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Whats Making you angry?


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-The fact people underestimate me

-Spoiled little children with their stupid tablets who don't do jack and are probably still gonna do better than me because their parents are rich because their parents were rich, over and over, but mostly the children born anywhere between 2002 and 2007.

-people who think that I'm gay because I watch ponies (this is probably the 3rd most hated thing by me)

-people who think that the U.S. of Americans think they were the first on the moon, ever heard of Lunokhod?

-The fact that even though I could pass all the tests, any mission to mars would probably go to the wealthiest

-as someone else mentioned, the same thing about Aerospace Engineering.

-the idiots I have to put up with in high-school

-the stupid music they make now

-how ugly new cars look

-people saying "hashtag" in real life

-people who can't count their blessings

finally, overly flamboyant gays, I have nothing wrong with the fact that someone is gay, but if you are going to talk like some bimbo from the 80's, and repeatedly remind us all that you are, in fact, gay, I don't exactly like you, sorry, but I don't go around overly-expressing my heterosexuality.

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When I'm reading about space exploration, and see how everything should've been like with lunar colonies and missions to Mars.

It seems that in space exploration socio-economically speaking, everything that couldve went wrong, did go wrong. What if we didn't have Vietnam? What if Humpery was elected instead of Nixon? What if NASA listened to the Reagan Administration and built a Moonbase instead of the ISS? What if the STS project didn't get budget cuts and could operate at full capability? What if Apollo wasn't cancelled? What if NERVA was used to its full potiental? What if the centerfuige module was added to the ISS? What Constellation was recieved the funding it was promised?

Had any of these happened, we would have a lunar outpost and would be sending missions to Mars. Not here stuck in LEO with an spacestation that is rapidly aging, and noone would even bother to question American leadership in space exploration.

I feel your pain. It is truly gut-wrenching.

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When I'm reading about space exploration, and see how everything should've been like with lunar colonies and missions to Mars.

It seems that in space exploration socio-economically speaking, everything that couldve went wrong, did go wrong. What if we didn't have Vietnam? What if Humpery was elected instead of Nixon? What if NASA listened to the Reagan Administration and built a Moonbase instead of the ISS? What if the STS project didn't get budget cuts and could operate at full capability? What if Apollo wasn't cancelled? What if NERVA was used to its full potiental? What if the centerfuige module was added to the ISS? What Constellation was recieved the funding it was promised?

Had any of these happened, we would have a lunar outpost and would be sending missions to Mars. Not here stuck in LEO with an spacestation that is rapidly aging, and noone would even bother to question American leadership in space exploration.

This I totally agree with.
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A few things, most to do with pure stupidity:

-A mother screaming at me for stopping a car driving towards her child. If I let the kid get run over, she'd scream.

-Some guy, who feels the need to say "#friendship, #sadness, #etc" when there is a film/movie/video on.


-People shoving religion down my throat.

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People who have nothing to do in their lives other than to judge anything they see on television, and likes to point out one's negative traits other than the positive ones, like they're all perfect and sheez.

Arguments from ignorance.


Argurance. :D

Edited by Flixxbeatz
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I'm angry at the fact that my brain failed to develop properly and now I've got a mental disorder :( So kind of at myself :P

Ouch. >_<



-My International Relations teacher's being a narcissistic Marxist who tries to indoctrinate his students and flies into a rage when his projections are shattered

-My College Writing teacher's being an extremely manipulative Marxist who also tries to indoctrinate her students

-Only my therapist and I have noticed the first teacher's misdeeds

-Only my adjustment counselor, my therapist, and I have noticed the second teacher's misdeeds

-The day before I was to blow the whistle on the College Writing teacher, my adjustment counselor's mom started dying

-Rachel's Challenge coming to evangelize evangelical Christianity to my school.

-I am nearly alone in fighting the above freak-bags and therefore sometimes doubt my sanity regarding their existence.

-My grades are terrible despite my very high intelligence (before anyone calls me a narcissist, it's been measured).

-My self-image issues due to the above contradiction.

-I cannot maintain steady workflow.

-Having to take English, which has systematically destroyed my previously deep love of literature by revealing it to be merely essays in disguise surrounded by essays waiting to happen floating in dysfunctions.


-I discovered that one of my friends is a narcissist after a year and a half of wondering why his emotions were messed up.

-I discovered that another one of my friends is a narcissist after a few months of listening to his advice

-I discovered that the second friend has an ego-dysyntonic psychosis whereto he will not admit

-I discovered that one of my acquaintances likely has schizotypal personality disorder or ego-syntonic psychosis

-I have only a few somewhat healthy friends.

-I therefore feel lonely.

Kerbal Space Program

-Docking is difficult.


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I hate when a row of people are walking slowly in front of me, taking up the whole pavement/corridor when I'm in hurry.

Also, I'm really angry at our government, which is trying to restore the one party system.

Edited by jmiki8
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-The fact people underestimate me

-Spoiled little children with their stupid tablets who don't do jack and are probably still gonna do better than me because their parents are rich because their parents were rich, over and over, but mostly the children born anywhere between 2002 and 2007.

-people who think that I'm gay because I watch ponies (this is probably the 3rd most hated thing by me)

-people who think that the U.S. of Americans think they were the first on the moon, ever heard of Lunokhod?

-The fact that even though I could pass all the tests, any mission to mars would probably go to the wealthiest

-as someone else mentioned, the same thing about Aerospace Engineering.

-the idiots I have to put up with in high-school

-the stupid music they make now

-how ugly new cars look

-people saying "hashtag" in real life

-people who can't count their blessings

finally, overly flamboyant gays, I have nothing wrong with the fact that someone is gay, but if you are going to talk like some bimbo from the 80's, and repeatedly remind us all that you are, in fact, gay, I don't exactly like you, sorry, but I don't go around overly-expressing my heterosexuality.

Lets see. The Soviets landed the Lunokhod 1 robotic rover on the Moon in 1970. The USA landed two men on the moon on July 20, 1969. I know I'm kind of old and getting bad at math but I'm pretty sure 1969 was before 1970.

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Lets see. The Soviets landed the Lunokhod 1 robotic rover on the Moon in 1970. The USA landed two men on the moon on July 20, 1969. I know I'm kind of old and getting bad at math but I'm pretty sure 1969 was before 1970.
They still were there first, just not with the Lunokhod.
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-people who think that the U.S. of Americans think they were the first on the moon, ever heard of Lunokhod?

They were the first on the moon. Sending an object somewhere isn't the same as going there.

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I know I'm kind of old and getting bad at math but I'm pretty sure 1969 was before 1970.

You're both right. Lunokhod 1 didn't land until 1970.

But Luna 2 did make the first lithobraking landing in 1959 and the first soft landing was Luna 9 in 1966, both of which beat similar US feats. The only thing the US did first was get people there.

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You're both right. Lunokhod 1 didn't land until 1970.

But Luna 2 did make the first lithobraking landing in 1959 and the first soft landing was Luna 9 in 1966, both of which beat similar US feats. The only thing the US did first was get people there.

I sit corrected. I forgot about the Luna probes and got sucked in by the Lunokhod reference.

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