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[0.24.2] GlowStrips v0.4.3


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I am unable to change color... there is only the white one... what I am doing wrong?

Try right-clicking on the parts once they've been placed. Hopefully that works!

One of the smallest but coolest mods!

Thanks, we think so too!

Suggestions: Make 'em procedural, with adjustable length, width and thickness. Eventually even with a curvature slider.

You hit the nail on the head. We're really interested in getting those features implemented, but Zarenor's the real workhorse here. His ideas for the UI are highly likely to be best in the long run, but will take longer to roll out. After all, RGB+Value, Pulse Length, Width, Height, Length, and Curvature? That's a *lot* of sliders. Plus linking Throttle→Value. Those who just want the old way -- if only to keep things small -- can always snag the old GlowStrips.

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Hey Guys,

I got version 0.4 out, with the GlowStripThin!

This is the thinner strip you've all been asking for!

The GlowStripThin is also length-adjustable, and can be bound to the throttle, so I knocked out a couple of requests at once.

I left the old parts in, so your old craft should still load/fly.

You should exclude the old strips from your builds when possible, I'll be looking to eliminate them whenever I get to a serious model and texture rework, in another update or three.

Please do let me know if you find any bugs, new or old.

Hope you enjoy the update!

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So the version on KerbalStuff and Curse have ModStats included? To get the non-ModStat version you need to get the one on GDrive?

I downloaded both and the one from KerbalStuff looks like it has ModStats included, and I don't see a noMS version there.

Thanks! Great looking mod! I'm looking forward to welding some neat pre-fab shapes to cut down on part number...

EDIT: Nevermind I found the GlowStrips without ModStats version on KerbalStuff. Didn't realize it was listed as a separate mod.

Edited by ThirdHorseman
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Yes. On KerbalStuff, if you read the description there, the word 'without' is a link-through to the version without ModStats. Alternately, if you search for GlowStrips on KerbalStuff, both should come up :)

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I'm loving this mod. I shrink the adjustable strips down to little squares and I use them as running lights or markers for docking ports :)

I've been looking for something like this for a long time, and using Z-100 batteries for that purpose prior heh...

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GeorgeT93: We're looking at a few options for glowing things of different shapes, but I have some other plans first. Sit tight, we've got quite a bit coming.

Renegrade: Awesome! Our original motivation for these was making our space station not-a-star, and still labeling sides of the station clearly, by color. (As well as marking where ports were, etc.)

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This is a fantastic mod, I'm plastering them all over my station components now. There's one part I think would be incredibly useful - a GlowRing for docking ports. A thin part that can stack under a docking port and makes a neat little ring around it so we can dock more easily at night.

Thanks for all your work so far!

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Yes, exactly. The GlowStrips look much better. Also, the stack inline lights (which I just realised I've actually used before) aren't particularly visible from end on.

Edited by Catullus
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An interesting idea would be to have the option to allow the glow-strip to actually emit a very (and I mean really) small light-area around itself so it could be made to illuminate the parts around it, just ever so slightly, in the range of... say... a couple in inches from where the strip makes contact with the parts around it. Come to think of it, that would probably require a bunch of individual light sources along the length of the strip, each of which would subtract another dynamic light source from the total allowance. bleh... and I was so close to being able to add a glowing bottom to my repulsor-equipped (see upcoming releases of lo-fi's wheel mod) hot rods. oh well.

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Renegrade: Awesome! Our original motivation for these was making our space station not-a-star, and still labeling sides of the station clearly, by color. (As well as marking where ports were, etc.)

It works very well for this sort of purpose :)

Unfortunately there's some glitch I'm trying to run down where the 0.4.2 edition's GUI seems to object to some other mod I install (not sure which though -- possibly ProcFairings?). It's on a 32-bit, 0.24.2 install..and the window seems to be missing it's well, non-usable areas. The usable areas seem to work just fine though.

Also I noticed the thin strip is.. well, very thin, and sometimes ends up embedded under the surface of a 2.5m tank.. On some angles, I can get it to come out of the tank, but on others it can never quite surface..

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Also I noticed the thin strip is.. well, very thin, and sometimes ends up embedded under the surface of a 2.5m tank.. On some angles, I can get it to come out of the tank, but on others it can never quite surface..

I've seen that as well.

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