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[1.0.2]HGR 1.875m parts(v1.3.0 released)


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Hi.. just letting you know that this also seems to be a problem for the Onion module? Same black screen etc. when I try to use it. I've checked but the files are in the right format for me. Are you aware of this issue?

(Apologies if this has been mentioned in one of the pages before; just wanted to hop on and check)

Sorry, I checked into this and it's not something that's happening for me in "stock" conditions. Are there any other mods you have installed that could be interacting with the parts to cause this? Have you tried deleting HGR and reinstalling yet?

In other news, while I'm here. I'm planning to re-purpose the current decoupler as a stack separator and use a new one I am working on. The reason being that I am also working on a new generic heatsheild for HGR and I don't like the way stock uses an auto-shroud to cover heatshields. I'd rather that they were simply fitted to a standard decoupler. See the one on the Corvus.

Edited by Orionkermin
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Sorry, I checked into this and it's not something that's happening for me in "stock" conditions. Are there any other mods you have installed that could be interacting with the parts to cause this? Have you tried deleting HGR and reinstalling yet?

In other news, while I'm here. I'm planning to re-purpose the current decoupler as a stack separator and use a new one I am working on. The reason being that I am also working on a new generic heatsheild for HGR and I don't like the way stock uses an auto-shroud to cover heatshields. I'd rather that they were simply fitted to a standard decoupler. See the one on the Corvus.

Apart from HGR, I've only got Mechjeb installed. I've downloaded the add-on quite a few times to try and resolve the issue, hasn't worked. If it can help I can attach a video of the issue and how I'm formatting the craft. Thanks :D

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I found one more small issue with RPM. I only bring it up because you were so quick to resolve the last issue and I know that you are updating. The green Onion Orbital Module does not spawn with RPM only "stock" IVA. Again this is an amazing mod keep up the good work.

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Orionkermin, I really like this mod! It gives a lot more option to career mode, keep up the good work! I also made a quick and dirty KIS inventory patch for the Lima. Feel free to include it in the next update. Download it here. For installing it, just replace the Lima.cfg in the SoyLima folder with my .cfg:wink:

Edited by ZentroCatson
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Or, even better, have a Module Manager patch so there's no need to overwrite anything:

name = ModuleKISInventory
maxVolume = 1
externalAccess = true
internalAccess = true
slotsX = 4
slotsY = 4
slotSize = 50
itemIconResolution = 128
selfIconResolution = 128
openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove


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Or, even better, have a Module Manager patch so there's no need to overwrite anything:

name = ModuleKISInventory
maxVolume = 1
externalAccess = true
internalAccess = true
slotsX = 4
slotsY = 4
slotSize = 50
itemIconResolution = 128
selfIconResolution = 128
openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove


That's also good. Looks like you did the same thing as me. The internal volume needs to be more than 1, set it to 1000. Otherwise the container can't hold anything:P

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That's also good. Looks like you did the same thing as me. The internal volume needs to be more than 1, set it to 1000. Otherwise the container can't hold anything:P

Heh, that's what I get for copying and pasting your modification into a patch without reading it more closely first. ;)

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Orionkermin, have you fixed the SoyJuice retro rockets yet? If not, this fixes them for me:

name = ModuleEngines
[B] engineID = LES[/B]
[B] powerEffectName = running_closed[/B]
[B] thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform[/B]
throttleLocked = True
exhaustDamage = False
allowShutdown = False
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 50
heatProduction = 550
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
name = SolidFuel
ratio = 1.0
DrawGauge = True
key = 0 100
key = 1 100


name = SolidFuel
amount = 20
maxAmount = 20

FYI, I also increased the fxOffset to 0.25. I don't know if it make any difference.

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Apart from HGR, I've only got Mechjeb installed. I've downloaded the add-on quite a few times to try and resolve the issue, hasn't worked. If it can help I can attach a video of the issue and how I'm formatting the craft. Thanks :D

I had this problem as well. Tracked it down to something going amok in the HGR_RPM.cfg file. Comment it out, all works fine. Put it back in and black screen of nothing when heading to launch pad.

I have deleted old versions of RPM and HGR and MM and can repeat the black screen.

So, I am leaving the MM config out for now.

I will put back in and grab some of the spuge about something not rotating... and list the output logs.

Will be when I get back to machine.

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I had this problem as well. Tracked it down to something going amok in the HGR_RPM.cfg file. Comment it out, all works fine. Put it back in and black screen of nothing when heading to launch pad.

I have deleted old versions of RPM and HGR and MM and can repeat the black screen.

So, I am leaving the MM config out for now.

I will put back in and grab some of the spuge about something not rotating... and list the output logs.

Will be when I get back to machine.

Hmm very strange. I will try to look into this RPM stuff more today at some point. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Would it be legal/ok with you if someone changed your IVAs using ASET props?

Feel free, I don't mind. If you want, you can post a DL link to the alternative interior .cfgs you make and I'll add it to the OP with credit to you of course.

It works with the sketchfab converter thingy:


Very cool, at some point I should add some of these to the OP so people can see the parts in 3d. Does anyone else notice how shiny sketchfab's shaders are?

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Hmm very strange. I will try to look into this RPM stuff more today at some point. Sorry for the inconvenience.

If it helps, this is what I have in my log:

[LOG 10:26:52.975] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 10:26:52.976] Cannot find InternalPart 'Soy2_RPM'
[EXC 10:26:52.977] ArgumentException: The thing you want to instantiate is null.
UnityEngine.Object.CheckNullArgument (System.Object arg, System.String message)
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original)
Part.AddInternalPart (.ConfigNode node)
Part.CreateInternalModel ()
Part.SpawnCrew ()
Vessel.SpawnCrew ()
Vessel.MakeActive ()
FlightGlobals.setActiveVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean force)
FlightGlobals.SetActiveVessel (.Vessel v)
ShipConstruction.AssembleForLaunch (.ShipConstruct ship, System.String landedAt, System.String flagURL, .Game sceneState, .VesselCrewManifest crewManifest)
FlightDriver.Start ()

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I am a huge fan of your parts sir, long time user first time caller, and can confirm that I too am suffering this black screen o' death with some of the command parts. I can also confirm that I'm hugely relieved to see that other people have narrowed it down and are working on it; I don't really know what I'm doing and I've been faffing with my mod installs for hours. Unfortunately I can't help but mad props on everything and I hope the issue can be resolved soon :)

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The black screen of death is fixed using this from the creator. He is aware and it will be fixed in the next update but until then this will get you flying again!! This is the fix for the Green Soy-Juice descent command pod if you are using Raster Prop Monitor

Ok I have a fix for the RPM users that are trying to use the green SoyJuice pod. Basically for whatever reason the RPM internal space got saved as a .txt instead of .cfg. Changing that will fix the issue. Since this is an easy fix I'm going to wait until I get more done and just make sure it's fixed for the next update rather than providing a download.


Edited by SpaceMonkeyExile
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Something i have noticed and bugs me more than it should, No service bays for the part size? its looks odd to have to use the stock ones as then its either just too small or just a little to big. any chance of adding one in at some point? other than that this parts pack adds something i feel needs to be stock at this point. Good job on making it btw!

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Something i have noticed and bugs me more than it should, No service bays for the part size? its looks odd to have to use the stock ones as then its either just too small or just a little to big. any chance of adding one in at some point? other than that this parts pack adds something i feel needs to be stock at this point. Good job on making it btw!

Thanks, my plan is to eventually remake the service modules as hollow structural parts, which could work in a similar fashion as service bays. I'd like to make a generic one eventually as well.

Can you include craft files in the next update?

I will try to add some for the next update, but I haven't been playing much so they might not be amazing. I will most likely just put together a few examples of how things can go together.

Just to give everyone a heads up, I'm still working on the mod, I've just been pretty busy lately and have been games other than KSP in my spare time. This means not as much time for me to work on new stuff, but don't worry work wont stop, it just might be a little slow for a bit.

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Ok I have a fix for the RPM users that are trying to use the green SoyJuice pod. Basically for whatever reason the RPM internal space got saved as a .txt instead of .cfg. Changing that will fix the issue. Since this is an easy fix I'm going to wait until I get more done and just make sure it's fixed for the next update rather than providing a download.


THX : ) problem solved

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