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The Joolian Crisis


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The Joolian Crisis

It has been 100 years since extraterrestrial motherships threatened us with extinction. Jebediah Kerman and his crew gathered vital data while his friends on Kerbin created the International Fleet. Kerbin was united, and we defeated them. We thrived for 2 decades. Trade, science and settlement began to rise between the Kerbin, her moons, and Duna. Then, one fateful day, pirates attacked some routine traders. They had made new weapons out of the ancient ones we used for wars on Kerbin herself. We were defenseless. The Trade Coalition, formed from the remains of the International Fleet and a peaceful coalition until then, hired pirates who offered mercenary protection. In the meantime, the Trade Coalition created a fleet of their own, and stopped paying for mercenaries. Fools. Pirate activity shot up, as the mercenaries went back to their ways. Now, tiny settlements on Duna are supplying Kerbin with metals in exchange for supplies. Pirates attack both types of cargo vessel. The Trade Coalition dispatches ships to escort or strike back. It has been this way for a half a century. My name is Jebediah Kerman, the fourth, and my friend, Bill Kerman IV, are pilots for the TC.

Well, I hope you liked my little intro. I'm making a new, more futuristic story set, as referenced above, a hundred years after the events of The Kerbin Stories. Enjoy!


Chapter 1: Engines Test

Edited by Henry01
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Chapter 1: Engines Test


Aboard the IPEV Charon...

Jeb: Nice to finally have my own ship. Given, it's a light escort corvette, and I've got a shoddy first mate-

Bill: Hey!

Jeb: I'm just joking with you.

Bill: Good, cause I was about to throw my shoddy captain out the airlock.

IVCAI: William, that goes against protocol-

Bill: Shut up, ICE.

IVCAI: Bill, my name is IVCAI. Interplanetary Vessel Charon Artificial Intelligence.

Bill: ICE has 2 of the same letters and is easier to remember.

IVCAI: Would you like me to refer to myself as ICE then, William?

Bill: Yes. And call me Bill, not William.

ICE: Yes Bill. Captain Jebediah, would you like to be referred to as 'Jeb'?

Jeb: I would like that, thanks ICE.

Bill: Anyway, ICE, can you tell me what snacks we were supplied?

ICE: The stocked edible supplies aboard the IPEV Charon that are not designated for specific meals are as follows. K-Brand Cookies, Krispy Chips, Pretzel Bluefish and- incoming transmission.

Bill: Incoming transmission? What kinda snac-

Jeb: Bill, it's an actual transmission, you idiot. Patch it through ICE.

ICE: "IPEV Charon: establish a high orbit above the Mun and await further orders."

Jeb: That it?

ICE: Yes. It was a message, not a full transmission.

Jeb: Any reasoning?

ICE: Negative. Establishing transfer burn node.







ICE: Orbit established around the Mun.

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Chapter 2: The First Payload


Mission Control Recording Begin...

CivCom Officer [Name: Classified]: Tug is in a stable orbit. Prepare to rendezvous with the rover payload.

Mission Control Pilot: Yes sir.


Pilot: Burn has begun.

Officer: Good.


Pilot: (A few minutes later.) Second burn initiated.

Officer: Good, we're almost there.


Pilot: We're coming in.

Officer: Good, tell the payload team to prepare for docking.

Pilot: (On headset) Prepare for docking.

Payload Officer: Roger. Wait, what?

Pilot: What is it?

Payload Officer: RCS isn't responding. SAS. The payload is spinning out and we don't know why, and we can't stop it. (To another officer) Get the cameras back on!

Pilot: Cameras gone too?

Payload Officer: Roger. We lost all contact. We're attempting to get contact back now.

Pilot: Oh, dear...

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Chapter 3: Second Try

Mission Control Recording Begin...

Officer: Alright people, high command isn't happy about having to send up a new rover. Luckily, it's pretty cheap compared to the hardware we're using as a tug and so is the lifter. But that doesn't mean you can fool around with multimillion kredit equipment.

*Murmurs of "yes sir" are heard aroudn the room.*

Officer: Lets get to it.


Pilot: Sir, the package is in sight!

Officer: Great. Bring us in to 10 meters.

Pilot: Yes sir!



*A siren is heard from the payload section.*

Officer: What happened?

Payload Officer: Nothing major, you just burned a little too close and sent us into a spin. Correcting with RCS and SAS now.

Officer: Alright, pilot. What was that?

Pilot: Sir, you said you get in withing 10 meters.

Officer: Alright, just following orders. But there is times to NOT follow orders. It was both of our mistakes. Now, get us in to 25 meters.

Pilot: That's a good distance, sir.



Pilot: Alright, we're almost 0 m/s relative to the payload and 25 meters out.

Officer: Good. Payload team, do your RCS thing.

Payload Officer: Yes sir.



Officer: Good, a tight dock. Now, tell that corvette in Munar orbit their real task.


Operations Command Officer: (In transmission with Jeb.) So in conclusion, your operation is to escort the rover to Laythe.

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Chapter 4: A New Addition to the Crew


ICE: Jeb. Jeb. Jeb.

Jeb: *Groans and wakes up* When I said I needed an alarm clock, I expected a ring or something.


Jeb: Ah! Okay, okay.

ICE: Good morning captain.

Jeb: Good morning, ICE.

ICE: We have a transmission from High Command. There is a change of plans.

Jeb: We aren't going to Jool?

ICE: We are going to Jool, captain, but first we have to return to Low Kerbin Orbit to retrieve another crew member.

Jeb: Who?

ICE: They did not say, only that you would know him and he would be arriving via the shuttle "Resolute".

Jeb: Wonder who it could be. Anyway, wake up Bill and plot maneuvers to put us into a 100 kilometer circular orbit around Kerbin.

ICE: Yes captain.


Jeb: ICE, be a little louder, would you?


Jeb: I was being sarcastic!

ICE: I don't understand, sarcasm, captain.

Jeb: Well, before you become a crew member, you need to learn sarcasm and joking. Or else you're just a robot.

ICE: I am a robot, Jeb.

Jeb: Yeah, yeah. Now get those maneuvers started.

ICE: Yes captain.

Meanwhile, down on Kerbin...


Charlie: Alright control, all systems go. Are we good for launch?

Mission Control Commander: Roger that, Resolute. You are good for the quick rendezvous with the Charon.

Ribbles: I still think it's ridiculous we're launching an entire shuttle for 1 guy. Why not some small pod?

Control: He's a valuable asset, Ribbles. Now lets launch the shuttle.

Ribbles: Oh, all right...

Charlie: Yes sir. We're launching now.


Charlie: Waugh!

Ribbles: Oof!

Charlie: Damn these things are rough!

Ribbles: You've never flown one before? I thought you said you had!

Charlie: I said I had flown for the corporation that sold these shuttles to the Coalition!

Ribbles: That makes me feel a lot less comfortable!

Charlie: At least the guy in the back doesn't know!

*The shuttle continues upward, and begins it's gravity turn.*


Charlie: Detaching SRB's in 30 seconds.

Ribbles: Uh! How are you so calm with this?

Charlie: Experience.

Ribbles: You said you'd never flown one of these before!

Charlie: That doesn't mean I don't have launch experience.

*The SRB's detach, and the Resolute continues her path upward.*




Ribbles: We... made it?

Charlie: Not in hell yet, Ribbles.

*The engines ignite to circularize.*


*The Charon pulls into view, and a kerbonaut goes on EVA over to it.*

Ribbles: That's a nice lookin' ship.

Charlie: Ever seen a destroyer before? Even nicer looking.

Ribbles: Say, how big do warships get these days.

Charlie: There is a single battlecruiser in commision over Duna, there is a few slightly smaller cruisers and then there is destroyers and corvettes.

Ribbles: I'd like to serve on a warship one day.

Charlie: Well, you're stuck doing errands with me for now.

Ribbles: Speaking of which, can we finally talk to the guy on EVA?

Charlie: Yep. *He turns on comms with the kerbonaut nearby.* Bob, do you read me?

Bob: I read you loud and clear. Heading over to the Charon now.


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