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[PARTS] A.S.T.R.A Command and Service modules. [SEEKING TEXTURE ARTIST]


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Arden Space Technologies and Research Association

Proposing new Manned flight resources.

-2, 4 and 5 Kerbal Command pods

-Cargo module for station resupply (later, may include FLEXrack support)

-modular reentry heatshields and landing engine assemblies.

-all designed for compatibility with SDHI Components.

Seeking any willing texture artist!

Seriously, the textures I have on here are for testing purposes, made in MSPaint.

Current Progress

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Currently trying to figure out animation for landing legs.


I am opening the floor to all aspiring texture artists to come up with better textures than the scrapheap I've applied as test textures. My request is that they be stock-themed.

Below is the dropbox link for the textures,


and here is the link for the preliminary parts pack.


Also looking for any talented IVA artists, I feel I might be out of my depth in this, if anyone wants to contribute, send me a PM.

Edited by Gryphorim
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Yay, more command pods :D May i have a request of sorts? We do have some pods with good downward view - ALCOR, stock lander can etc. What KSP lacks IMO is a pod with good FORWARD view. Only part with decent FoV is a command pod from B9 mod. So, what about making pods with bigger windows, useful during manual docking?

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I was going to go for RasterPropMonitor Plugin, As I'm loosely basing my 2 man pod on a Soyuz and my 4 man is based on a Dragon or PTK NP, (again, loosely). I believe these all use digital means for external view. I mean for there to be a small viewport facing forwards on each pod, but only about the size of the window on the stock Command pod 1-2.

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looks like some good, thought out ideas. I for one believe that ksp lacks variation in stock-a-like command pods, and compatibility/interchangeability with SDHI components can only be a good thing. Looking forward to development of this :)

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I was going to go for RasterPropMonitor Plugin, As I'm loosely basing my 2 man pod on a Soyuz and my 4 man is based on a Dragon or PTK NP, (again, loosely). I believe these all use digital means for external view. I mean for there to be a small viewport facing forwards on each pod, but only about the size of the window on the stock Command pod 1-2.

Try to make a big curved screen only for the cameras in place where big windows would be, and a few MFDs for data. It'll work. :)

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Try to make a big curved screen only for the cameras in place where big windows would be, and a few MFDs for data. It'll work.

Do you mean using Raster to simulate a bigger and clearer window? Or do you mean fitting a wide-angle camera viewpoint where a window could be fitted and mounting an oversize viewscreen directly behind? I don't think I follow.

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Do you mean using Raster to simulate a bigger and clearer window? Or do you mean fitting a wide-angle camera viewpoint where a window could be fitted and mounting an oversize viewscreen directly behind? I don't think I follow.

RPM screens don't have to be flat -- the mesh shape and size have no effect on how it works, it just replaces the texture it's told to replace, but does nothing to change it's UV mapping. I.e. the screen can be curved and take up most of the visual field. Of course, it can't exactly simulate a window, as it will necessarily have a reduced resolution compared to the monitor the player watches the IVA on, but Enterprise-style "main screen" is certainly feasible. I think it would be sufficiently useful for piloting and give the IVA an interesting airy look.

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I'll be honest, that might be a bit beyond me, but I'll certainly give it a go.

As this is my first time modelling 3D art assets, ever, I'm going to keep my designs relatively simple.

First pass will just be external modelling, but I want to give myself room to expand as my skill improve.

I'm planning something like...


With the camera/light cluster there to provide support for later plugin support.

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Yay, more command pods :D May i have a request of sorts? We do have some pods with good downward view - ALCOR, stock lander can etc. What KSP lacks IMO is a pod with good FORWARD view. Only part with decent FoV is a command pod from B9 mod. So, what about making pods with bigger windows, useful during manual docking?

The Gemini from FASA also has an excellent forward view.

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This looks very promising! I'm definitely looking forward to replacing the stock 3-kerbal pod, with its disproportionately huge mass-per-kerbal and its strangely aligned hatch.

I think you might have a minor typo in your main image: the 4-kerbal pod is under a "1.25m" heading but apparently scaled to 2.5m.

Asking for people's thoughts, making the lander modules like BahamutoD's, with integral landing legs, and radial engines, or with integral engines and radial fit landing legs?

Personally I'm in favor of keeping everything simple and modular, not integrating anything, and leaving the user free to radially attach whatever engines, landing legs, or other hardware are best suited for their mission profile.

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after retexturing this thing to look a bit more like this thing I have developed the craving to make more textures. So if you need someone to do that, could I try?

Considering my skill at texturing is non-existent, I'd be happy for the help. Going for a stock-like look using a similar palette.

...and its strangely aligned hatch.

Sorry, because I'm going for compatability with SDHI's Launch escape system, and it's "cut here" hatch, I'm planning to retain the crew hatch alignment.

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That hatch is the bane of every symmetry OCD player.

it also makes it really difficult to construct something (e.g. space station) where kerbals can get from pods to hitchhikers (or other parts with hatches right on the side) via ladders only.

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Not really, you just have to do a bit of manual tinkering with rotating the hitchhiker so it's ladder's line up with the pods......

I should have been more clear, I didn't mean difficult per se, I mean difficult because I like the rotation of my pods to be aligned, because otherwise the positioning of windows etc. along the craft looks wonky.

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I feel like I pimp this out every time someone says they want to hear some ideas on mods to make, but since your command pod looks similar, I'll post these one more time. This was an idea I had for a command pod, but not the skill to build. Feel free to be inspired or not.





(click on the thumbs for larger images)

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Wow Sojourner, that pod looks awesome. I like the raised command position, with improved visibility.

Not sure an idea like that would work on my 1 or 2 meter pods, given size restrictions on the 1 and design requirement to fit SDHI launch escape system on the 2.

Still looks good though, might borrow the concept for the 3m pod, if that's okay?

Nearly finished the smaller pod though.


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