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Net Neutrality Under Threat


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Hello fellow Kerbonauts, do you have a moment to talk abo....no..wait, let me try again;

I'm trying to raise awareness about Net Neutrality and how it is currently under threat. A US court has ruled against the protection of net neutrality and it is being considered in the EU.

It means that ISPs will be able to prioritise traffic from certain sites over others based on how much they pay. Large corporations will be able to deliver their content faster while smaller sites will be forced to pay or be slowed down. It will also allow ISPs to restrict your access to certain sites unless you pay extra for "packages" that include those sites. It will be more like cable TV and not like a freely open Internet.

Sites that stand up against major corps and govt could be marginalised or even blocked. It will mark the beginning of a regulated Internet and a limit on the freedom of speech.

US courts have already ruled against net neutrality but the FCC can still impose some rules to ensure a neutral net. The matter is still open in the EU so we have a chance to make our voice heard.

I'm trying to spread the word via a post on imgur which is going pretty well so far. If you upvote it further it would help - http://imgur.com/gallery/dZCXGXZ


And even better would be for you to sign this petition to support Net Neutrality

Thanks guys!

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Isn't this already the case? Google displays results based on how much the companies pay. First they were displaying the stuff according to Boolean algebra, then they went intelligent (which wasn't really intelligent), then by popularity, and now it's about the money. It sickens me.

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Someone get 4Chan, tumblr and TPB on this.

There is quite a bit on Reddit about it. I don't know about 4chan (tbh 4chan scares me!) but I hope some peps have posted about this on there.

My post on Imgur has made it to the front page now! whoooo! So hopefully that will get some more votes on the petition and raise some awareness.

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While I appreciate that y'all feel strongly about the issue and have kept the discussion mostly civil, I'm afraid that discussions of a political, religious, or ideological nature (including discussing and recommending public petitions) are against forum rules. Therefore, I'm going to have to close this thread. Y'all have a nice day :)

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