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Resources - postponed, cancelled or reserved for a DLC?


In your opinion, resources system is:  

  1. 1. In your opinion, resources system is:

    • Probably postponed
    • Probably reserved for a DLC
    • Probably cancelled :(

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Thank you... although most people could have come up with this reply, it is nice to have someone "official" actually posting it

I'm just a moderator, not Squad staff, so internal decisions are beyond me, but I see how Squad reacts to popular addons, just look at C7aerospace.

If you guys really want Squad to rethink their stance on resources then there's one way that's shown to work, Majiir has done fantastic work with Kethane, if that were expanded upon then who knows, it or something like it could be added to KSP :)

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I'm just a moderator, not Squad staff, so internal decisions are beyond me, but I see how Squad reacts to popular addons, just look at C7aerospace.

If you guys really want Squad to rethink their stance on resources then there's one way that's shown to work, Majiir has done fantastic work with Kethane, if that were expanded upon then who knows, it or something like it could be added to KSP :)

It shouldn't have to be the community's job to steer the developers towards a decision. They need to work on resources because it's already 3/4 of the way finished. It could be finished, and not be a laggy piece of garbage like I can almost guarantee multiplayer will be. It'll be laggy, buggy, and unplayable and Squad's defense will be "it's an alpha, get over it" even though they already have a ton of merchandise, several ads, sponsorship, and coding a 3D mouse that nobody will ever use.

Multiplayer is the last cash grab for Squad, every last penny will be squeezed out of KSP and it will be nothing but a shriveled corpse of what could once be a fantastic, original game.

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It shouldn't have to be the community's job to steer the developers towards a decision. They need to work on resources because it's already 3/4 of the way finished. It could be finished, and not be a laggy piece of garbage like I can almost guarantee multiplayer will be. It'll be laggy, buggy, and unplayable and Squad's defense will be "it's an alpha, get over it" even though they already have a ton of merchandise, several ads, sponsorship, and coding a 3D mouse that nobody will ever use.

Multiplayer is the last cash grab for Squad, every last penny will be squeezed out of KSP and it will be nothing but a shriveled corpse of what could once be a fantastic, original game.

Multiplayer isn't THAT bad of an idea.

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I'm just a moderator, not Squad staff, so internal decisions are beyond me, but I see how Squad reacts to popular addons, just look at C7aerospace.

If you guys really want Squad to rethink their stance on resources then there's one way that's shown to work, Majiir has done fantastic work with Kethane, if that were expanded upon then who knows, it or something like it could be added to KSP :)

Perhaps you could get a developer to take about 10 minutes out of there day to say something to us? I'm sure you have some way to reach them. If not you, then I'm sure the community manager does.

All we saw was a few parts and a graph, that's hardly 3/4 finished, and you've already paid for KSP so why are you worrying? :)

Well unlike you I've spoken to a developer that worked on resources for a while. He stated that if resources was to be started back up in developing, it could be done within a month.

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Multiplayer isn't THAT bad of an idea.

This is worthwhile to remember in this heated thread IMO. This doesn't have to be a zero-sum game, both resources and multiplayer are cool features. It's even possible that they have a vision for MP that'll blow us out of the water.

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I'm just a moderator, not Squad staff, so internal decisions are beyond me, but I see how Squad reacts to popular addons, just look at C7aerospace.

If you guys really want Squad to rethink their stance on resources then there's one way that's shown to work, Majiir has done fantastic work with Kethane, if that were expanded upon then who knows, it or something like it could be added to KSP :)

Yeah, I get that. That's why I put official between the double quotes in the first place. But I still appreciate your explanation... it was way less shallow than Harverster's "too complicated".

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So we've finally agreed that we want an official in-depth explanation? Good.

As EDU was mentioned earlier: I think resources could be made an important part of that as well, so I don't see why it was dropped in favor of something confirmed (and repeatedly stressed) would not be in the core game. I don't care if the devs change their mind because something was actually a good idea/doable, but again, an explanation is needed.

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All we saw was a few parts and a graph, that's hardly 3/4 finished, and you've already paid for KSP so why are you worrying? :)

Because we love this game. We care for its future. We want it to be the best space game possible. Scrapping the resource system is like cutting off a limb. It still will be a good, fully functional and enjoyable game. But the stump will still be there, and we'll know about it and feel bitter.

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Because we love this game. We care for its future. We want it to be the best space game possible. Scrapping the resource system is like cutting off a limb. It still will be a good, fully functional and enjoyable game. But the stump will still be there, and we'll know about it and feel bitter.

Yes, I know, if it were up to me we'd get both resource mining and MP, and everything else we want from KSP.

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I get what people see in multiplayer but i don't think those people are looking ahead very far.

If we take a look at the whole resources versus multiplayer thing that's going on i can only say a few things.

If multiplayer were to be implemented i would probably just do the same thing i did before with a few friends playing along, don't get me wrong this seems like fun for a while but since i would still be doing what i already did previously this fun would deminish over time and i would be as bored with the game as i am now.

If we look at resources however you can imagine how base building on a planet would be more viable since you can now use those bases to refuel ships.

This opens up alot of new posibilities and design challanges.

A few examples would be designing a large craft that can land on minmus to refuel before heading out to one of the outer planets or designing bigger ascent stages so you can take larger more complete factories to this refueling site on minmus i just talked about.

i guess you could even make something on eve that would make it much easier to return from it by refueling on site.

my point here being that it would add alot of (re)play value

On another note as i remember correctly the reason resources were scrapped/postponed was because it was "too hard" and "not fun" but i dont see why something being hard wouldn't be fun.

The big appeal of this game to me was that i actually learned from it.

first i had to get off kerbin, then my next major step was to get to the mun since back at 0.12 we didnt have much other places to go to.

After this the game got boring and lost appeal because there wasnt anything new for me to learn.

I sent a big ship to the mun and that was it but then i challanged myself to simulate a rendez vous and this was before we had planning and docking mind you.

I went online and looked up how these things went in real life and tried it, on my third try i made two ships touch in kerbin orbit.

Correct me if im wrong but i think learning these things is why this game exsists in the first place.

As a final statement i would like to say something about mods and the statement of things being too hard.

We have seen with the autopilot mod mechjeb that things can be easier to appeal to those players who find the base game to hard.

I do not support mechjeb at all because i see that the only true appeal this game has is the acomplishments you get from it like learning orbital mechanics and landing on the moon

(some might argue that it has the fun appeal of blowing up green asexual homocidal midgets but thats a 12 year olds sense of humor)

Acomplishments are the cherry icing and fundamental cake of this game and fun is the stuff inbetween keeping this pie together

sorry for the wall of text and my dyslectically long/weird sentence building, i do not normally post but i felt that sharing my opinion was necessary this time

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If you can't see that, you're just a blind fanboy sucking up to the devs.

Excuse me. I stated that people needed to stop being rude. This is rude. If you'd care to rephrase it, I'll consider your words more carefully. Until then, however, I hold your opinion in low esteem.

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I think resources would be cool. It could be a DLC package, along with colonization and terraforming.

not interested in MP

Why do you guys like DLC so much? WHYYYYY

On another note as i remember correctly the reason resources were scrapped/postponed was because it was "too hard" and "not fun" but i dont see why something being hard wouldn't be fun.

Something that upsets me is that they said "Hard and not fun" without even letting us play it.

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Squad has been looking for a long time to make planets more interesting. They tried to do this with research but failed, there's nothing interesting about right clicking. If resources were added there would be a huge amount of things to do. Make satellites to scan for resources in advance, make landers to drill for the resources, send up tanks to hold those resources, add some converters to make them useful, and then turn the whole thing into a spaceport for building, launching, and refueling rockets. Or you could just scrap all that so that a could drive a rover beside of another person's rover, because that sounds like a blast.

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Why do you guys like DLC so much? WHYYYYY

Honestly I don't. I know how the developers love money, so we figure if we let them have their DLC, we can have actual game content that people will enjoy. It's a bad deal, yes, but you gotta make sacrifices for what you love, especially if you already gave them your money.

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Because it means that you can give more money to your favourite game developer and actually get something in exchange for it.

And that means that I should quote back to my dog analogy and the following posts explaining it:


That's the original one, then the following discussion will clarify it up, as my English skill has its limits.

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And that means that I should quote back to my dog analogy and the following posts explaining it:


That's the original one, then the following discussion will clarify it up, as my English skill has its limits.

You have to understand that Squad is a business. Getting more money is the name of the game.

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Something that upsets me is that they said "Hard and not fun" without even letting us play it.

Do you normally get access to playtest stuff that's still in the early stages of implementation? Even experimentals testers don't get that kind of access. You'll need to actually be on the dev team for that.

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Do you normally get access to playtest stuff that's still in the early stages of implementation? Even experimentals testers don't get that kind of access. You'll need to actually be on the dev team for that.

I'm sorry. I thought we bought into an early-alpha game specifically to make those decisions ourselves. Perhaps I was mistaken?

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I'm sorry. I thought we bought into an early-alpha game specifically to make those decisions ourselves. Perhaps I was mistaken?

This definitely. When people say "The devs don't owe you anything, you already paid and got your money's worth. Stop complaining you entitled baby." This drives me up the wall for the fact that we put our trust, faith, hope, and important for the devs, money into KSP. Now, they've turned around and spit in their playerbase's faces for the hopes of doing one last big jig for a truckload of money and attracting even more of the minecraft audience. Maybe this turns out well for the devs, but I sure hope it doesn't.

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