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Is there a "Switch Focus Back To Spacecraft" Button Hidden Somewhere.

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Just got really frustrated because the game went bonkers and the focus went pinging off into space and I couldn't find my spacecraft again. Had to go back to the tracking station just to find it.

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It took me quite a while to learn that one too. But my joy on learning doesn't compare to how happy I was when I learned that you could actually toggle between targets without going to the tracking station :D

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I've been tabbing through each planet to get back to the ship.

Same here xD

I do know about Shift+tab, however I don't like throttling up while changing focus, I even came up with a trick: use time warp x5 while Shift+tabbing, so that my craft doesn't decide to take a hike :^/

Man... I thought I know this game. "Backspace"??? wow, thanks! just thought me something new.

this is about as good as the Alt+f5/f9 discovery!

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I do know about Shift+tab, however I don't like throttling up while changing focus, I even came up with a trick: use time warp x5 while Shift+tabbing, so that my craft doesn't decide to take a hike :^/

I've remapped throttle keys to Z and X to avoid this. :)

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  • 2 years later...
2 hours ago, WerdaTube said:

For me it was the squiggly line key: ~ < That one.

That's because you necro'd a nearly 3 year old post.  For the curious who drive by, the default control scheme was changed so that we would stop accidentally firing off our abort systems trying to re-focus, which is also Backspace.

For the record, that key is called the grave key, though I doubt most care. XD

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