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Point-and-Click Throttle Control

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(First time logging in in probably a year. Hope I'm not too out of the loop; haven't seen anything like this suggested in the last few pages of the subforum or the don't-suggest page so here goes. This idea came from a similar UI element in the MMO Eve Online.)

Proposal: a point-and-click-and-drag GUI for better throttle control (mockups below).

Rationale: The current system (assuming no joystick) has several issues that can be addressed with this proposed system:

1. Throttle control is occasionally too incremental: Precision is advantageous in many situations, like hovering over surfaces, and the thrust-limiting system is clunky for on-the-fly adjustments. The proposed feature would allow for finer tuning of throttle percentage.

2. Up-down key control: The "update speed" is slow, which makes rapid thrust changes hard; responsiveness is crucial during landings and for achieving smooth descents. Point-and-click allows for instant and precise throttle changes and thus high responsiveness.

3. Lots of control "clutter" on the keyboard by default: Certain situations (docking, landing) require several inputs simultaneously, which can be a hassle on the keyboard. Allowing for throttle control with the mouse as such could make general maneuvers simpler.

All in all, this idea will hopefully allow for a better in-flight experience.

Proposed Function:

The clickable surface (highlight on mouseover):


The resulting panel:


A clickable surface on the throttle readout would expand into a panel on which the thrust indicator would "project" itself (the panel need not be visible, but the projection should be). The user could then adjust the projection with fine precision, and, depending on mode of operation, the throttle would ultimately adjust itself to match the selected value. A percentage readout would work well here.

Two separate modes of operation I can think of:

1. Mouse button down on the surface would expand the panel; dragging the mouse over to a certain point (the "ghost" line would follow) and releasing the mouse button would commit the specified throttle value. This would allow for quick/fine adjustments without changing the throttle during the process.

2. Normal clicking of the surface would pin the selection panel up. The ghost line would follow the mouse within the panel, and actual throttle changes would follow the ghost line when the mouse button is down. Clicking the surface again would hide the panel. This would be ideal for constant throttle adjustments.

Thanks for taking the time to consider this!

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I would use this in certain situations (landing jet VTOLs probably). It's a nice solution for an analog throttle, without having to attach a joystick or other external throttle device.

So long as the current key controls remain as they are this would be a good addition.

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When I first played the demo, I was surprised when I didn't have throttle control via the mouse. It was only after I went through the tutorials (which I should have done in the first place) that I discovered how to control the throttle. So, yes. Point and click throttle control. It should be added.

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