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A Fan Works library (moderator input required)


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Guest LTrotsky

I like the fan works library - other simulation forums have this as well.

If you can, stick the Kermmunist Space Program in the library wherever appropriate. It's kind of a mix of fiction, non-fiction, and AAR with pictures and videos. Link in my sig.

And the moderator should sticky the Library wherever appropriate in the forum.

Edited by LTrotsky
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Could you add the first three chapters of my AAR, or would that be considered part of the same, unfinished, tale?

There were a couple of stories ( by yourself, Mekan1k and Bostlabs most notably), where I wasn't quite sure whether to leave them out as unfinished or include the completed parts as works in their own right. I'm leaning towards the former :) but its a moot question since I'll be starting a new section of the library for works in progress in any case and probably a third 'abandoned' section just for completeness. And maybe, just maybe if an abandoned piece gets more views and comments after being put in the library, it might encourage the author to pick up the story again.

Incidentally, I'm delighted to announce that the library has now been stickied! A big thank you to Sal_vager and the rest of the moderation team!

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Yay for stickiness! Er, that really doesn't sound too good does it? Aaaanyway, fair enough with the 'Finished or not unfinished' debate, especially is it doesn't matter :wink: Thanks again for doing the leg-work on this one. Good going!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update on the Library. Main news is that I've started work on the 'Works in Progress' section. Still got a ways to go before it's finished but there's already a fair few works in there, including most of the big hitter AARs! I've been finding some new finished stories on the way through, so that section of the Library has got some new material in as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for putting in my completed episodes and kudos on you for keeping up with this. I mean, this is a heck of a thing to keep up with. Just looking through the list you have now, let alone all the uncompleted tales... that's a lot to keep tabs on!

Thanks on behalf of all us budding writers! We really appreciate it.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey folks. It's been a while but I thought a quick update was in order. First Flight to Fourteenth Flag is now very much in, along with a bunch of others! Patupi - its my pleasure. First Flight has been taking most of my time lately but the Library has not been forgotten! Speeding Mullet - not really I'm afraid although they do look very cool! The library was really intended for fiction - which does include AARs but usually with some dialogue to go with it. See Patupi's work for example. Besides - keeping on top of one forum is enough for me. :)

The library now contains 99 finished works of all lengths and genres and another 65 works in progress.

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You should start a abandoned works category.

I'm the Vaporware maker of the fan-works forums. I get a good start on a story , lose interest, then duct it for another story, lose interest in that one, and ditch it in a never ending cycle of cancelled AAR's, stories, and cliffhangers everywhere from unsolved plots.

I'll make a estimate that I've abandoned seven stories/AAR's in 2014 so far.

Anyways, time to grit my teeth and start working on a horror story revolving around a mission to Dres. Will release it as complete work to avoid any chance of me abandoning it midway.

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I'd like to offer a piece of my ancient work, if you could give it the once-over, that'd be cool.

It's a short story that I did way back when I did that sort of thing, depicting Jeb very unlike anything I'd heard then. Perhaps it's been done again since, who knows?

Anyway, this is 'A Shade of Darkness'. (complete with pictures)


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Slight necro, I know, but I'd like you to know that The Venturer Program: Tour of the planets can probably be made at home in the WIP section of the library under AARs :)

I know necroing is generally frowned upon but given that the library is intended to be an ongoing project, I'm not sure if there's any way around that.

Anyway, sorry I missed the last two posts - both stories are now up in the library, although I think I need a new 'dark fiction' shelf for Vostok's!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Apologise for the necro, but is this where you request a piece of fan work to be put into the library?

It is indeed! No need to apologise for the necro - like I said before, the library is kind of an ongoing project, so this thread is going to have to be necroed occasionally. The library could also do with an update when I can find the time!

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It is indeed! No need to apologise for the necro - like I said before, the library is kind of an ongoing project, so this thread is going to have to be necroed occasionally. The library could also do with an update when I can find the time!

Thanks, could you please add my 'plernets' symphony? (put it in work in progress please)

Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88706-The-plernets

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  • 1 month later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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