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My experimental AI game for university, also a testbed for something much bigger


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I've been working on this for ages, and the larger game for over a year now. Mostly completely silently while we prepared. Hunter's Moon is not as far along as I feel it should be before reveal, but the testbed needs exposure and so HM has to be there too. The main push of development is still to come where most of it will be completelt overhauled. That time is only a week or so from starting.

Here's the description of the testbed:

The plan for this game was to develop a greatly simplified version of the Hunter's Moon (see website for details) hunting mechanics that didn't depend on any of the main game features, and that put the focus on the AI.

The first reason for the testbed is to act as a research project for my final year of university by analysing the merits of training a complex Multi-Agent System with a Genetic Algorithm rather than doing it manually, the second reason is to aid the development of Hunter's Moon.

The data for analysis is provided by a user study at the end of each play-through of the game.

The game will randomly pick an AI configuration at the start of each game (either manually tuned, or computer tuned), that adjusts the behaviour of the wolves. Both attempt to maximise the fun of the game.

After this project is concluded more AI development will be done to make it do everything HM requires and to flesh it out, but the basic foundation is here.

Details on the big game, Hunter's Moon, can be found here: Link

It's based on this ancient Dwarf Fortress mod idea: Here

Feedback and survey responses are very much appreciated.

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Analysis of results is tomorrow; I have a reasonable number of results but not as many as hoped. Any additional surveys would be really useful. No need for extra comments in them either.

Thanks for all the help so far. I think this study is going to be very valuable for the future.

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