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[1.4] Routine Mission Manager [v032]


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21 hours ago, The_Joe said:

Well, now Im wondering if its a corrupted game save or something.  I keep have crashes that seem related to RMM and sometimes I can register docking ports and sometimes I cannot.  


Disappointed.  =\

Sorry to hear that. Could you say anything about why you are not able to register docking ports? Is it indeed that the button is not available, like you mentioned in an earlier post?

Any detail which you can give on the crashes: are they random or related to actions of mod?

EDIT: added a warning to the download post based on your reports.

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On 1/7/2018 at 12:33 PM, PrivateFlip said:

Sorry to hear that. Could you say anything about why you are not able to register docking ports? Is it indeed that the button is not available, like you mentioned in an earlier post?

Any detail which you can give on the crashes: are they random or related to actions of mod?

EDIT: added a warning to the download post based on your reports.

I really like this mod and want to get it working, but I also recognize that I have a few mods installed, it's an older save, so it could be an issue that no one else will ever have. I don't really understand modding that well.

When I have the same docking port regestration issues I have a bit of a work around. 

If I exit to main menu, load up a sandbox game, then I can register docking ports. If I then load back into my career save then I can register docking ports again. This regestration info doesn't seem to persist.

When I order a launch, I wait, then come back to the orbital station. The game zooms out to the map, them crashes. I can share crash reports of you'd like. 

For the sake of full disclosure, I was having [different] issues with the previous version also. Not sure why.

Edited by The_Joe
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On 1/8/2018 at 11:38 PM, The_Joe said:

I really like this mod and want to get it working, but I also recognize that I have a few mods installed, it's an older save, so it could be an issue that no one else will ever have. I don't really understand modding that well.

When I have the same docking port regestration issues I have a bit of a work around. 

If I exit to main menu, load up a sandbox game, then I can register docking ports. If I then load back into my career save then I can register docking ports again. This regestration info doesn't seem to persist.

When I order a launch, I wait, then come back to the orbital station. The game zooms out to the map, them crashes. I can share crash reports of you'd like. 

For the sake of full disclosure, I was having [different] issues with the previous version also. Not sure why.

Thanks for the information. Intermod bugs are often hard to find.


2 hours ago, debitfett said:

Would it be possible to have this mod work with extra planetary launchpads? That would make this mod even more appealing.


The architecture of the new version does make it easier to expand the mod with new types of missions which can be recorded and ordered and I have had a lot ideas while writing the new version. It ended up taking 6 months to create the new version however, after a player requested support for missions with reusable stages. It wasn't so much work but it was just hard to spend enough time on it to have some reasonable progression. So this would be a good predictor for the speed of any additional features if I would choose to implement them.


On a somewhat unrelated note: A mod I came across by change a few weeks ago: Kerbal Space Transport System. It has been around for a year - I don't play a lot of KSP anymore so there are a lot of developments which I'm frankly missing. It seems like a good mod to check out for people who are following this mod.

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I've been experiencing a somewhat puzzling bug with Routine Mission Manager, which is the only problem with an otherwise exceptionally good that meets my needs admirably.

While my Minmus mining complex is under construction, I'm using RMM to send periodic increases in fuel supplies to my main LKO station, which are then shipped in moderately sized tankerss to the stations orbiting the Mun and Minmus.  (Launching the utter behemoth Supertankers in SpaceY size that will transport Minmus fuel to the Mun and LKO is the next superproject, and I'm hoarding credits for those launches.)  This means that I record a set of fuel launches to LKO that I refer to as "ferries", and order up a swarm of them to pump fuel into the LKO station's numerous docking ports to keep operations going on the Mun and Minmus.  Mostly this works AOK, and I can pour fuel into the station at a nice rate with each batch of ferries launched from Kerbin once a game day or so, that being the ETA of a fuel ferry launch.  Once in a while though, one of the recorded ferry launches gets corrupted so that the ETA is inflated enormously and it's necessary to re-record a launch.  Most recently the ETA for my liquid fuel Nuclear Ferry launch jumped from an ETA of ~1 game day to 24 game days.  This has been going since long before the 1.3 and 1.3.1 updates.

Any insight as to what may be causing this?  CKAN allows me to give a precise listing of my Mods if need be.

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This issue has been reported a few months ago (post). Although I could not reproduce the issue, I believed I had fixed the way it could happen in version 027. Have you tried this version? It is the third update for the mod for KSP 1.3.0.

If you're already using version 027 and this is still happening, I would love to know.

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Released an update for revised version of the mod: see this post for dropbox link.

-found and fixed where vessel give error when docking to complex station.

-added ability to delete mission trackings. During testing I ended up with all these uncompleted trackings which cluttered up the overview screen. These can now be deleted.

-times in tracking detail window now given in a more readable format.

-under the hood how the arrival and departure logic is called was changed. Arrival and departure take far less time to complete and are expected to be more stable.

-a few UI tweaks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/19/2018 at 4:05 PM, PrivateFlip said:

This issue has been reported a few months ago (post). Although I could not reproduce the issue, I believed I had fixed the way it could happen in version 027. Have you tried this version? It is the third update for the mod for KSP 1.3.0.

If you're already using version 027 and this is still happening, I would love to know.

Sorry, didn't have response notifications on for whatever reason.

I was using the v 27 mod when it happened, but I was also using a save from before the KSP 1.3 patch.  We'll see if it occurs again now that everything is more up to date.

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On 1/30/2018 at 5:48 AM, Duke Leto said:

Sorry, didn't have response notifications on for whatever reason.

I was using the v 27 mod when it happened, but I was also using a save from before the KSP 1.3 patch.  We'll see if it occurs again now that everything is more up to date.

Thanks for the info: the save itself shouldn't effect the fix I made in 027, so I'm probably still missing something.

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  • 1 month later...

@PrivateFlip Amazing mod!

Is it normal that it lists all kerbals both available and assigned when ordering a mission? I'm using 0.27.

I was wondering if this has been fixed since then,because I didn't see anyone mentioning it.

Shouldn't this in routine.cs at line 1661:

if (GUILayout.Button(cr.name, buttonStyle, GUILayout.Width(165), GUILayout.Height(22)))

be something like this:

if (GUILayout.Button(cr.rosterStatus == ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available ? cr.name + " Av" : cr.name, buttonStyle, GUILayout.Width(165), GUILayout.Height(22)))

or at line 1659 be sg like this:

if (cr.rosterStatus != ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Dead && cr.rosterStatus == ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available)

If i order only the minimum crew(2) from assgined astronauts the arrived vessel is filled up completely with unassigned kerbals, it could be conflicting mods as no one seems to had this problem so far.

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On 3/31/2018 at 9:10 PM, Atis003 said:

@PrivateFlip Amazing mod!

Is it normal that it lists all kerbals both available and assigned when ordering a mission? I'm using 0.27.

I was wondering if this has been fixed since then,because I didn't see anyone mentioning it.

Shouldn't this in routine.cs at line 1661:

if (GUILayout.Button(cr.name, buttonStyle, GUILayout.Width(165), GUILayout.Height(22)))

be something like this:

if (GUILayout.Button(cr.rosterStatus == ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available ? cr.name + " Av" : cr.name, buttonStyle, GUILayout.Width(165), GUILayout.Height(22)))

or at line 1659 be sg like this:

if (cr.rosterStatus != ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Dead && cr.rosterStatus == ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available)

If i order only the minimum crew(2) from assgined astronauts the arrived vessel is filled up completely with unassigned kerbals, it could be conflicting mods as no one seems to had this problem so far.


The behaviour you describe is indeed what the mod would do if the crew you request are already assigned, so this is not a mod conflict. The code changes you propose would correct this behaviour. 

However this particular behaviour was intentional. It allowing the player to select astronauts which are currently not available but might be available when the mission starts. This crew is also identified as a preferred crew. When not available for the mission the manager selects any astronaut available to prevent the mission not completing because one astronaut did not report in on time. 



Currently started with testing of the new version of the mod for KSP 1.4.

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On 2018. 04. 02. at 10:45 AM, PrivateFlip said:


The behaviour you describe is indeed what the mod would do if the crew you request are already assigned, so this is not a mod conflict. The code changes you propose would correct this behaviour. 

However this particular behaviour was intentional. It allowing the player to select astronauts which are currently not available but might be available when the mission starts. This crew is also identified as a preferred crew. When not available for the mission the manager selects any astronaut available to prevent the mission not completing because one astronaut did not report in on time. 

I see, thx!

I have started making a modification(allowed bodies orbital to allowed bodies orbital, basicaly a supply run between stations) using your system for myself,but  I would to contribute to this mod by sending you this code after I finished it.

How I planned to do this:

The start and the end deltav and resource changes would be recorded in tracking and it would be possible to send an already existing vessel to the next station without any fund costs(only resources and the needed deltav and time). 

However I do have some problems:

1.) Storing the vessel: to send the ship to the next station, the vessel has to be deleted(as i dont know any other way to store the vessel) which I'm not really certain how good idea it is, could science, experemients or modules be deleted?

2.) Kerbals: after sending the ship to the next station and deleting the vessel, the crew status needs to be changed to available? If I change it to missing then will  they come back after a time automatically? Dead: resurrecting kerbals will revert their stats?

I'm trying to keep intact the original code as much as I can, but there would be problems especially with dockingstage.

If you are not intrested in adapting this, would you allow me to at least release the code(link) here so maybe someone is willing to update it or do something useful with it?

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On 4/4/2018 at 9:26 PM, Atis003 said:

I see, thx!

I have started making a modification(allowed bodies orbital to allowed bodies orbital, basicaly a supply run between stations) using your system for myself,but  I would to contribute to this mod by sending you this code after I finished it.

How I planned to do this:

The start and the end deltav and resource changes would be recorded in tracking and it would be possible to send an already existing vessel to the next station without any fund costs(only resources and the needed deltav and time). 

However I do have some problems:

1.) Storing the vessel: to send the ship to the next station, the vessel has to be deleted(as i dont know any other way to store the vessel) which I'm not really certain how good idea it is, could science, experemients or modules be deleted?

2.) Kerbals: after sending the ship to the next station and deleting the vessel, the crew status needs to be changed to available? If I change it to missing then will  they come back after a time automatically? Dead: resurrecting kerbals will revert their stats?

I'm trying to keep intact the original code as much as I can, but there would be problems especially with dockingstage.


Hi Atis,

To make these type of modifications to the mod I would really encourage you to take a look at the revised version of the mod I've been working on. Code has restructured and is a lot cleaner than the current version of the mod. See this post for download of this version. I've also pushed the last code changes to github and added a link to github in the opening post of this thread.

With this version in hand solving the problems you have will be somewhat more straightforward.

The current mod already has code to store vessels. Storing of a vessel happens in the tracking code within method TakeVesselSnapShot(). It currently does so outside of the save game in the 'vesselfile' of the mission. This is the file form which the vessel is loaded when the mission is repeated. So there is no need to delete the vessel in order to store it. 

In the new version I'm storing data for ordered missions in a scenario. Although it currently does not support it, this functionality could be expanded to also store a vessel as part of the order information. This way you can save the departing vessel before deleting it and then reload it to have it dock on the destination station.

In the revised version the code for arriving and departing is moved to the ArrivalWorker and DepartureWorker classes. These classes currently are still specific for arrivals and departures which the current mod supports, but they could be changed to support other functionality as well. (You already mentioned you would have to make changes to dockingstage code. This is now all in the ArrivalWorker)

In the DepartureWorker class you will also find the code which deals with removing kerbals and setting their status. For automated return missions to kerbin in which the vessel does not safely return, I set the crew status to Missing or Dead depending on the campaign setting on whether lost crew should go missing. When crew go missing the game has them return later. This functionality is however never used because the current mod probably prevents the player from automating a return mission which would lead to the dead of kerbals. 
For the functionality you are trying to add, I suspect you could keep the crew set to assigned. This way the crew will not be available for other mission while the vessel is supposed to be underway from station to station. 
The mod should register this in some way and have a way to return those kerbals to available in case the mission is canceled. This is necessary to make sure kerbals are not stuck on their assigned status in case the mission cannot be completed. 

This last functionality is next on my own wish list because it would allow me to make routine missions to other planets realistic. Currently kerbals are plucked from the roster just as the vessel arrives. For relatively short missions to kerbin and it's moons this isn't a very visible to the player, but it would be for year long missions. The revised version could relatively easily store such data in the aforementioned scenario.

The revised mod also already has functionality to compare a docked structure to a stored structure. I suspect you would need this as well to check if a docking port currently holds a vessel which is identical to the one on the original mission.

Hope the above makes some sense to you. Let me know if you have any questions.


If you are not intrested in adapting this, would you allow me to at least release the code(link) here so maybe someone is willing to update it or do something useful with it?

The mod is released under a BSD license, so you are completely free to create your own expanded version of this mod and release it yourself. Also, although there have been numerous questions for additional functionality, I haven't been able to spend a lot of time on adding new features to this mod, so if someone comes along and makes a new mod based on this one with added functionality I would encourage it.

I want to be a little bit more cautious on whether I would be interested in adapting your changes in this mod. Surely, if the functionality you added is robust I would have no issues in adding it. However, based on my own experience in making the mod so far, there are a lot of little things you have to take care and deal with to make the functionality somewhat robust. This has always made creating and improving this mod a lot more arduous then what I expected on the start. 

I would be more than happy to link any code changes here, to allow other people to further update the mod.

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revised version of routine mission manager
-improved UI
--in game manual
--detailed information of tracked missions
--ordering forms gives more info on the to be ordered mission and gives feedback on any not met requirements.
--overview of all ordered missions
-no longer nessecary to be away from a destination station for a mission to complete. (this comes at the cost of missions no longer completing when there is other traffic in the area of the destination)
-support for missions which have reusable stages which return for kerbin for recovery.
Example: a rocket with reusable boosters which parachute down to be recovered. Make sure each booster has a command part, like a probe core. Save the game before launch. Launch the rocket. Seperate the boosters when depleted and immediatly create another savegame. Fly the rocket on to it's destination. Jump back to the seperation savegame and switch vessel to one of the boosters. "Fly" the booster safely to the surface, repeat the same procedure for the other boosters. Jump back to the savegame before launch. Even though the rocket and boosters when tracked to their destination in different timelines the mod will combine the tracked information as if it was one mission.


A new version of the mod is out. The mod has been greatly overhauled. I'll try to watch this thread more closely in the coming weeks for feedback and issues.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/11/2018 at 8:23 AM, reducing said:

Thanks for making this vital mod!

You're welcome, glad to hear it is of use!




General update: currently working on some new features. Have added functionality so kerbals which are scheduled for a mission, are actually reserved on the astronaut roster from the moment of Launch. Currently in testing. This will enable longer mission, to destinations outside Kerbin and its moons to be supported in a more realistic manner. Also just started working on some things to eventually make routine missions to and from the surface of other planets possible, but this is still in early phases of development.

Edited by PrivateFlip
spelling error
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, when I use this it seems to record fine, however I notice in the Tracked Mission details, it says under the ARRIVAL section, 239days.  This a simple resupply to LKO.  When I order this mission, my kerbals starve because it somehow thinks its taking 239days.  Any ideas?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this awesome mod!

Loved using it for refueling.



Having a problem - tried using it for delivering tourists up to orbit (probe controlled ship), was recorded well, but the launches I order come up completely empty..

(yes I double and triple checked the names of the people in "set preferred crew", and it also shows them as being on board in the "Ordered Missions" menu..)


^ problem was not a problem, should've read the manual :)

..though to be fair the mod shouldn't allow setting preferred crew if the total onboard crew is set to 0, then further on show those preferred crew in the Ordered Missions roster before delivering an empty ship.

> still, used the empty ships for recovery missions, so all's well that ends well.

Edited by TanoPrime
problem was not a problem, should've read the manual
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @PrivateFlip, regarding the reusable stage tracking function of RMM, to make sure I understood what you mentioned a few posts back, it's, after Start Tracking, (1) save before flying, (2) save after staging, (3) load save @#2 after docking payload for each recoverable stage staged at that point, (4) when all is done, load save @#1, and I can recover the vehicle on the pad, and just order the mission at the station? I don't have to End Tracking anywhere else, right? And would having StageRecovery or FMRS during this recording process mess up any career cost calculation for the resulting mission order, especially for SR since it does its accounting on the fly during the flight?

Thanks! (I loved this mod with Extra-P Launchpads,  made delivering rocket parts and gas way, way easier for infrastructure-building, and now getting to try it in a career save with Ground Constructies and Goldilocks by which I meant Gold Standard, good lord, 1 million funds on every downmass, and all RMM'd to boot...)

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