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[1.12.x] Ship Manifest (Crew, Science, & Resources) - v - 28 Apr 23


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On 11/8/2018 at 11:15 AM, Rafael acevedo said:

Yes please a must have

This is definitely a must have. and for good reason..


If you want to maneuver Kerbals around your space station or planetary bases, you need this mode to handle it quite well


Also the renaming feature and the creation of new kerbals with new names is way more positive.


So yeah this one needs to be upgraded to at least 1.5.1 in order to have the best time ever.



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2 hours ago, Nerfclasher said:

I would like to confirm that it does work in 1.6.0 all it probably needs is a recompiled.

I use it on 1.6.1 without major  issues.


pesky message in ksp  avc reminding mod is not designed for ksp 1.6.1

cls is not working on ksp 1.6.1 so don’t use it with cls use stock transfers

when you create a new kerbonaut, and attempt to Chang its name it doesn’t. However if after you create it select edit and change name it will work. Has been this way since the 1.5 update 



Edited by Rafael acevedo
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5 hours ago, Rafael acevedo said:

I use it on 1.6.1 without major  issues.


pesky message in ksp  avc reminding mod is not designed for ksp 1.6.1

cls is not working on ksp 1.6.1 so don’t use it with cls use stock transfers

when you create a new kerbonaut, and attempt to Chang its name it doesn’t. However if after you create it select edit and change name it will work. Has been this way since the 1.5 update 



I can confirm this as I too use this Mod a lot.

Everything that is stated is true. including the change neame feature. Since I don't use CLS the stock transfers work perfect and of course the pesky "You're using 1.6 and it's designed for (Whatever version this is for) is also true.

SO I think it's time for a recompile here to bring it up to 1.6.1 standards and also we need to girue out why the Kerbal name change feature is acting the way it is..

Just my thoughts



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  • 1 month later...

Anyone can recompile the mod if they install Visual Studio. When you download the source code you unzip it and double click the .sln file in the project folder and it will open everything in Visual Studio. Then you need to look in the Solution Explorer window (Ctrl+W then hit S)... look in the project dependencies and you see some missing Dlls with a caution symbol... just right click dependencies and you can add the specific mison ones or just be lazy and add evry single dll in this folder... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\Managed\


you will be only missing 3 Dlls but you could add them all to the project if you didnt want to look for them. Then go into Project properties and delete the post build event... it is a big text box... just delete everything inside it... then in the build menu at top you hit rebuild but just before there is a dropdown near the top of main window that says Debug... change it to Release. Then you can Rebuild.

The recompiled mod's dll file will be in the bin\Release folder... just replace that with the 1.4.1 in the installed mod's folder


Then you don't have to trust strangers and download Dlls from them... if I were you I would download ILSpy and look at the code in the link above... I would not trust a guy with Skull avatar... no offense Leatherneck :D he literally can write some code to send data from your pc to anywhere he wants in the first instruction when mod loads xD not saying he did... i am sure he is trustworthy but it is the internet after all :/

Edited by c39687
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/21/2019 at 8:48 AM, leatherneck6017 said:

Just pointing out that when downloading ShipManifest.dll, I got an anti-virus alert (Norton, for me) saying this is an untrusted file and it was quarantined. I know I can whitelist it, of course, but should I? :confused:

On 2/23/2019 at 5:23 PM, c39687 said:

you don't have to trust strangers and download Dlls from them...

My Norton error code says it's basically unknown to the Norton systems, so it's considered a risk. Further research on the code shows that it comes up when people share things like system files that aren't part of an installer, etc.

I guess if you trust people on the Internet, go ahead and use the file?

Edited by scottadges
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7 hours ago, scottadges said:

Just pointing out that when downloading ShipManifest.dll, I got an anti-virus alert (Norton, for me) saying this is an untrusted file and it was quarantined. I know I can whitelist it, of course, but should I? :confused:

My Norton error code says it's basically unknown to the Norton systems, so it's considered a risk. Further research on the code shows that it comes up when people share things like system files that aren't part of an installer, etc.

I guess if you trust people on the Internet, go ahead and use the file?

Like you said, any .dll that's not part of an installer is going to get flagged by most antivirus software. You can always use dnSpy to browse the code before using a strangers recompile.

Edited by leatherneck6017
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

That's half true: there's an element of trust from dealing with somebody who has compiled other stuff, who has a history. A time or two I have come across "established" programmers, elsewhere, who just hadn't been caught yet. It can get messy. But there are some well-established names here I would trust. The key is they're not "strangers".


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I'm getting this error on 1.7, but I'm not sure if it' a 1.7 problem or plain Kraken Food (unholy interaction between modules).

[LOG 01:47:08.933] [DutyRoster] Registering Thompcan Kerman.
[ERR 01:47:08.934] Exception handling event onKerbalCreated in class DutyRosterScenario:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to
an instance of an object
  at DutyRoster.DutyRosterStatus..ctor (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at DutyRoster.DutyRosterList.Add (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at DutyRoster.DutyRosterScenario.OnKerbalAdded (.ProtoCrewMember pcm) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at EventData`1[ProtoCrewMember].Fire (.ProtoCrewMember data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

[EXC 01:47:08.935] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        DutyRoster.DutyRosterStatus..ctor (System.String name)
        DutyRoster.DutyRosterList.Add (System.String name)
        DutyRoster.DutyRosterScenario.OnKerbalAdded (.ProtoCrewMember pcm)
        EventData`1[ProtoCrewMember].Fire (.ProtoCrewMember data)
        UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
[LOG 01:47:19.034] [KerbalRoster]: A Kerbal with name:Thompdorf Kerman does not exist in the current roster. Unable to rename to Thompdorf Kerman

Has anyone getting this too? If yes, please advise so we can exchange info.

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On 5/5/2019 at 5:36 PM, Murdabenne said:

I have not tried this in 1.7.  Is there any word of an "official" rebuild?

If there were, that word would almost certainly be here. Having continued to use and rebuild (for no real reason, none of the API it uses was broken or changed) this version of ShipManifest continuously from 1.4.3 to 1.7.1, I would guess that updating it won't be a high priority if the original author (Papa Joe) does return (because it's already fine).

That said, I forked the original, rebuilt it against 1.7.1, and updated the version spec if anyone is interested: https://github.com/marr75/ShipManifest/releases

I haven't encountered the issue Lisias cited but would look at fixing it if I did. As far as the conversation preceding about trust, the full source of the forked github repo is there and included. Plus, there are much simpler ways of infecting a much larger audience than to distribute your virus or spyware in a .net DLL (trivially accessible source code) that maybe 10 people will download :-)

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For me too. Boy, is this a great mod. My mod soup is so intense that for some reason I can no longer transfer kerbals between crewed parts, without this mod it would remain impossible. And afaik it is the only way to transfer science between ships without making someone do an EVA.

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