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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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I have an issue with Kerbostar...

The helicopter seemd to stick to the ground until 50% throttle, after 50% it goes up at 1-2 m/s until u reach 100m altitude or u pass 80% throttle that makes u backflip without any possibility of correction until u set throttle back under 80%...

also it is higly unstable... sas seems to help, but what it looks like to me that it keep counterforce strong forces...

I used a stock Kerbostar, and i have FAR installed...

Is a FAR incompatibility?

The Kerbostar was able to fly smootly back in 0.25 when i didn't used FAR...

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I have an issue with Kerbostar...

I used a stock Kerbostar, and i have FAR installed...

Is a FAR incompatibility?

The Kerbostar was able to fly smootly back in 0.25 when i didn't used FAR...

Gven that nothing in the KSO pack was designed or intended to fly with FAR, I'd say thats a pretty good possibility.

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Gven that nothing in the KSO pack was designed or intended to fly with FAR, I'd say thats a pretty good possibility.

I removed FAR... everything seem to works fine now... and if i have to say it, i hate FAR... at the beginning all planes seems to fly smoother and faster and stabler, but then u start to spin, to land at 300 m/s because u don't slow down and to lose wings... if it also damage the beheaviour of other mods i love, i can't accept his presence in my intall any longer! by by FAR!

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Well damn. I've captured my KSOS-40 mission and it's in FLV format thanks to that OBS app. I need to get that into Movie Maker...

I'm finding that making videos is much more work than anticipated. Once I fix up KSOS-40, I'll probably go back to doing screenshots..

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hey hell diver can you make this for mac?

- - - Updated - - -

or is it already compatible with mac?

Yeah it's compatible with Mac, you just have to manually install it which is quite a simple task - download the package you want (or the installer-less complete package) and install it by moving the folders into GameData. After that, you can follow the guides on this thread to get it compatible with 0.90.

Good luck! :)

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I am clearly doing something wrong because I get no video when I convert the .flv to mp4. I get audio only. So now I'm kind of SOL on this whole video thing. Maybe I can screen grab a couple of frames from the video and use that to chronicle KSOS-40.

Edit: OK, thanks to Avalon304, I can now capture video in mp4 format. Thanks Avalon! :) I've re-shot KSOS-40 and now I just have to edit it down to about 10 minutes..

Edited by Angel-125
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I'm having an issue where upon decoupling the EFT, it stays stuck to the Super 25... Any suggestions? I've got all the dependencies updated to the latest versions.

Stuck? I've not seen that. I usually have a couple of separatrons fire once the tank drops. Try that. :)

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I've done that, it just doesn't work, no parts show up at all.

Huh weird. Sorry, I haven't used the mac version recently. Last I used it was when it was officially updated to the current version :huh:

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Thanks to Avalon304, I was able to re-capture KSOS-40! KSP discovers the psychological effects of long-term spaceflight and takes a second look at DeepFreeze cryotechnology. Freedom's flight manifest gets bumped for Operation DeepFreeze, a long-term test of cryotech...

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Strange issue: When building my regular KSO, the nose gear's animation state doesn't seem to match where it actually is. The gear is in fact raised, but it looks lowered. When I manually hit "raise gear," it animates raising the gear, but when I go to launch it's lowered again. If I raise gear and then lower gear it instantly snaps to the gear being lowered as far as animation goes (the collider does not snap to "gear down", though). It's really annoying; any clue what the issue is?

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Strange issue: When building my regular KSO, the nose gear's animation state doesn't seem to match where it actually is. The gear is in fact raised, but it looks lowered. When I manually hit "raise gear," it animates raising the gear, but when I go to launch it's lowered again. If I raise gear and then lower gear it instantly snaps to the gear being lowered as far as animation goes (the collider does not snap to "gear down", though). It's really annoying; any clue what the issue is?

My issue is possibly related. I installed it, along with all other things in the download, (pack 3) and the landing gear has no option to retract. The rear legs have no interactions at all, and the front only has landing spotlight(which works). They also do not work as wheels per say. They are completely rigid, as if they were just fuel tanks. The rear wheels also seem to have a slightly larger hitbox than the front. It seems to hover above the ground, slightly.

"I don't always play Kerbal. But when I do, I use mods."

Edited by mfkdso
Added signature thing
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Thanks to Avalon304, I was able to re-capture KSOS-40! KSP discovers the psychological effects of long-term spaceflight and takes a second look at DeepFreeze cryotechnology. Freedom's flight manifest gets bumped for Operation DeepFreeze, a long-term test of cryotech...


Watched and commented over there, but why not over here as well?

Really nice job, Angel. I'm loving to watch the story development. The song choices were also very amusing. :) Thanks for your effort!

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Watched and commented over there, but why not over here as well?

Really nice job, Angel. I'm loving to watch the story development. The song choices were also very amusing. :) Thanks for your effort!

Glad you liked it. I'm giving it another chance now that I've got the issues sorted out. I'm thinking of capping the Chronicles at 50 missions- the in-game lifetime of a Super25- so ten videos might not be too bad to do..

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hI! i have a problem with Cargo Bay. it's smaller than other parts.. can someone send me to way how to fix it? :)

The smaller shuttle is designed for payloads up to 1.875m in diameter. So if you want the large 2.5m parts to fit, you'll need to use TweakScale. If you don't want to use TweakScale, then you need to use the Super25 shuttle.

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