double-checked the code and it's still there, it sets clamp mode on all `GalaxyTex_*` textures loaded from `Default/`.

Could you upload your textures?

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Can you help me get this working?

I do not understand mipmaps at all, wondering if thats what the problem is.... Im an old Cobol programer and haven't messed with C stuff very much. I think this is visual C and this is the first time I have messed with that, if it is visual C. (Im learning the rules the hard way, trial and error lol)

I am fairly sure I have all my textures in the right places but, for some reason, It is not putting the correct heads or suits on my kerbals and I don't have a normal map for my heads. (but i don't think I need one)

They do not take off their eva helmets/or suits in breathable air.

It is not creating female kerbal applicants.

Everyone has the same head and the same EVA Suit but they have the correct IVA suits on, its like the only file its reading in my suit file folder is the kerbalMainGrey and adding the EVAtexture... from somewhere I do not know, I have that EVA texture in a couple different suits that i built.

It also looks like Jeb and my custom kerbals names... the font messed up or it has a ghost image or something, it looks weird (but I can live with this, it makes Jeb and my custom kerbals names stand out lol) and thats why im wondering if I need to read up on mipmaps.

Im working with a fresh install of KSPx86 that has never been run. The ONLY mods I have are ModuleManager .2.3.5, ActiveTextureManagement x86 (ATM full version not basic) and TextureReplacer.

I have removed EVERYTHING from my default folder because i thought that was the texture that was... being applied to all my kerbals and i included it all in the suits folders and deleted the default suit entirely).

Mipmapping is a technique where you generate smaller (1/2, 1/4, 1/8 etc.) versions of each texture. When you look a textures surface under a sharp angle or from a long distance, so more than one texture pixel (texel) comes per one screen pixel, the texture data is read from one of the smaller images instead. This is to prevent some ugly patterns that occur when you e.g. read ever second, every third etc. texel from a texture. Examples:



Are you sure you have the latest TR? You issues look very similar to those people had when TR <= 1.6.0 was crashing on KSP 0.24. It correctly replaces textures from `Default/` but doesn't personalise textures nor remove helmet because TR crashes when it tries to read information about a specific Kerbal.

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Its working great now, thanks so much, for pointing me in the right direction. The link on this that gives you GreenSkull space suits... if you download the stock KSP pack ( KSP-Pack-v0.38 ), it has the wrong TR in it and if you follow the directions it will never work, like i just found out. lol Anyway, I don't know if Green Skull is still making new stuff or not but you might want to kill the link or put a note on this informing people that they shouldn't use the TR in the GreenSkull packs. I can usually get this stuff working without help so I spent a couple days trying b4 I asked for help... Maybe I should ask sooner when i get stuck... hey lol jk

Edited by Enriched Uranium
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One other thing, if i use all the same normal maps for everything, can I just have them in the default folder and not in all my custom suits? And if I decide to use the same helmet or jetpack on everyone....

basicly, can I just put the custom textures I need in the suit folder and everything thats going to be the same in default, to cut down on memory usage for my 32bit version?

I am limited to only 6Gb of Ram for the 32bit version. I already know i won't be able to use all my custom suits but I might be able to use more if this works like I am thinking it does.

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One other thing, if i use all the same normal maps for everything, can I just have them in the default folder and not in all my custom suits? And if I decide to use the same helmet or jetpack on everyone....

basicly, can I just put the custom textures I need in the suit folder and everything thats going to be the same in default, to cut down on memory usage for my 32bit version?

I am limited to only 6Gb of Ram for the 32bit version. I already know i won't be able to use all my custom suits but I might be able to use more if this works like I am thinking it does.

Yes. If some texture is missing in a suit's folder, it's "inherited" from `Default/` (actually, the default texture is set on the hidden Kerbal proto-model that gets cloned whenever a new Kerbal model is created. Personalised textures are only set on a specific instance of the Kerbal model).

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Cool, and thanks again. That will let me cut down a lot in both and it might let me get the 32bit version... to where Im happy with it compared to the x64.

If and when I get ready to release this (so others can use all these mods without the headache I have gone threw), your mod will be in it. Do I need to do anything besides including recognition to you and your mod and provide links to TR?

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removed question lol

I used the bumpmap as my normal map instead of the normal map I had for moho and now it looks awesome. lol The bump sure is a smaller file, im glad, but is there any reason I should use the normal map or apply both? ... Im not sure how I would add both so, if i should apply both, Id need to know how... maybe put it in a folder in GameData and generatemipmap to that folder in @default?

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What do you mean by "normal map" and "bump map"? These two terms have exactly the same meaning.

File size doesn't matter. In memory, it's width*height*bpp or, if compressed on graphics card, width*height*32/6 (24 bpp PNG/TGA and JPEG) or width*height*32/4 (32 bpp PNG/TGA).

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What do you mean by "normal map" and "bump map"? These two terms have exactly the same meaning.

File size doesn't matter. In memory, it's width*height*bpp or, if compressed on graphics card, width*height*32/6 (24 bpp PNG/TGA and JPEG) or width*height*32/4 (32 bpp PNG/TGA).

IDK I am saving a lot of memory putting these planet textures in default and removing RSS. Plus it loads a lot faster.

Ok I have a (grey-scale) normal map, a color map, and a height map. but right now I am just using the height map, and the color map.

For example, I do not like the RSS Uranus or Minums so I have taken a topographical map of Uranus and edited it then saved it as NewMunSurfaceMap01.png and put it in default. I took a Hubbel photo of Uranus, edited it, and put it in default as NewMunSurfaceMap00.png.

I still have some work to do on the topographic map but this is what i have so far.


The RSS Mars looks great but the shadows are a bit sharp in the deep craters. And Id like to find a way to put a ring around Uranus/Minums. I was thinking the 3rd image that RSS uses cleans up the sharp shadows in those deep craters. Im not sure but I think I can get this ring around Uranus if i could do the same kinda thing with a 3rd image.

(now keep in mind, I know other coding but I am teaching myself this and I don't know all the terms or all the rules. This is how I learned Basic with my first computer in 1978 lol, trial and error)

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Which Texture Pack is used in the third picture of the OP? The one with the Kerbal orbiting Duna.

Hey Mitchz,

The skybox looks like Raredens, its on of my favourites! I've linked it below.


Not to sure about the suit or heads pack though.

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IDK I am saving a lot of memory putting these planet textures in default and removing RSS. Plus it loads a lot faster.

Ok I have a (grey-scale) normal map, a color map, and a height map. but right now I am just using the height map, and the color map.

For example, I do not like the RSS Uranus or Minums so I have taken a topographical map of Uranus and edited it then saved it as NewMunSurfaceMap01.png and put it in default. I took a Hubbel photo of Uranus, edited it, and put it in default as NewMunSurfaceMap00.png.

I still have some work to do on the topographic map but this is what i have so far.


The RSS Mars looks great but the shadows are a bit sharp in the deep craters. And Id like to find a way to put a ring around Uranus/Minums. I was thinking the 3rd image that RSS uses cleans up the sharp shadows in those deep craters. Im not sure but I think I can get this ring around Uranus if i could do the same kinda thing with a 3rd image.

(now keep in mind, I know other coding but I am teaching myself this and I don't know all the terms or all the rules. This is how I learned Basic with my first computer in 1978 lol, trial and error)

Normal maps are always bluish and generally end with "NRM". Unity internally converts them to heightmaps. The "normal maps" for planets, e.g. "NewMunSurfaceMap01.png" are actually heightmaps, so they have to be greyscale images, brightness telling you the height in each pixel.

I'm not sure about sharp edges on craters. Maybe smoothing heightmap a little might help?

- - - Updated - - -

Is it possible to make a Kerbal wear a specific suit?

make Jebediah wear a commander suit and make Bill and Bob wear engineering and scientist suits

Yes, just look into `@Default.cfg`.

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Which Texture Pack is used in the third picture of the OP? The one with the Kerbal orbiting Duna.

Head is from Extended Sylith's Kerbal heads pack,

suit is from Pimp My Kerbals!,

Duna texture with clouds is from some old Universe Replacer texture pack (look at the reddit link) and

skybox is rareden's.

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never mind. I think I got it now. It wasn't taking my textures right because I had not saved them right. Now its taking them the way I expected it to. Thank you for helping me understand what you did...

This is my Kerbin, I am using a topographic map of Earth and no the colors are not quit right yet. I am making it a future earth, hot and dry and I have not added the ocean yet. Ill have to take out some detail too, I think. (im not changing this anymore tonight lol )


there are a few more pics of it here: http://s245.photobucket.com/user/jhg2007/library/Earth?sort=3&page=1:cool:

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