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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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It'd be a bigger congrats if we got the gas fired I wanted, but due to the emergency nature of no hot water and a 39 week pregnant wife (those two DON'T mix, btw) had to just drop in another electric. I'm looking forward to the hard freeze tonight too, that will be a blessing for my (and my dogs) allergies.

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New release - Hot fix for yesterdays. Missed a fuel fix that causes a crash on loading. Get it at the OP

Yeah, that was my bad. Left my original fix in my personal configs folder, which covered all the near future engines in my install, forgot that without it the game would crash on load. Sorry about that!

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That's it folks. I'm done!

That is sad news. RO is such an amazing mod, and you did so much to make it work. Thank you so much for it! I am very sorry if the community (including me) didn't appreciate enough what you are doing.

Is there any way to change your mind?

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Alright, with some cooler, less impulsive heads. Going to make everybody happy and compromise. I personally will be terminating my RO support and appearances here on this forum. There are some great people on here, but there are some real pieces of work that my personality can not ignore, and I have and would otherwise continue to respond in a less that appeasing manner. So it's best (for everyone involved) that I leave these forums behind.


I will still continue to work on RO as I have in the past, however it will be strictly though git. If you have a bug to report. There is a great function on git to report it. It also helps me sort things out myself. One also has the opportunity to make additions/changes with pull requests. I will be using the wiki pages to keep FAQ, Installation, and basically the OP information on it up to date. This allows me a single interface to work with, with less 'personal contact' which I think everybody will appreciate (especially me). So in essence I'm now simply an 'engineer' with RO. Rather than the point man and customer support representative. IF somebody wants to step up and take that role, let myself and NK know.

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Alright, with some cooler, less impulsive heads. Going to make everybody happy and compromise. I personally will be terminating my RO support and appearances here on this forum. There are some great people on here, but there are some real pieces of work that my personality can not ignore, and I have and would otherwise continue to respond in a less that appeasing manner. So it's best (for everyone involved) that I leave these forums behind.


I will still continue to work on RO as I have in the past, however it will be strictly though git. If you have a bug to report. There is a great function on git to report it. It also helps me sort things out myself. One also has the opportunity to make additions/changes with pull requests. I will be using the wiki pages to keep FAQ, Installation, and basically the OP information on it up to date. This allows me a single interface to work with, with less 'personal contact' which I think everybody will appreciate (especially me). So in essence I'm now simply an 'engineer' with RO. Rather than the point man and customer support representative. IF somebody wants to step up and take that role, let myself and NK know.

Banzai! Hurrah! Großartig! Vive l'ingénieur!

PS: The Viking funeral is still nice. We should have it without a body..

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Sorry to bother but I wanted to help this work along. I have some new RO configs based on Nathan alpha series for KWRocketry which I'm testing and I was wondering how do I go about posting what I have for review. For KWRocketry I noticed several parts have been rescale in different ways. Some affect the RO KWRocketry parts but a few parts like the batteries and fairings which have been rescaled. Do we need to resize those for RO as well?

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RedAV8R, thank you for all you've done and are continuing to do. :)

A question to the body: for now I will be stepping in to handle support and OP updates, but if there is anyone who would be interested in handling the thread, please let us know. :)

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PS: The Viking funeral is still nice. We should have it without a body..

Out of the question. A body is mandatory. If Red is not available or eligible then you may substitute a 100 liter tank of hydrazine. If hydrazine is not available then you may substitute chlorine trifluoride.

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Out of the question. A body is mandatory. If Red is not available or eligible then you may substitute a 100 liter tank of hydrazine. If hydrazine is not available then you may substitute chlorine trifluoride.

Red has been a true hero and even ClF3 is not sufficiently Kerbal for his farewell. FOOF is the only Kerbal thing to do.

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A question to the body: for now I will be stepping in to handle support and OP updates, but if there is anyone who would be interested in handling the thread, please let us know. :)

If no one else steps up, I'd be happy to look after the thread and/or some of the configs once my exams finish (about 2 weeks). I'd also really like to do some work on a highly simplified RO career mode.

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If no one else steps up, I'd be happy to look after the thread and/or some of the configs once my exams finish (about 2 weeks). I'd also really like to do some work on a highly simplified RO career mode.

I'd be more than happy to help out with that, I just don't really want to take the whole thing on.

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