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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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I am conducting a Low Radar scan. It should be ideal from 50km--500km right? I was scanning at 499km and tried 497 km with 90 degree inclination but still said I am too high. Any idea what happened? it functioned well before 57.9%

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I've got the same problem. Scan altitudes are messed up probably because I use Stock Size Real Solar System mod. I've got max altitude for RADAR 47km and it's not possible to orbit at that altitude. I tried to modify altitudes in  \GameData\SCANsat\Parts\RADAR\RADAR.cfg but it's not changing anything.





Edited by schedar
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@Carrot I need to see log files and or a save file to help. You might want to check the settings window to see if background scanning has been disabled.

@schedar Sounds like a Module Manager config changing things around somewhere. Search your GameData folder.

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I see...


            name = SCANsat
            sensorType = 1
            fov = 5
            min_alt = 942
            max_alt = 47100
            best_alt = 942
            scanName = RADAR Scan
            power = 0.05
            animationName = Collapse_Antenna


Now the question is - can I delete the cache safely?

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I've removed the cache and adjusted the RADAR config. After loading it has put the same(incorrect) values to cache. Then I edited the cache itself and it worked - I could change the altitudes. I've also checked the settings.cfg file but there's nothing but copernicus and sigma dimensions.

Edited by schedar
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That will only work until the cache needs to be rebuilt. You'll need to find whatever config file is changing things to solve the problem.

The log files give a list of every MM config and what it is being applied to, just search for SCANsat and you should see them somewhere during the loading process.

Edited by DMagic
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Okay. It appears SSRSS has a compatibility config for SCANSat. Thanks for help.

So basically you need to copy compatibility SCANsat.cfg file from SSRSS and delete SCANsat config file from "\GameData\Sigma\Dimensions\Configs\ReDimension" folder and everything works well then.

Edited by schedar
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12 hours ago, DMagic said:

@Carrot I need to see log files and or a save file to help. You might want to check the settings window to see if background scanning has been disabled.

@schedar Sounds like a Module Manager config changing things around somewhere. Search your GameData folder.

Thanks! It turned off at the setting

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Just a shot in the dark here, but when I see something like this happen in my games, it's usually because my satellite is running out of Electric Charge. All SCAN sat devices require a constant supply of EC or else they stop scanning. Your vessel goes behind the celestial body, batteries keep it alive for awhile, it dies, then it clears the planet and you get sun (and EC) back. If you keep an eye on the resource panel through a complete orbit that should tell you if that's the problem or not. If it is, you either need a vessel with more batteries (or a way to produce power that doesn't require the sun) or you can wait for the planet to rotate such that those areas eventually end up on the day side as you pass over them. Depending on how well your orbit and the planet's rotation are in sync, this may require you to wait as the planet revolves around the Sun... 

If that's not the issue, then... nevermind this post. :)

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5 hours ago, Merkov said:

Just a shot in the dark here, but when I see something like this happen in my games, it's usually because my satellite is running out of Electric Charge. All SCAN sat devices require a constant supply of EC or else they stop scanning. Your vessel goes behind the celestial body, batteries keep it alive for awhile, it dies, then it clears the planet and you get sun (and EC) back. If you keep an eye on the resource panel through a complete orbit that should tell you if that's the problem or not. If it is, you either need a vessel with more batteries (or a way to produce power that doesn't require the sun) or you can wait for the planet to rotate such that those areas eventually end up on the day side as you pass over them. Depending on how well your orbit and the planet's rotation are in sync, this may require you to wait as the planet revolves around the Sun... 

If that's not the issue, then... nevermind this post. :)

Yeah, you need a decent amount of battery power to keep the systems working during the night.

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I've returned to KSP after a while away.

Last time I played I was failry certain there was a calculator available to work out optimal orbits for arbitrary fov / altitude combos (i.e. the DMagic resource and other scanners that aren't stock ScanSat parts)

But all I can find are these old tables:

Does anyone know if there's a way of creating tables like the above link for other parts (e.g. the soil moisture sensor for water scanning...)?


Edit: Found it!


It was a Matlab program.

Moreover, for anyone wanting to use it, you can upload the files from the GitHub project here:


And run it yourself without needing to download Octave or MatLab.


Edited by Cooper42
Found it!
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On 5/10/2016 at 2:39 PM, DMagic said:

@the Monkeys Uncle Log files would help.

As long as the parts are there, the buttons are there, and the maps work I can't see any reason why the scanners wouldn't deploy.

It's been a while but here are logs from KSP.log

When I try to start the scan, the system throws a InvalidOperationException, and the scan fails to start. Any idea what might cause this?

[LOG 22:22:21.780] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for mediumDishAntenna
[EXC 22:22:22.639] InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
    System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback)
    System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate)
    SCANsat.SCAN_Toolbar.ToolbarTypes.getType (System.String name)
    SCANsat.SCAN_Toolbar.ToolbarManager.get_Instance ()
    SCANsat.SCAN_Toolbar.ToolbarManager.get_ToolbarAvailable ()
    SCANsat.SCAN_PartModules.SCANsat.startScan ()
    BaseEvent.Invoke ()
    UIPartActionButton.OnClick ()
    UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args)
    UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
    UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
    UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
    UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
    UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
    UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
    UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)
[LOG 22:22:22.786] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for mediumDishAntenna


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@Adam.A It sounds like you left a planetary overlay map on, just turn it off.

@the Monkeys Uncle Are you using an old version of Toolbar? That has caused similar problems in the past.

@basila That sounds like a Kopernicus problem. Maybe a screwed up config or a missing height map.

@Apurva Kawthalkar Click on the target select button then click somewhere in the map window, but outside of the map itself.

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SCANsat 16.2 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It is updated for KSP 1.1.3. It contains a few minor GUI performance optimizations, clarifications on scanning status, new terrain color palettes, and some minor changes and additions to the KSPedia entry.

A new silent science collection function has been added that will prevent the results window from opening: for KOS support (@erendrake or @hvacengi) see the source here.

For planet rescaling mods, such as Sigma Dimensions, some new terrain height multiplier values have been added to the SCANcolors.cfg file. Each planet now has three multipliers:

			name = Kerbin
			index = 1
			minHeightRange = -1500
			maxHeightRange = 6500
			clampHeight = 0
	---->	maxHeightMultiplier = 1
	---->	minHeightMultiplier = 1
	---->	clampHeightMultiplier = 1
			paletteName = Default
			paletteSize = 7
			paletteReverse = False
			paletteDiscrete = False

@Sigma88 Module Manager configs should reference these values (probably the maxHeightMultiplier is the only one that will need to be changed) instead of the min and max height range values. This will prevent errors when saving these values from in-game (the values have also been clamped so that extreme min and max terrain heights won't break the SCANsat maps). Existing configs and save files may need to be reset to their default values for each planet. This can be done in-game using the Color Management Window and selecting the default values button for on the terrain tab.

Support has also been added for Planetary-only resource configs (stock resource configs that don't include a Global Resource node; ie Karborundum) if you want to manually add in SCANsat sensor support for any such resources. Biome-only configs remain incompatible with SCANsat resource maps.

Edited by DMagic
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This is magic!

no, wait...

@DMagic :wink:


on a more serious note, what are these values supposed to do?

minHeightRange = -1500 
maxHeightRange = 6500 
clampHeight = 0

so I can figure out the best approach when changing their multipliers

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Those are the existing values, they define the default min and max terrain heights for each planet (and if you want to set the "clamp" height, like for ocean planets), which SCANsat uses when assigning colors to different terrain heights. The multipliers are used to adjust those values (and the values stored in each save file) when drawing the maps.

So if you want to scale the max terrain height by 2 for each planet, just set the maxHeightMultiplier = 2 in a MM config. Don't do anything to the min and maxHeightRange values. When someone saves the SCANcolors.cfg using the in-game function it always sets those values to 1, so that the MM config doesn't get carried over each time the file is saved (internally the multipliers set by the MM config is preserved when saving the SCANcolors file).

Existing save files will probably be a bit screwed up, but they can be reset in-game pretty easily.

Edited by DMagic
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On 6/9/2016 at 2:09 PM, schedar said:


I've got the same problem. Scan altitudes are messed up probably because I use Stock Size Real Solar System mod. I've got max altitude for RADAR 47km and it's not possible to orbit at that altitude. I tried to modify altitudes in  \GameData\SCANsat\Parts\RADAR\RADAR.cfg but it's not changing anything.


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The issue with ScanSat and SSRSS has to do with the changing sizes. Sigma dimensions rescaled the ideal Heights correctly based on the numbers changing. The issue with SSRSS is that they are changing the ScanSat values twice. RSS has a config file that fixes the ScanSat values for their larger planets. This file still exists in SSRSS. Sigma then changes this file that overwrites the correct file back down to 1/10th of the proper values. 

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