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Starting a dubstep project.


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...yeah okay good luck with that.

In over my head is an understatment

So... Are you going to post a WIP/song of just tell us to look for sound?

lol, sorry guys, as it turns out, it was horrible. if you'd like the finished product, message me, I might send it to you.

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For an addendum to my previous statement, if you're just trying to string together pre-made loops in audacity, I'm going to slap you.

Also, not sure what you even mean by "a dubstep"? Dubstep is a genre of music, not an item.

This isn't really the sort of thing you want to just jump into doing with absolutely no knowledge of how things work - do some investigation, learn a bit of music theory, find some software specifically made for music composition, etc. And whatever you do, don't purchase any packs of looped samples or "construction kits" (unless they're drum breaks and you intend to make drum & bass, in which case go nuts)

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