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Which is cuter: Cats or Dogs?


What animal is cuter?  

  1. 1. What animal is cuter?

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The Kerbal Space Program community is a very welcoming community, a very friendly place compared to many other places on the Internet.

That has to change.

All debates-Capitalism or Communism, Liberty or Security, Chocolate or Vanilla-have a "third option", a compromise that satisfies everyone. Except for one: which species is humanity's greatest (or at least, most adorable) ally, Cats or Dogs?


Fight! Fight! Fight!

In my efforts to tear this forum apart, I present a debate/game: state your alligence (team cat or team dog), state an argument for your decision, and possibly throw in a cute picture of a cat/dog to support your team. The picture could be something you found on /r/aww, or a picture of your own cat/dog, it doesn't matter where you got it from, as long as it's of your team, and it is CUTE.

If you're a true fanatic, then vote on the poll. And if you think neither are cute, then turn off your computer, go outside, and hug something fuzzy and precious, you heartless wretch.

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