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0.23 Waiting Room!


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Oh 0.23 is coming out, great now I have to wait like the rest of yous, if you had not told me i would have learn it about it after it came out and not needed to wait. Curse you all!

One of the developers of the Google Earth app is a graduate of the University of Kansas. If you load Google Earth and just zoom in, the default center is Lawrence, KS. Thus, Kansas is the center place on Earth. As a Kansan I approve of this conclusion. :D And in case you are unaware, Kansas is in the Central Time Zone (same as Squad).


Kansas: smack dab in the middle of nowhere.

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I'm starting fresh, totally. Screw my old sandbox save with Kerbals spread out all over the Kerbol system, even landed a ship with Kerbals named after me and my wife and daughter on Duna, Screw my Career mode save, it got dull anyway grinding science. I'll have a clean slate when the update hits.


same goes for me!! start all over :D though i'm keeping my mucking-around sandbox save :P

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I am also gonna start fresh. I didn't really have much going on in 0.22 anyway. I may copy over some of my ships though. Most of what I did in 0.22 was trying to get an RT2 network setup, via automated launch/deploy(using kOS) of 3 (kerbo sync) and 4 (about 200km) "komm" sats

dear mods: the "(update number) waiting room" is such a great idea to avoid those folks who spam "when is it out" threads. i hope this concept continues. props to all and SCIENCE onward!

Doesn't matter if there is an official "(new ksp version) waiting room", people will still create new threads about it lol, either because they legitimately didn't see the official thread, or they posted it before the official thread was posted, but most likely because they love the sight of their own text(s).

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If living in GMT+1, when should I start to expect teh awesomez?

Having f5'd the hell out of the forums today I think I can conclusively say - "nobody knows" - or more accurately, if any do they're not telling.

If the 0.22 release can be said to be any guide (which, as a sample size of one, it really can't) then guess around mid evening in Europe, longitude dependent.

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Seriously, I play computer games since the late 80ies. But I never ever lurked around somewhere, being it RL or online, waiting for a game update or something new to come out.

Until. KSP. Made. Me. Addicted.

Damnation! :D

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My buddy and I just started a fixed camera/IVA challenge. Basically just seeing what we can get done without using 3rd person. So that career is relatively fresh and I'm just going to keep it (assuming it doesn't break). I'm going to hop into sandbox and play with that RAPIER first though. It's just too cool.

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