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[0.90][WIP] Kerbal Konstructs v0.6.6 (Dec 16) - Static Objects and Launch Sites!


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@medsouz - It's happening consistently when using the escape menu to reset a launch back to the SPH or VAB.

EDIT - I suspect it's linked to the camera being moved where you're calculating the height and width of the launch selector window. Yes, I'm poking in your code. I am not killin yer mens however. EDIT - Left and top, not height and width.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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As the person that has to fix the issue that can't be reproduced: ;.;

I can't reproduce it too, I use 0.4pre3 on 0.25 (unpatched if relevant), with only 2 of my parts sets, no other mod. Revert a bunch of times with or without actually launch the ship.

@AlphaAsh and Gaalidas: I suggest going back to the basics on reporting issues and give a step by step way to get it consistently.

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@AlphaAsh and Gaalidas: I suggest going back to the basics on reporting issues and give a step by step way to get it consistently.

I appreciate the advice but I'm more inclined to actually see if I can track the bug back to the code and confirm whether it is in fact a bug in KK or just Unity/KSP's GUI functions being unreliable *** and meaning a different approach or work-around being needed. I code too Justin and medsouz won't mind, I assure you :)

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The new tags are:

LaunchSiteDescription - Set to description text

LaunchSiteLogo - Set to image name (no file extension). Should be in the same directory as the config

LaunchSiteType - Can be "VAB", "SPH", or "ANY" without quotes

Add them to the Instances node for your launch site.

Could you add this in your 1st post please ?

+ there are also:



Group (no idea of its use:

"KerbTown does not support group caching, for compatibility we will put these into "Ungrouped" group to be cached individually" from the source comment)


- any plan to remove the "medsouz" directory ? It's not very meaningful and can confuse some tools like the partmapper from katateochi (KerbalX).

- why adding description and author to the instance ? Author especially, description may not change a lot between many instances but who knows ?

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...why adding description and author to the instance ? Author especially, description may not change a lot between many instances but who knows ?

The description does change a lot between instances in KerbinSide. It depends on what you're including in the description other than just some physical notes of the actual launch point and how often you re-use an asset.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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Could you add this in your 1st post please ?

+ there are also:



Whoops I completely forgot I was supposed to write documentation, I'll try to do that soon.

Group (no idea of its use:

"KerbTown does not support group caching, for compatibility we will put these into "Ungrouped" group to be cached individually" from the source comment)

The "group" tag is just excessive optimization, the way KK caches objects is it checks the following criteria:

  • Is it part of the current body?
  • Is the current group in range? (Groups except "ungrouped" and "new" (unused) calculate the center point of the objects stored in them and check the distance from the player)
  • If the group is in range do individual distance checks on each object to make sure they are within range

The reason I say it is excessive is because it really only helps when there is a ton of objects in the game by lowering the numb

- any plan to remove the "medsouz" directory ? It's not very meaningful and can confuse some tools like the partmapper from katateochi (KerbalX).

If its causing issues I can take it out. I planned on making more mods in the future and having my own directory to prevent cluttering GameData.

- why adding description and author to the instance ? Author especially, description may not change a lot between many instances but who knows ?


Some mods like KerbinSide reuse the same models in multiple places so a global description won't always apply.


I'm going to use KerbinSide as an example again, currently there is two people working on it (AlphaAsh and Eskandare) and they are sharing the assets. I like leave the option so that if for example Eskandare uses one of AlphaAsh's runways he can get credit for setting up the launch site.

I'm half asleep right now so if any of this doesn't make sense don't be afraid to ask for clarification.

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Thanks for your reply.

The last concern I have is regarding modules and what we can add to a buildings, for now, and in the future.

It would be great to make it as easy and powerful as parts themselves, allowing to add resources, generator and some part modules (like modulelight) to buildings.

I have also imagine some crazy thing we could achieve by having a module close to engines but with only effects, especially particule emitter, to make volcano or geyser or just chimney. But this is maybe an another story :).

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v0.3 (9/22/14)

  • Fixed site type and author not doing anything in the editor
  • Added module loading
  • Added AnimateOnClick module, the other KerbTown modules will be done soon.

AnimateOnClick is working, I use it for the floodlights in my mod. Details in the KerbTown Docu, Chapter 6. And since generic modules are apparently supported (I've never tried), I think someone could write a resource generator pugin (I can't write code).

As for particles, I'd love to see huge steam clouds when launching rockets. And since KSP buildings now spit fire and smoke when collapsing, I imagine it's possible in some way. But I can't program, I have no idea if and how this could be implemented in KK.

Edited by Divico
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How would I make a custom action happen? I would like to migrate my mass driver mod to Kerbal Konstructs, but I need some way to run my code that launches the ships.

All you have to do is create a MonoBehaviour class and the MODULE tag should work for it, there is no fancy code required.

For an example check out AnimateOnClick

EDIT: Forgot to mention, most KerbTown modules should work out of the box.

Edited by medsouz
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I'm messing with destructible buildings and I just made this list to reference stock destruction values. I figured someone might be interested in these values so here it is:

Name: SpaceCenter/KSCAdminBuilding/mainBuilding
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 425
Repair Cost: 175000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Admin_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: building
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -15.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCCrewBuilding/building
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 650
Repair Cost: 125000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: AC_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: model_crew_exterior_holder
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 4.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -30.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/FlagPole
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 15
Repair Cost: 12000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Generic_Small_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Building
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -30.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (90.0, 0.0, 90.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_cylTank
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 60
Repair Cost: 16000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: obj_tank
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_launchPad
Damage Decay: 5
Impact Momentum Threshold: 750
Repair Cost: 64000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Launchpad_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: launchpad
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -8.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (5.0, 0.0, 5.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_sphereTank
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 50
Repair Cost: 15000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: obj_tank
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, -10.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 10.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_waterTower
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 80
Repair Cost: 22000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: obj_tower
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -50.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: model_runway_new_fx_flare_wide_02
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/KSCFlagPoleLaunchPad
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 15
Repair Cost: 12000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Generic_Small_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Building
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -30.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (90.0, 0.0, 90.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCMissionControl/building
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 450
Repair Cost: 80000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: MC_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: model_control_exterior_main_v30
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 4
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -25.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (20.0, 0.0, 20.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRnDFacility/ksp_pad_cylTank
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 60
Repair Cost: 16000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: obj_tank
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRnDFacility/SmallLab
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 250
Repair Cost: 30000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: TS_Dish_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Building
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -15.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRnDFacility/CentralBuilding
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 550
Repair Cost: 290000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RnD_CentralBuilding_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: Building
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 3
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -45.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: Bridge
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -25.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (30.0, 5.0, 15.0)
Shared With: MainBuilding
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRnDFacility/MainBuilding
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 1125
Repair Cost: 360000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RnD_MainBuilding_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: Building
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 3.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -35.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: Bridge
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -25.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (30.0, 5.0, 15.0)
Shared With: CentralBuilding
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRnDFacility/CornerLab
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 300
Repair Cost: 65000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RnD_CornerLab_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Building
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 3
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -30.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRnDFacility/WindTunnel
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 450
Repair Cost: 180000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Rnd_WindTunnel_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Building
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -35.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRnDFacility/Observatory
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 400
Repair Cost: 185000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RnD_Observatory_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Building
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 3
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -35.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRnDFacility/SideLab
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 400
Repair Cost: 145000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RnD_SideLab_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Building
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -35.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_SE
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 15
Repair Cost: 8000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Generic_Small_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: ksp_runway_light_large_fbx2
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -3.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (50.0, 0.0, 50.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: model_runway_new_fx_flare_wide_01
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_NE
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 15
Repair Cost: 8000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Generic_Small_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: ksp_runway_light_large_fbx4
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -3.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (50.0, 0.0, 50.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: model_runway_new_fx_flare_wide_01
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_NW
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 15
Repair Cost: 8000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Generic_Small_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: ksp_runway_light_large_fbx3
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -3.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (50.0, 0.0, 50.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: model_runway_new_fx_flare_wide_01
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_SW
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 15
Repair Cost: 8000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Generic_Small_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: ksp_runway_light_large_fbx1
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -3.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (50.0, 0.0, 50.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: model_runway_new_fx_flare_wide_01
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/End09
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 5000
Repair Cost: 32000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RunwayEnd_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: End09_Mesh
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (1.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: End09_lights
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/End27
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 5000
Repair Cost: 32000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RunwayEnd_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: End27_Mesh
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (1.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: End27_lights
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/Section1
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 5000
Repair Cost: 32000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RunwaySection_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: Section1_Mesh
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (1.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: Section1_lights
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/Section2
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 5000
Repair Cost: 32000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RunwaySection_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: Section2_Mesh
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (1.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: Section2_lights
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/Section3
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 5000
Repair Cost: 32000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RunwaySection_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: Section3_Mesh
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (1.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: Section3_lights
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/Section4
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 5000
Repair Cost: 32000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: RunwaySection_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: Section4_Mesh
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (1.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: Section4_lights
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCSpacePlaneHangar/Tank
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 50
Repair Cost: 15000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: obj_tank
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, -15.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 10.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCSpacePlaneHangar/ksp_pad_cylTank
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 60
Repair Cost: 16000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: obj_tank
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCSpacePlaneHangar/ksp_pad_waterTower
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 80
Repair Cost: 22000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: obj_tower
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 3
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -70.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 0.0, 10.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCSpacePlaneHangar/mainBuilding
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 875
Repair Cost: 450000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: SPH_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 2
Name: model_runway_new_fx_flare_wide_02
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: model_sph_exterior_holder
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -90.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCTrackingStation/dish_array/dish_south
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 250
Repair Cost: 80000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: TS_Dish_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Foundation
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -15.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (20.0, 0.0, 20.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCTrackingStation/dish_array/dish_north
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 250
Repair Cost: 80000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: TS_Dish_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Foundation
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -15.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (20.0, 0.0, 20.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCTrackingStation/dish_array/dish_east
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 250
Repair Cost: 80000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: TS_Dish_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: Foundation
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -15.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (20.0, 0.0, 20.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCTrackingStation/MainBuilding
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 500
Repair Cost: 110000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: TS_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: model_tracking_exterior_main_v30
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 2.2
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -20.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCVehicleAssemblyBuilding/ksp_pad_cylTank
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 60
Repair Cost: 16000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: obj_tank
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -10.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (15.0, 0.0, 15.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCVehicleAssemblyBuilding/Tank
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 50
Repair Cost: 15000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: FuelTank_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: obj_tank
Replacement Object: Wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, -15.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (10.0, 10.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCVehicleAssemblyBuilding/mainBuilding
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 1200
Repair Cost: 480000
FxTarget: FXTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: VAB_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 3
Name: model_vab_exterior_main_v30
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 4
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -110.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (5.0, 0.0, 5.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: model_runway_new_fx_flare_wide_02
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: model_runway_new_fx_flare_wide_03
Replacement Object: N/A
Collapse Behaviour: Disable
Collapse Duration: 0
Collapse Offset: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Shared With: N/A
Name: SpaceCenter/KSCVehicleAssemblyBuilding/PodMemorial
Damage Decay: 3
Impact Momentum Threshold: 20
Repair Cost: 10000
FxTarget: fxTarget
Demolition FX Prefab: Generic_Small_DemolitionFX
Number of collapsible objects: 1
Name: building
Replacement Object: wreck
Collapse Behaviour: Collapse
Collapse Duration: 1.5
Collapse Offset: (0.0, -3.0, 0.0)
Collapse Tilt Max: (30.0, 0.0, 30.0)
Shared With: N/A

Modifying the max tilt is fun.


EDIT: Just going to use this post as an information dump.

For now I'm only going to add support for the stock demolition FX (smoke and fire). The following FX are available:


The following repair effects are available:


EDIT 2: Anyone have any ideas on how we should repair buildings? Repairing from the space center screen doesn't really work when something is on the moon.

Edited by medsouz
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New screen for KK would do the job chap. Something activated in the flight scene (by a toolbar button). Checks for statics in a certain range, lists them, allows you to pay there and then to fix them. If you want to avoid immersion breaking magic spawning buildings, just flag the static as repaired then do the actual repair next time the player returns to the Space Centre.

EDIT - Heck, you could easily extend this screen to any other kind of static interaction you want. Call it the Base Manager.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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For the repairs, I think first: you change nothing.

If someone want to launch from a damaged building, on Mun for example, there is an "error message" showing repairs are needed first to launch something.

Then... maybe going to the buildings, show the damage (far far later it could be from a meteor rain :) ) and the price and the usual "yes/no".

no => launch impossible, go back to KSC (maybe).

yes => repair "anim" + launch

What do you think guys ?

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@AlphaAsh and Gaalidas: I suggest going back to the basics on reporting issues and give a step by step way to get it consistently.

That's just the problem. There are no steps other than: 1) install mod. 2) run game. 3) notice the launch selector images sitting too far to the right and being cut off.

It should be noted that this was not always the case with this mod. This issue has popped up in the last few versions of this mod. The images and launch locations are both stock-KK and Kerbin Side. No alteration has been made to any of the images or configurations.

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That's just the problem. There are no steps other than: 1) install mod. 2) run game. 3) notice the launch selector images sitting too far to the right and being cut off.

It should be noted that this was not always the case with this mod. This issue has popped up in the last few versions of this mod. The images and launch locations are both stock-KK and Kerbin Side. No alteration has been made to any of the images or configurations.

I've never seen the issue myself which makes it a little difficult for me to fix.

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That's just the problem. There are no steps other than: 1) install mod. 2) run game. 3) notice the launch selector images sitting too far to the right and being cut off.

It should be noted that this was not always the case with this mod. This issue has popped up in the last few versions of this mod. The images and launch locations are both stock-KK and Kerbin Side. No alteration has been made to any of the images or configurations.

Again, back to the basic: mods list, etc

there is at least Kerbin Side, which version ?

Mods can messed up with each other in some cases (messing with some global objects for example).

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Is there a way to place objects in the air or clip them through the terrain?

I'm trying to place a runway onto the side of a mountain, but it keeps dropping onto or falling through the ground.

The only way I see around this is to make a really tall platform with no collider underneath to make it look like everything is touching the ground.

Or could I be doing something wrong?

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Is there a way to place objects in the air or clip them through the terrain?

I'm trying to place a runway onto the side of a mountain, but it keeps dropping onto or falling through the ground.

The only way I see around this is to make a really tall platform with no collider underneath to make it look like everything is touching the ground.

Or could I be doing something wrong?

Did you try changing the altitude value?

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Did you try changing the altitude value?

Problem fixed!

After placing my object, then hitting ctrl + k to exit the menu, it was dropping about 50 meters for some reason (probably had something to do with the origin point of the model).

Anyway, after editing the altitude value a second time it held its position. :D

I thought it was falling until it collided with the ground, but I was wrong. It was just falling. lol

Edited by SuperNova2015
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I have two graphics issues:

- sometimes, map icons stay on screen (on KSC and inside VAB/SPH) => going to map again and close it "clean" the screen,

- (maybe linked) sometimes, buildings doesn't appears on space center scene, sometimes they're back (maybe after a flight).

I'll try to get some useful logs.

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