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Project Odyssey: adventures getting home from an alternate dimension


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Hey Bob, I was wondering if you might be able to do an ama on how you do your hot rockets custom engine effects? I'm trying to do this myself, and while I have done some config editing in the past, I'm having trouble figuring this one out. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Hey Bob, I was wondering if you might be able to do an ama on how you do your hot rockets custom engine effects? I'm trying to do this myself, and while I have done some config editing in the past, I'm having trouble figuring this one out. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks

What I did is create a new install, add hot rockets and moule manager and just messing around with the stock configs. After a while I had understood a couple of stuff.

Bob, I have the idea of making a mod but i don't know how to publish it. I know that GitHub is the best place but the whole online account and program download and stuff through command lines (I am not sure if it works like that) seems complicated. Could you make a vid (or just explain me here) how git works? BTW are you using tortoisegit? I have heard it is much simpler. Last but not least, can you answer to my last post???:rolleyes:

Edited by pack_rtr
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I've seriously considered a HotRockets AMA but never got around to it. I still might, though RealPlume could make that moot.

I have no idea what my next install/mission is going to be. I have many ideas but have not picked one yet. It'll all be available for download though.

I don't use the command line tools for Git. I use "TortoiseGit" to manage my commits, and "GitHub for Windows" to sync my changes.

Speaking of Git and my next install... I'm keeping it here: https://github.com/Felbourn/Project-Genesis

Also, I'll be on vacation for a couple weeks. I do not expect to have computer access much.

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I've seriously considered a HotRockets AMA but never got around to it. I still might, though RealPlume could make that moot.

I have no idea what my next install/mission is going to be. I have many ideas but have not picked one yet. It'll all be available for download though.

I don't use the command line tools for Git. I use "TortoiseGit" to manage my commits, and "GitHub for Windows" to sync my changes.

Speaking of Git and my next install... I'm keeping it here: https://github.com/Felbourn/Project-Genesis

Also, I'll be on vacation for a couple weeks. I do not expect to have computer access much.

Thanks! About Project Genesis I have already downloaded it and played it from like the first 7 commits. And in the last time I had checked you had commited 20 seconds ago! BTW I am half way done with Project Odyssey redone in 0.90. Couldn't get it to work in 1.0.4 cause of the new aerodynamic and heating models. Your save doesn't work but I'll see what I can do. Also there are some craft files missing from the repo like the TDRS sattelites. Other than that enjoy your holiday!:wink:

Edited by pack_rtr
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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking at your Genesis instal I said to myself : WHAAAT?? You have realy become a MM master. I am 15 years old and I thought that the only thing MM had was the ability to edit parts while the game loads without editing the original .cfg file. And I was proud of my self that I knew how it worked. Now ... WHAT IS THIS

[TABLE=class: diff-table tab-size, width: 918]


[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA][/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+{[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ @title ^= : FIX ME::[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ @description ^= :a maximum 100 units of ::[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ @maxTemp = #$@MM_VARS/BatteryTemp$[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ massTypeCanVolume = 1[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ Can_dia = 0.25[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ Can_hgt = 0.25[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ Can_density = #$@MM_VARS/ISAMass$[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell is-hovered, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number is-hovered, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition is-hovered, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ massTypeBattery = 1[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ battery_dia = 0.25[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ battery_hgt = 0.25[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ @TechRequired = inProgress[/TD]



[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD]

[TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+}[/TD]



I have now idea what those 'MM Vars' are. So, back to learning new things!:confused:

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MM_VARS are in the GameData/Felbourn/Felbourn folder and are some global constants I am using to help me "reprogram" the entire KSP balance system.

You want your mind blown? I'm using MM to do a square root function:

action = add mass from cone area
// lateral A = À * r * sqrt(h^2 + r^2)

radius = #$/MASS[ConeArea]/dia$
@radius *= #$@MM_VARS/DiamToRadius$
radius2 = #$radius$
@radius2 != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$

sqrt_of = #$/MASS[ConeArea]/hgt$
@sqrt_of != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_of += #$radius2$
action = do SQRT function

// iterate a few times to refine the sqrt guess
// f(x) = x^2 - top
// f'(x) = 2x
// x' = x - f(x) / f'(x)

x_value = #$sqrt_of$
@x_value /= 13

// iteration 1
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 2
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 3
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 4
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 5
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 6
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// final
sqrt_is = #$x_value$

!sqrt_of = DELETE
!x_value = DELETE
!sqrt_fx = DELETE
action = finish cone area mass
// lateral A = À * r * sqrt(h^2 + r^2)

change = #$sqrt_is$
@change *= #$@MM_VARS/PI$
@change *= #$radius$
@change *= #$/MASS[ConeArea]/dep$
@change *= #$/MASS[ConeArea]/density$
@change /= #$/MASS[ConeArea]/arcs$

@mass += #$change$

!change = DELETE
!radius = DELETE
!radius2 = DELETE
!massTypeConeArea = DELETE
!sqrt_is = DELETE

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MM_VARS are in the GameData/Felbourn/Felbourn folder and are some global constants I am using to help me "reprogram" the entire KSP balance system.

You want your mind blown? I'm using MM to do a square root function:

action = add mass from cone area
// lateral A = À * r * sqrt(h^2 + r^2)

radius = #$/MASS[ConeArea]/dia$
@radius *= #$@MM_VARS/DiamToRadius$
radius2 = #$radius$
@radius2 != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$

sqrt_of = #$/MASS[ConeArea]/hgt$
@sqrt_of != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_of += #$radius2$
action = do SQRT function

// iterate a few times to refine the sqrt guess
// f(x) = x^2 - top
// f'(x) = 2x
// x' = x - f(x) / f'(x)

x_value = #$sqrt_of$
@x_value /= 13

// iteration 1
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 2
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 3
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 4
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 5
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// iteration 6
sqrt_fx = #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx != #$@MM_VARS/Squared$
@sqrt_fx -= #$sqrt_of$
@sqrt_fx /= #$x_value$
@sqrt_fx *= -0.5
@x_value += #$sqrt_fx$

// final
sqrt_is = #$x_value$

!sqrt_of = DELETE
!x_value = DELETE
!sqrt_fx = DELETE
action = finish cone area mass
// lateral A = À * r * sqrt(h^2 + r^2)

change = #$sqrt_is$
@change *= #$@MM_VARS/PI$
@change *= #$radius$
@change *= #$/MASS[ConeArea]/dep$
@change *= #$/MASS[ConeArea]/density$
@change /= #$/MASS[ConeArea]/arcs$

@mass += #$change$

!change = DELETE
!radius = DELETE
!radius2 = DELETE
!massTypeConeArea = DELETE
!sqrt_is = DELETE

1st:Mind blown. Well done.:confused::confused::confused:

2nd:I have no idea what a square root function is.

3rd:By replicating your Genesis Install will I be able to understand a thing or two?


Again checking the Genesis install and I am wondering, if those MM Vars are standad numbers that change the numbers in KSP itself?

By creating a MMVars.cfg file and add configs for example for maxTemp and then when you edit the part you write something like a path to the config?

Also, you could document the creation of this install and make vids like "How to make a moded KSP install" and be like a tutorial series. This way A LOT of content will come out.

Edited by pack_rtr
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1st:Mind blown. Well done.:confused::confused::confused:

2nd:I have no idea what a square root function is.

3rd:By replicating your Genesis Install will I be able to understand a thing or two?


Again checking the Genesis install and I am wondering, if those MM Vars are standad numbers that change the numbers in KSP itself?

By creating a MMVars.cfg file and add configs for example for maxTemp and then when you edit the part you write something like a path to the config?

Also, you could document the creation of this install and make vids like "How to make a moded KSP install" and be like a tutorial series. This way A LOT of content will come out.

From Wikipedia:

in mathematics, a square root of a number a is a number y such that y2 = a, in other words, a number y whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself, or y × y) is a. For example, 4 and −4 are square roots of 16 because 42 = (−4)2 = 16.​So, a square root function is something that will calculate the square root of a number.

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The target audience for "how to super-mod your game with CFGs" is limited to very few people, and those few are probably already doing it. You think you want it, but you really don't. :)

The square root I was doing was for this:


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This would be a cool part to make for some future KSP series.


Stian is working on one:


We probably don't need the antenna, that way we can attach anythnig we want to it. But the arm the antenna is ON would be nice. We could make it animate to rotate from the side of the landing platform to be sticking up, then attach things to it if wanted.

- - - Updated - - -

Actually, better yet, make this two parts.

The green part can be used on the base of modules like in the NASA picture on the right side.

The red part can be used on the sideways 2.5 modules. I can make the CFGs work if these are modeled as separate pieces.

The animating arm for attaching an antenna would be part of the red piece.


We'd attach 2 reds to 1 green and radially attach the green to the 2.5 module.

Or attach just the platform to the base of a 3.75 standing up.

Edited by Felbourn
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Ok so I've made one 2x3 unit wide part and one 2x2 unit part. I'll just add a tweakscale module to each of the parts in order to keep the part count down. Are there any other dimensions you'd want? Putting a 2x6 unit part (jumbo64 fuel tank sized part) on a 2x3 unit would look silly right? So if you have any sizes in particular you would like, let me know.

Also, these small tanks underneath, any idea what they would contain? Fuel for lander engines, or maybe monoprop for attitude control during descent? I'm asking in case I need to add small thrusters underneath.

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If the real world those are probably part of the life support system. In stock KSP we can make them mono, or I can attach a "fuel switcher" to let them become other things. I'd also make a ModuleFuelTank for them to be used for life support in non-stock games.

If you want to focus on the module and textures, I could save you time by handling CFGs (attachment nodes, balance values, etc). I can make it work with remotetech and so on.

- - - Updated - - -

oh hey... I've downloaded your mod before

- - - Updated - - -

Oh also I didn't answer, yes I think 2x3 is fine. If we wanted to attach 2x to a larger tank we could, but probably no one will want to do that much.

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If the real world those are probably part of the life support system. In stock KSP we can make them mono, or I can attach a "fuel switcher" to let them become other things. I'd also make a ModuleFuelTank for them to be used for life support in non-stock games.

If you want to focus on the module and textures, I could save you time by handling CFGs (attachment nodes, balance values, etc). I can make it work with remotetech and so on.

- - - Updated - - -

oh hey... I've downloaded your mod before

- - - Updated - - -

Oh also I didn't answer, yes I think 2x3 is fine. If we wanted to attach 2x to a larger tank we could, but probably no one will want to do that much.

Ok gotcha, Ill just make the models, texture them and run them through Unity and then send them your way. Seeing as you like to make spread sheets and all that, I figure you'd love to do the CFGs anyway :P

Do you want the models to have the same exact textures as in the NASA Picture?

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Texture it however your inner artist says it looks best. If you think the NASA texture looks good, use that. It seems like it's mostly gray with gold tanks underneath. That could be cool. I'm fine with it if you want to take a little artistic license as needed. But yea the NASA texture would be great. I use a lot of Chaka Monkey textures lately, so maybe something that "fits in" with parts like his.

- - - Updated - - -

P.S. I'm going to blame you directly by name when people say "why is Odyssey late?"

"liquidhype made a ground base lander model for me and I had to land it on the Mun!"

:) just kidding!

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Haha I can just imagine the youtube comment section!

I can make a couple different textures for each of the parts, and then you can just pick which ones you like the most.

Seeing as we want the antenna to animate, I made a telescopic piston for it, as well as a small hinge at the top so that it can extend and rotate.

Are you going to be adding a node to the antenna, in order to attach it to the bottom piece? If not, I can remove those two rods at the bottom of the antenna.

I added a few images here, hopefully you can make out the piston and the hinge. Also, are we going for 2 parts for the top part of the "lander", or do you want the top piece to be separated into two sections?

Do you want more structural detail in the "c-bed" part of the lander, or is this ok?

Btw, I want the parts to be called "Felbourn"-something in-game. "Felbourn Lander Chassis" or something along those lines :P

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Nice! If it telescopes, perhaps exaggerate the extension more, so it sticks about 3m above the top once extended, but until then is down below top of the module (so it won't stick out through any fairings).

Sure I can pick a texture for it from your choices.

Yes, if the telescoping rod is separate, I'll just give it a node to attach to the curved base, so the bracket will want to be on the rod like you have it shown already.

If the telescope rod is separate then the curved base can be one piece. My original idea was to symmetry, but once you separate the rod out then we don't need that anymore because we can already do independent rods, so one piece is better.

I think the model is looking really good. Maybe if we want to put a little "computer sort of thing" between the tanks, that might be good too. Then I can give the base some battery charge.


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Allrighty, I'll extend the telescopic piston. I could also add a rotatron-looking thing to the antenna base. That way it would be able to rotate into a horizontal position parallel to the curved base instead of sticking straight up even when it's not extended.

I will split the base into two parts then, the curved upper base, and the landing part of the base. The antenna will of course be a separate part of its own.

Making colliders for this thing is going to be interesting :P

Edited by liquidhype
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I am also interested to join into the project.

I am a German student, rather good at Blender, and I also have experience with Unity. I also do Graphics design in my freetime.

Here my first ideas:

1 I don't think the module is intended to be launched like this in one piece. There are multiple clues suggesting that:

1.1 The Module and the one behind it have identical bases, this suggests a high flexibility and 'on location' construction

1.2 This piece also suggests a construction into the Mission. NASA would weld it together, and not keep it like that


1.3 There are multiple reasons this module may be circular in cross section:

1.3.1 Pressure, however this probably does not apply for the base

1.3.2 Launch vehicle: the fairing is round. This would mean that it would not be launched with the base attached. We do not know anything about the landing of this module on Mars (right?)

--> I would make it deployable or land separately from the Rest, so not one part.

2. Textures:

2.1 We could use the Fustek textures, They have two different ones:

2.1.1 Stockalike ones2.1.2 Realistic ones

For modules inspired by the American/Japanese/European parts of the ISS

They have (probably a module) that allows to switch between the two on one mouseclick in the menu. We could probably use that.

2.2 I could also make some, for example for

2.2.1 The Plants

2.2.2 The other IVA and EVA parts

I guess it would make sense to make this a kind of addon to Fustek, as 'base extensions'. It also has docking port parts, similar to the ones depicted.

Thanks for reading


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Of course in real life this would be attached in situ. I don't think anyone would expect that we'd launch this way. hehe.

How do you recommend we attach this in situ in KSP? Kerbals don't have screw drivers. hah.

I do not intend to use EPLP or anything like that either, but I am open to other suggestions.

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