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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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1.34 fix the scale down issue with surface attached parts: good.

EDIT: the following is not related to tweakscale... (removed, still have them)

But I got another more serious issue:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at Part.OnTriggerStay (UnityEngine.Collider other) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

an infinite loop of these exception are thrown on launch, leading to a slugggiiissssshhh KSP which is just too busy in this mad loop.

sometimes there is:

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

Parameter name: index

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[AttachNodeSnapshot].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ProtoPartSnapshot.Init (.Vessel vesselRef) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ProtoVessel.LoadObjects () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Vessel.Load () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Vessel.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


I just put a 2.5m diameter probe core + rescaled to 5m: big SAS module, large batteries bank, a FLT-400 tank and a poodle engine and a Rockomax Brand Adapter on top.

By the way most of the structural stock parts are not tweakable :(. Making it quite useless as-is (how to connect a 5m parts on a 2.5m ? there is a ugly gap in size)

Edited by Justin Kerbice
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Sadly, KSP x64 is a fickle beast, and not fond of divulging information about why things don't work. I'll look into this, but given that, I am not sure I can solve the problem.

That's ok, I appreciate your efforts anyway!!

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I had a look-see at the pricing problems, and it appears that GetModuleCost is not called when recovering a ship. This is a bug in KSP, not something I can do much about. (except the workaround of adding a resource called 'money' and all the jazz that follows that)

[edit]Scratch that, it's just being called at a weird time.[/edit]

Edited by Biotronic
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hi !


It's a very cool pluggin and I'm interesting to use it on my own gear ! to fit 1.25 and 2.5 part!

I looking the explanation now (English is not my native language :blush:)

I need to make some heavy test on how it work!

some question :

1- is possible to use this mod only for one part ? (I don't want force people to download another plugins with part)

I mean using the plugins and do not change another part .

If I use the mod by default it affect all part in my gamedata folder (with module manager) I'm right ?


Edited by stephm
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hi !


It's a very cool pluggin and I'm interesting to use it on my own gear ! to fit 1.25 and 2.5 part!

I looking the explanation now (English is not my native language :blush:)

I need to make some heavy test on how it work!

some question :

1- is possible to use this mod only for one part ? (I don't want force people to download another plugins with part)

I mean using the plugins and do not change another part .

If I use the mod by default it affect all part in my gamedata folder (with module manager) I'm right ?


When you download the TweakScale zip, many parts are made rescalable, but not all. If a part is not from the list of supported mods on , or a stock part, it is not rescalable, and must be added explicitly. You can do this by adding this in the part's .cfg:

name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 1.25

for a stack-mounted part with a diameter of 1.25m. For a different size, change 1.25 to some other number.

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I have to say something about this crap that's going on here. First thank you for this mod, when working it's a blessing. However it seems to me, you keep skipping on any testing when you just slap random config files around. You mods keeps bugging my default mod configuration since .24 was released. Every single version has some game breaking issue(crashes). Please have a better look at the stuff you add and the plugins you implement. I usually don't post harsh comments like this but I am sick and tired of

going all around this forum and trying to troubleshoot other mods when it's always yours at the end. I wont go into details what's wrong as you should get your hands dirty and finally figure it out yourself.

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I have to say something about this crap that's going on here. First thank you for this mod, when working it's a blessing. However it seems to me, you keep skipping on any testing when you just slap random config files around. You mods keeps bugging my default mod configuration since .24 was released. Every single version has some game breaking issue(crashes). Please have a better look at the stuff you add and the plugins you implement. I usually don't post harsh comments like this but I am sick and tired of

going all around this forum and trying to troubleshoot other mods when it's always yours at the end. I wont go into details what's wrong as you should get your hands dirty and finally figure it out yourself.

How dare people give you free content thats not up to your standard!

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How dare people give you free content thats not up to your standard!

You know no one is forcing him to do it. There always will be someone who will do it, including doing it better. At least when you do something do it the proper way.

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You know no one is forcing him to do it. There always will be someone who will do it, including doing it better. At least when you do something do it the proper way.

The entitlement is strong with this one...

You know no one is forcing you to use it.

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When ..... is not rescalable, and must be added explicitly. You can do this by adding this in the part's .cfg:

name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 1.25

for a stack-mounted part with a diameter of 1.25m. For a different size, change 1.25 to some other number.

thank for the tip , I'm concerned by this :

Apparently tweakable everything with TweakScale causes problems (ref post 200). More information needed.

in the first post, and I'm a big users of tweakable everything, if this problem are a solution I think I want to use the module.

tomorrow I'll try it with this two options :

1.25 and 2.5 (defaultScale = 1.25 , 2.5)

thank you very much

Edit : not tomorrow because I have to work on beautiful front landing gear ! :wink:


Edited by stephm
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Note if someone runs into the same problem: KSP wasn't able to start with the latest TweakScale & ProceduralFairings versions. When deleting the TweakScale KSPAPI dll and keeping the one delivered with PF it works for me.

Not a complaint, just a hint :)

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Note if someone runs into the same problem: KSP wasn't able to start with the latest TweakScale & ProceduralFairings versions. When deleting the TweakScale KSPAPI dll and keeping the one delivered with PF it works for me.

Not a complaint, just a hint :)

PF isn't updated with the latest KSPAPI (I think, can be wrong)

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thank for the tip , I'm concerned by this :

in the first post, and I'm a big users of tweakable everything, if this problem are a solution I think I want to use the module.

tomorrow I'll try it with this two options :

1.25 and 2.5 (defaultScale = 1.25 , 2.5)

thank you very much

Edit : not tomorrow because I have to work on beautiful front landing gear ! :wink:


(Waits patiently for update) I have been getting errors when launching craft from launch pad, when i re-added tweakable everything, only problem is a updated several other mods. As well as added some new.

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That's odd – those two mods are the only KAE mods I have installed at the moment and everything is working perfectly. Do you have another KAE mod installed that hasn't been updated?

Olympic 1,

PF was updated earlier today with the latest KSPAPIExtensions.

(Waits patiently for update) I have been getting errors when launching craft from launch pad, when i re-added tweakable everything, only problem is a updated several other mods. As well as added some new.

You can help find the problem by posting those errors, not just saying there are some. Specifically, post your output_log.txt (Win) or player.log (Mac, Linux).

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I have been having a lot of problems with my saves recently, and while a lot of rebuilding mod-by-mod has not fixed it, TweakScale seems to be involved, so I thought I might start here. I made a more minimal example with just three craft with the two mods I most suspect are involved, Tweakscale and Klockheed Martian, and I cannot exactly replicate the bug, exactly, but it was unpredictable in when it first appeared in the original save, and perhaps the save itself if just corrupt at this point, but I thought I would put the log up here and see if anyone has any suggestions for how I might proceed. I am playing 0.24.2 on Mac OS X. Using:

Toolbar, Active Texture Management, Deadly Reentry Continued 5.2, Firespitter dll, Klockheed Martian and KM Special Parts, KW, Infernal Robotics 18.3, Mechjeb 2.3.1 dev 277, ModStatistics, Module Manager 2.2.0, NEAR 1.1.1, Procedural Fairings 3.08, RemoteTech 2, Scansat 6.1, TAC Life Support 9 (pre#4), Kerbal Alarm Clock, Tweakscale 1.34

Craft disappears, leaving only


Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sofskjftnydv040/larkvi_20140803_01.log

In this log, with more mods, but the same problem, https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpgfdfu0szmw61o/larkvi_20140803_02.log, most of my original craft is missing, leaving this:


Interestingly, if I remove tweakscale, all the parts are there and attached, but they are no longer sized correctly, and the craft breaks apart.

rn9AEDq.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com

Is this related to the procedural parts bug/related to Tweakscale at all?

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So, I've been getting a lot of this lately:

[ERR 21:25:03.868] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'TweakScale_ModularFuelTanks': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'modularFuelTanks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'modularFuelTanks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

Any ideas?

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