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[1.0.x] Habitat Pack v0.41


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So I did some config changes to the centrifuge and added science lab capabilities. I mainly did it for myself because I wanted a cool science lab, and makes space stations a lot cooler. I really like 1m station parts with the ksp style. It's changed for career mode and does everything the same as the science lab.

Here's the config text.

name = sciencecentrifuge
module = Part
author = Porkjet, Snowy Duck

mesh = model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

CrewCapacity = 4

TechRequired = spaceExploration
entryCost = 10000
cost = 10000
category = Science
subcategory = 0
title = Small Science Centrifugium
manufacturer = Porky's Snacks & Inflatable Living Spaces
description = Recent studies show that long-time exposure to micro gravity has negative effects on the health of kerbals. This feasible solution, inspired by a hamster wheel, is a spinning habitat that generates artificial gravity through centripetal force. EVA-activity around the spinning wheel is classified as 'semi-lethal'.
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

mass = 3.5
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 20
breakingForce = 500
breakingTorque = 500
maxTemp = 2900

vesselType = Ship

name = centrifuge1internal
name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
collectActionName = Take Data

evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 2

allowRepeatedSubjects = True
name = ModuleScienceLab

containerModuleIndex = 0
dataTransmissionBoost = 2.5
crewsRequired = 2

canResetConnectedModules = True
canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 5

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 10

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = deploy
startEventGUIName = inflate
endEventGUIName = deflate
name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = rotation
startEventGUIName = rotate
endEventGUIName = stop
// name = deployableHabRestrictor
// animationName = deploy
// crewCapacityDeployed = 4
// crewCapacityRetracted = 0

With that and the TAC Life Support with Crew Degredation I have a space station that can process all that delicious science.


Edited by SnowyDuck
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Hi, when selecting a docking prot on the flat hab the nave ball orientates in the direction of the 'top' of the model and not the docking port; Is this a limitation of KSP or could this be fixed?

Love this mod just got my first Duna station in Duna orbit using these beautiful parts. Keep up the great work mate.

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Hi, when selecting a docking prot on the flat hab the nave ball orientates in the direction of the 'top' of the model and not the docking port; Is this a limitation of KSP or could this be fixed?

Love this mod just got my first Duna station in Duna orbit using these beautiful parts. Keep up the great work mate.

Yes, it can be fixed and I sent Porkjet some information to help with that

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Hello! I'm not a modder in any means, but I've had a idea of tweaking the texture of the centrifuge, as I didn't quiet like how the trusses look like. So, I've tried to modify it and found that the original texture isn't quite in place! Here, look at the pictures:

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Note, that first issue can only be seen from the bottom.

I tried to replace the original texture with something that can be seen on the last page, I think this texture make the trusses look a little sturdier. (still not anough, though:huh:. maybe, solid columns would fit better) I'm not saying that you should use mine, they are not the best that could be done (but you can, of course:P), but do something with the old ones, please! Also, you know, some holes from which the trusses are supposted to extend would be great:wink:.

Edited by Absolute Human
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Can the new inflatable storage be used for anything? looks like it doesn't consume any resource.

if it had resources it would be usable as a land habitat. One of my fav mods anyway thanks.

Edited by LMA
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Can the new inflatable storage be used for anything? looks like it doesn't consume any resource.

if it had resources it would be usable as a land habitat. One of my fav mods anyway thanks.

It stores Kerbals. Is there something else you think it should store?

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Can the new inflatable storage be used for anything? looks like it doesn't consume any resource.

if it had resources it would be usable as a land habitat. One of my fav mods anyway thanks.

I changed the config and added the science lab abilities to the centrifuge. I also added a small amount of TACLS food, etc.

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I changed the config and added the science lab abilities to the centrifuge.

That's brilliant, I wish I'd thought of it and I'm doing to do the same. I have a ship planned with nearly twice as many seats as kerbals, the idea being that the large inflatables held zero-g sleeping and hydroponics areas, with their daytime work and exercise areas in the centrifuges (mounted back-to-back so they counterrotate). So now I can make the work areas actually perform work!

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An interesting idea. Has anyone done anything similar for other crew pods?

ModuleManager is your friend.

This adds storage to command pods according to their crew capacity.

name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 10
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 20
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 30
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 40
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 50
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 60

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Yes, ModuleManager is very much my friend in fact. I've made configs exactly like that in the past. Thank you for posting that.

ModuleManager is your friend.

This adds storage to command pods according to their crew capacity.

name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 10
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 20
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 30
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 40
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 50
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 60

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Ok... Kerbalesque question:

How do I get a Kerbal out of the flat hab?

Built a small reactor management hab for a ground based reactor, Bob hooked it up to the reactor, got on board, and now refuses to exit. The normal method I use is the EVA button on the crew cam pic, and that doesn't appear...

What am I missing to get Bob back on the job of hooking up the stuff I need him to for my Power farm?

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Ok... Kerbalesque question:

How do I get a Kerbal out of the flat hab?

Built a small reactor management hab for a ground based reactor, Bob hooked it up to the reactor, got on board, and now refuses to exit. The normal method I use is the EVA button on the crew cam pic, and that doesn't appear...

What am I missing to get Bob back on the job of hooking up the stuff I need him to for my Power farm?

Have you tried left clicking the crew hatch on the outside of the ship? (left-click the door) All inside crew will be listed with and EVA option next to their name

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It would be awesome to see an inflatable greenhouse part!

That is actually a really cool idea. I'm picturing the flathab with a transparent ceiling and greenery inside. Setting up the config would be easy, just a matter of subtracting resources and outputting another. But a slight texture change for the greenhouse would be in order...

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1 issue I have with the Inflato Storage Container F.L.A.T, is that the docking ports are not independently select-able per say. I know I can right click the FLAT and choose to control from here, but I don't know what dock I'm currently setting to be controlled from here.

I guess until a fix gets implemented, what "control from here" option goes to which docking port?

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Have you tried left clicking the crew hatch on the outside of the ship? (left-click the door) All inside crew will be listed with and EVA option next to their name

Not until just before I came back to check the thread... Thanks for posting. I did find it, just took me far too long.

Hmm... Perhaps a crew manifest thing that occupies the same general area as the "crew cams" might be useful. That way you have a similar functionality in a familliar spot... But that's a job for a modder.

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1 issue I have with the Inflato Storage Container F.L.A.T, is that the docking ports are not independently select-able per say. I know I can right click the FLAT and choose to control from here, but I don't know what dock I'm currently setting to be controlled from here.

I guess until a fix gets implemented, what "control from here" option goes to which docking port?

Currently none, control from here wont work until control transforms are in place on the model and minor changes made to the part file.

Edited by Starwaster
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