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Warhammer 40K Exploits


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Post your Warhammer 40K exploits or heroic moments here! I have a Tau army now and it is awesome. My commander Killed a Venrable Dreadnought in one hit in Melee and didn't take any wounds! He charged in with Flamer and Frag Launcher Blazing and annihilated him :D

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I played the tabletop and also Dawn of War. The tabletop isn't really in my favor, its pretty expensive and i don't see much suspense in it.

I once collected Tau because I liked their design the most, but I gave them to a friend of mine who collects space marines and also some other ... ehh... some other... eeeeeeh... eeeh.... eeh.. armies? I guess that's the right word. :D

you seem to be a big fan of Tau, looking at your title, avatar and signature ;)

Have fun with it, the game is great, the tabletop pretty expensive. But everyone should have his own opinion on that^^


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  • 3 months later...

I'll just post the list.

Take with grain of salt.

The Things I am not Allowed to do in 40k:

•I am not allowed to run more than 100 Gaunts, no matter how irritating my opponent is.

•TLoS is not an excuse to check LoS for every single Gaunt on the field every turn.

•Nor is accurate movement an excuse to measure every single Gaunt's movement.

•I may not field more than 5 Wave Serpents in a casual game.

•Outflanking 6 Leman Russ MBTs, although hilarious, is not OK in a casual game against Dark Eldar.

•Creed may never be proxied as a Lord of Change.

•Saint Celestine is not an appropriate proxy for a Keeper of Secrets.

•Playing Unbound and fielding nothing but Farseers in unacceptable. ESPECIALLY if all the Farseers are proxies.

•I must obey the BRB.

•Even the stupid rules.

•Even the rule that says FMCs have to start the game in Gliding mode.

•No more than 2 Bargelords with Sempiternal Weave, Phase Shifter, Warscythe, and MSS may be taken in a game under 750 points.

•I may not take 2 Flyrants in a 500 point game, even if the rules say I can.

•I may not play armies made up of proxies, even if I have the codex.


•Not allowed to make parodies of "the Things Skippy is no Longer Allowed to do in the Army"


•My fingers are not scoring units.

•Neither are slices of pizza.

•Not allowed to touch my opponent's models without permission.

•Not allowed to put fictional events on this list, except for things placed here entirely for comedic purposes.

•Baneblades are not footstools.

•Neither are towers of Wave Serpents.

•It is a "Lord of Skulls", not "Tom Kirby's Lawnmower".

•I am not to be admitted to "casual" tournaments without careful inspection of my army list and written explanations of my interpretations of the rules.

•No beatboxing while playing games.

•Make that no beatboxing, EVER.

•I must ask my opponent's permission to use 2+ rerollables in casual games.

•The Avatar of Khaine is not to be proxied by a jar of cane sugar, no matter how appropriate the name is.

•"Cancer-Fighting-Ninjas" is not an appropriate term for a Warp Spider shrine.

•Breaking the game is not an acceptable pastime.

•Taking 3 Wraithlords in 750 point games is not acceptable.

•Serpent Spam is not fluffy, no matter how much I argue.

•Trying to get Gypsies to put curses on Tom Kirby and his board of executives is right out.

•Steel Legion are not a special army. They are just Guardsmen. I am not allowed to say they have 4+ saves and 2 wounds each.

•Even if this is fluffy.

•My cat is not a Lord Of War choice, and pushed over by her does not count as a Stomp attack.

•Commissar Yarrick is not Duke Nukeum, and "Iron Will" may not be referred to as "Balls of Steel"

•Twin-Linked Devourers are not "Spam fists"

•I may not ever combine Screamerstar with NDK spam, even if the rules say I can.

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Just for the love of quail, please don't start with the tabletop games. They are just overpriced cash grabs.

Or you can not be stupid and order from Frontline Gaming or Dark Sphere depending whether you're in the US or UK.

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Warhammer 40k is....not very well balanced.

The whole cash grab argument is invalid imo. The models dont really cost much more than any other tabletop game, you just happen to require more of them. I havent played the tabletop version in any form of competitive environment for a good few years now. I have transitioned into the modelling side of things more than playing. A lot of the gameing community is highly elitist and sap the fun out of everything so I try to only play with friends (of which i only have 2 left that even still have models) Theres a good few other games that are heaps better. Infinity, dust tactics/battlefield are both great, you dont need £1000 of models to play the games and dust has ....ing ww2 style walkers!

I love the 40k setting and books (and the horus heresy books and era) i just wish gw/bl would keep their books less contradictory!

Theres something about the 40k setting I just cant quite put my finger on...

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Haven't played since 4th edition was a new thing - Chaos Marines & Imperial Fist successor Marines. What edition are we on now? Some older 40kers might remember me from TheWarp.net or The Bolter & Chainsword forums from years and years ago when I posted as "Moogoo the Great".

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