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Navball - which heading?

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I am trying to prepare an orbit to intercept this asteroid here. Which heading on the navball do I have to aim for to get into a parallel orbit?

Either the navball is reversed somehow or I am stupid. :P


Edited by KerbMav
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First of all - you don't show much in the pic here so it's really not obvious which way you're traveling, what's your orbit and so on... anyways, if you're not sure about how to get into properly inclined orbit from launch, just launch a spacecraft with equatorial orbit (as usual) then target the asteroid and place a maneuver node on the "descending" or "ascending" node... it's shown as green markers on your orbit in the map view... putting a maneuver node there and doing an inclination maneuver there (mess around with the purple nodes while creating the maneuver node) should do the job... then it's just a matter of burning prograde at the right time to get yourself an asteroid encounter :)

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I am yet travelling nowhere on that pic, as I am had not yet launched my rocket. :)

Also I wanted to avoid an inclination change in orbit.

Unbelievable as it might seem, I have in all these months I have been playing KSP (since shortly after the update to .20) launched a rocket to a specific inclination - I simply never had to (intercept an aseteroid) before. :D

North was "down" on my navball, which got me all confused for some strange reason ... do not take antihistamines and do rocket science it seems. :P

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:D yeah... seems to be my case as well... spring struggle begins, huh? :D good luck with your ARM though :) and btw - it's not unbelievable at all that you didn't need to launch anything at any specific inclination yet... :) I'm trying to avoid that as much as I can as well even after years of playing KSP... it's good to have these orbits in some cases, but it really complicates everything if you don't really need it... :)
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