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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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3 hours ago, stryker2279 said:

would it be too much to ask if you could chop this into a couple of different revamps? i love this mod for giving rocket parts a facelift,but id like everything esle left alone, and im too scared to throw anything out on my own. help?


Most of us here edits configs and deletes files by ourselves to keep only what we need... :cool:

My personal patch notes looks like this:

Ven's Stock Part Revamp v1.9.0
+	Date: 2015.11.26
	Links:	http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92764
	Files: GameData\VenStockRevamp
	DEL VenStockRevamp\PartRevamp_TextureReplacer.cfg
	DEL VenStockRevamp\VSR-Hotrockets.cfg
	DEL \Part Bin\ParaDockingPort.cfg
	DEL \Part Bin\ShibaNTR.cfg
	DEL \Part Bin\NewParts\AerobeeEngines\*
	DEL \Part Bin\NewParts\JetEngines\*
	DEL \Part Bin\NewParts\MK1Cockpit-Alt\*
	DEL \Squad\Parts\Command\ProbeCores\* EXCEPT RoverBody*.*
	DEL \Squad\Parts\Fairings\*
	DEL \Squad\Parts\Mk1\*
	EDIT \Squad\Parts\Aero.cfg:
		// @PART[fairingSize1] {}
		// @PART[fairingSize2] {}
		// @PART[fairingSize3] {}
		// @PART[noseCone] {}
		// @PART[winglet3] {}
	EDIT \Squad\Parts\Command.cfg:
		@PART[Mark1-2Pod] { //	%CoMOffset = 0, 0.0, 0.07
		// @PART[probeCoreSphere] {}
		// @PART[probeCoreOcto2] {}
		// @PART[probeCoreOcto] {}
		// @PART[probeCoreCube] {}
		// @PART[probeCoreHex] {}
		// @PART[probeStackSmall] {}
		// @PART[probeStackLarge] {}
		// +PART[probeCoreHex]:NEEDS[!AsteroidDay] {}
		// @PART[HECS2_ProbeCore]:NEEDS[AsteroidDay] {}
	EDIT \Squad\Parts\Engines.cfg:
		@PART[RAPIER] { //MODEL{*EngineCore*}
		// @PART[turboJet] {}
		// @PART[JetEngine] {}
		// @PART[turboFanEngine] {}
		// @PART[radialLiquidEngine1-2] {}
	?+	@PART[engineLargeSkipper] {}
		// @PART[Size3AdvancedEngine] {}
	EDIT \Squad\Parts\Structural.cfg
		// @PART[stackPoint1] {}
		// @PART[structuralPanel1] {}
		// @PART[structuralPanel2] {}
		// @PART[structuralIBeam2] {}
		// @PART[structuralIBeam1] {}
		// @PART[structuralIBeam3] {}
		// @PART[structuralMiniNode] {}
		+PART[trussAdapter] { @name = trussAdapterVen //@PART[trussAdapter] {
		+PART[trussPiece1x] { @name = trussPiece1xVen //@PART[trussPiece1x] {
		+PART[trussPiece3x] { @name = trussPiece3xVen //@PART[trussPiece3x] {
	EDIT \Part Bin\Extra Structural Parts.cfg:
		// +PART[structuralPanel1]:FIRST {}
	DEL \Squad\Parts\DockingPorts\*DockingPort*
	EDIT \Squad\Parts\Utility.cfg:
		// @PART[Large_Crewed_Lab] {}
		// @PART[longAntenna] {}
		// @PART[dockingPort2] {}
		// @PART[dockingPort3] {}
		// @PART[dockingPort1] {}
		// @PART[dockingPortLarge] {}
		// @PART[dockingPortLateral] {}
		// @PART[OrbitalScanner] {}
		// @PART[SurveyScanner] {}
		// @PART[science_module] {}
		// @PART[radPanelSm] {}
		// @PART[radPanelLg] {}
		// @PART[radPanelEdge] {}


You always can ask for help if you don't know where to find desired config patches and such :)

Edited by ZobrAA
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ah, well, all i want to keep is the rocket stuff, so fuel tanks and engines, but not any of the jet stuff, or anything else for that matter, any help where to go?


forgot to mention the decouplers NEED to stay, i loves them too much!!!

Edited by stryker2279
forgot to mention something
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There are bunch of .cfg files in GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts

Also there are additional parts, added by Ven in GameData\VenStockRevamp\Part Bin

So what you need is to comment or delete all that you dont need in that configs.

1) Go to GameData\Squad\Parts to find config of part that you dont like. You need to know ingame identifier (part name) - it will be at the very begining of .cfg like so:

	name = JetEngine

2) Then you go to corresponding config of Ven's Revamp folder (in this case it is GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\Engines.cfg) and search for "JetEngine". When you found it - comment all code block for that part like so:

//@PART[JetEngine] { 
//	MODEL {
//		model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Propulsion/EngineCore-Small
//		position = 0.0, 0.972875, 0.0
//		scale = 1.1,1.0,1.1
//	}

Now game will ignore that revamped addition.

3) Repeat for every disliked part.

4) PROFIT! :)

Edited by ZobrAA
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buggish issue, anyone else have the mk 2 escape cover just blow things up?

29 minutes ago, ZobrAA said:

There are bunch of .cfg files in GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts

Also there are additional parts, added by Ven in GameData\VenStockRevamp\Part Bin

So what you need is to comment or delete all that you dont need in that configs.

1) Go to GameData\Squad\Parts to find config of part that you dont like. You need to know ingame identifier (part name) - it will be at the very begining of .cfg like so:

	name = JetEngine

2) Then you go to corresponding config of Ven's Revamp folder (in this case it is GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\Engines.cfg) and search for "JetEngine". When you found it - comment all code block for that part like so:

//@PART[JetEngine] { 
//	MODEL {
//		model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Propulsion/EngineCore-Small
//		position = 0.0, 0.972875, 0.0
//		scale = 1.1,1.0,1.1
//	}

Now game will ignore that revamped addition.

3) Repeat for every disliked part.

4) PROFIT! :)

thanks for this man!

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1 hour ago, ZobrAA said:

There are bunch of .cfg files in GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts

Also there are additional parts, added by Ven in GameData\VenStockRevamp\Part Bin

So what you need is to comment or delete all that you dont need in that configs.

1) Go to GameData\Squad\Parts to find config of part that you dont like. You need to know ingame identifier (part name) - it will be at the very begining of .cfg like so:

	name = JetEngine

2) Then you go to corresponding config of Ven's Revamp folder (in this case it is GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\Engines.cfg) and search for "JetEngine". When you found it - comment all code block for that part like so:

//@PART[JetEngine] { 
//	MODEL {
//		model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Propulsion/EngineCore-Small
//		position = 0.0, 0.972875, 0.0
//		scale = 1.1,1.0,1.1
//	}

Now game will ignore that revamped addition.

3) Repeat for every disliked part.

4) PROFIT! :)

actually, ive just ruined one of my saves, thankfully only useless remotetech sats were harmed, but im not 100% clear what you said to do, i just started butchering the file like a madman and deleted random stuff that didnt look important. what do you mean by 'comment ALL CODE BLOCK'? thats why i was hoping that someone would take the time out of their day to take a lot of time to help one guy out(note the sarcasm, no one does that nor should you expect them to, keyword being hope, not expect)

the stock spaceplane parts all look good, its the rockets that are decrepit, and thus i whine about my problems and say 'i wish the rocket parts were their own separate thing from the rest of it'


also, im writing this at 5:45 in the morning without sleep, so ill probably regret writing half of this in like 12 hours lol

Edited by stryker2279
sleepy disclaimer
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By commenting all code block, I believe he means, once you find the block, or lines of relevant code for each part you want to delete, you can comment them out, and they will be ignored... To do that you add two forward slashes at the beginning of each line: ' // ' (without the ' of course)... Doing it this way instead of just DELETING the lines out of the file, if something goes wrong, or if they are the wrong lines, you can just go back and remove the slashes to "revert" the .cfg back to original... Also good for coming back months later if any settings/variables were changed, or to again "revert"... The lines and their original settings/variables are all right there for you...

Commenting lines out is good for just tweaking settings too...I'll add a duplicate line, and comment out the original, such as this example. I want to change the decoupler force from 250 to 175...This way when I want to change it back, I dont have to try to remember the original setting...This really works for things like node placement, with lots of odd numbers, or something with a specific texture, mesh, or animation name that you are changing...:

 (Original code):                     

 name = ModuleDecouple
 ejectionForce = 250
 explosiveNodeID = srf

(My changes):
 name = ModuleDecouple
// ejectionForce = 250
 ejectionForce = 175
 explosiveNodeID = srf
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6 hours ago, stryker2279 said:

buggish issue, anyone else have the mk 2 escape cover just blow things up?

Known issue with the collider.  I thought it was fixed in 1.9, but not 100% sure.

EDIT: my mistake, 1.9 isn't released yet.  In that case it's fixed in the Git repository.

Edited by blowfish
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im using the 1.9.0 version from github and for the life of me i cant figure out why the pointy nose cones have vanished. i realise that this isnt a full release, but i cant find any files saying to get rid of it so what happened? am i crazy, or just stupid?


well, i guess im neither, just poked around, and found that the

aero-pathpatches.cfg is trying to use a file that doesnt exist, here, take a look:    @MODEL,* {
        @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/ConeA:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/TallNoseCone:
    @MODEL,* {
        @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/ConeB:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/TallNoseConeS:

but in there is no such thing as TallNoseCone or TallNoseConeS, as far as i can tell, ill just delete those lines and see what happens! hope this helps someone!

Edited by stryker2279
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5 hours ago, stryker2279 said:

im using the 1.9.0 version from github and for the life of me i cant figure out why the pointy nose cones have vanished. i realise that this isnt a full release, but i cant find any files saying to get rid of it so what happened? am i crazy, or just stupid?


well, i guess im neither, just poked around, and found that the

aero-pathpatches.cfg is trying to use a file that doesnt exist, here, take a look:

You are definitely use an old version, not the 1.9.0. Because in 1.9.0 there are no GameData\VenStockRevamp\PathPatches\ directory any more...

Did you download latest repository build via "Download ZIP" button here: https://github.com/VenVen/Stock-Revamp ?

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15 minutes ago, olekopyto said:


When is this mod going to be updated to 1.0.5 beacuse i like the stock Mk1 Cockpit and the Wheesley jet engine is not scaled properly.

I tried deleting the cockpit and Wheesley files but then they do show up in editor and spacecraft, please help!

Download 1.9.0 from Ven's Github repositpry, it is updated to 1.0.5 and have stock mk1 cockpit and wheesley.

Also rocket parts now match stock "porkjet" style.

By the way, great job, Ven! 1.9.0 is great!

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On 04.12.2015, 16:28:20, olekopyto said:


I more liked the old blue solar panels. How to make them come back?

You need to change textures in VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\Electrical\gigantorXlSolarArray and VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\Electrical\SolarSmall to an older release version https://github.com/VenVen/Stock-Revamp/releases/tag/v1.8.0 But not forget to rename them where needed! :)

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About yesterday additions and fixes:

I like the new Mk1-2 Pod, but seems like there is something little wrong with it scaling... Also RCS nozzles texturized not perfectly:

New big RCS tank looks too empty... Also it ruines my munar lander design, that was build around 6-balooned RCS tank. Some additional stuff was clipped in between those 6 tanks with 30 degree steps ...and now there is only 4 of them :(

Maybe visually and conceptually will be better to place 6 smaller RCS tanks there around 1.25m passable tube?

Also I found a bug with 2.5m Service Bay - it spawn exceptions and did not open like it should:


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Hi! First thanks for this mod, I think the retextures look amazing and some parts are clever additions.

There are some parts I like less but hey, I can choose not to use them.

However I noticed a problem that I can't just choose to ignore. It seems the new parts aren't exactly symmetrical and even the simplest crafts seem to get a positive torque.

Here's a very simple example:

http://imgur.com/a/7cHvV (sorry I don't know how to insert pictures here)

So this is pretty much the smallest craft I can make and somehow the revamp makes some torque appear.

I use RCS Build aid to visualise the torque. Also all other mods are unchanged between the two pictures.

Can anything be done about this?



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@Slothylicious That is a center of mass offset on the pod. It is done so the pod angles slightly during reentry and gain a  bit of lift easing re entry. I can advise you how to remove it if you are comfortable editing config files.

Edited by Svm420
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Oh I see!

Well now that I know it's an intentional feature I feel more comfortable having this. I was afraid that with more parts and bigger crafts it would just add up and making a craft that doesn't topple over would be a nightmare.

If it's just the pod though, then if I add more mass to the craft the torque will become pretty much unnoticeable right? Also easily manageable with reaction wheels.

Thanks for your reply!

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I know previous versions had an issue with installing on existing save files. My current save has not had a Ven's Revamp mod on it yet, what are the chances 1.9 can break the save?  I will make a backup and test anyway, just wondering if anyone has already tested that. The previous version had and issue with the solar panels I believe.




NOPE! :) Every craft is broken. I might just have to start a new game. That's how awesome this mod is.

Edited by Kiro
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3 hours ago, Kiro said:

I know previous versions had an issue with installing on existing save files. My current save has not had a Ven's Revamp mod on it yet, what are the chances 1.9 can break the save?  I will make a backup and test anyway, just wondering if anyone has already tested that. The previous version had and issue with the solar panels I believe.




NOPE! :) Every craft is broken. I might just have to start a new game. That's how awesome this mod is.

i had an issue is the solar panels (gigantors) that caused the loss of my Kerbin Orbital Lab. luckily i was evacing and shutting down the station when i happened.

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Great to see this updated. 

Time to start a KSP 64k save! 

However, I have run into a problem. Seems like the shrouds and some of the decouplers don't work. I can have the skipper engine and a decoupler right under it and it won't shroud. Also, it won't let me disable and reenable the shrouds. 

Also, the Mk16-XL Parachute for the 2.5m parts is nice, but it really doesn't seem to look right on my parts. It's too pointy. Any chance you could shorten it to look more like the real inline parachutes on the real NASA missions and whatnot? Maybe the part that throws me off is the little section that's nice and vertical, so it ruins the stream line effect next to a capsule.

Also seems that the Aerodynamic Nose Cone for 1.25m parts is a little off centered and a bit bigger at the base than 1.25m. 

Other than that, great job! Can't wait for the IVA for the 2 man pod!

Edited by Mr Betelgeuse
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