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The 0.25 Waiting Room, now boarding passengers heading to Hypetown


What Hype Vehicle Would You Rather Ride In?  

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  1. 1. What Hype Vehicle Would You Rather Ride In?

    • Shuttle
    • Plane
    • Train
    • Other

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I think it should be the HypeRocket of course.

EDIT : SO HAPPY that they have decided to put in sliders for science, cash, rep gains and sliders for penalties. Also an option to turn off `auto assign crew`, something I have wanted for a while.

Now I just hope they have not set the minimum values for those sliders too low...

Edited by John FX
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I'm sorry GregroxMun but the HypeTrain is fundamentally flawed. In all the pics I've seen on this thread, not one is on actual rails. It can't go to space as the Hype Train would need rails to ride. The Hype Bus is cute, but never going to happen (Sorry!Not really) and the HypePlane is the better as it actually gets of the ground. The only thing that fills all the criteria is the HypeShuttle, except it can't hold as many as all three. What I suggest is the HypeMothership, assembled in orbit by HypeDrones, HypeDocked together, with InfiHype Passenger seating for max hype. In the front you have the HypeGlass front for you too see the InfiniteHype, circling the Ship with awesome colours. The Middle contains the HypeDrive, powered not only by the Passengers, but interlinked with the Patent-Pending Forum Link for 100% HypeDrain To power all the Hype. The back contains the Patent-Pending HypeThrusters to get us at InfiHype Speed. Now, along the sides are huge cargo bays to hold HypeTrains(HypeRails), HypePlanes, HypeBuses, HypeShuttles, HypeFood, HypeBases so we can Kolonise 0.25. I would certainly make this a reality, if I wasn't 9000km from my computer! Someone make this and say it was my idea. THE HYPE WILL NEVER STOP

what do you mean no rails? the photo of Hype No.7 multi track drifting clearly shows rails, and in all the shots without rails, the rails WERE there, but they were melted away by the hype. and besides, where were going, we dont need rails, or brakes.... all we need is hype.

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EDIT : SO HAPPY that they have decided to put in sliders for science, cash, rep gains and sliders for penalties.

Ditto here. I'm far more excited about that than any of the other things... not to say the others aren't bad, but this is the best part for stock.

Also an option to turn off `auto assign crew`, something I have wanted for a while.

Eh? Was this confirmed?

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Well, your loss. (overtakes the HypeTrain, raspberries)

Well if you run out of hype by not saving it you'll fall out of the sky. Also, due to the way HypeStations/HypePorts work you still won't beat the HypeTrain to the HypeStation/Hypeport of 0.25.

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Well if you run out of hype by not saving it you'll fall out of the sky. Also, due to the way HypeStations/HypePorts work you still won't beat the HypeTrain to the HypeStation/Hypeport of 0.25.

I won't run out of Hype. The HypePlane collects Hype like a solar panel collects solar energy.

Also, to Gregrox (spelled it right this time!), Je-dork? Now I've got to come up with a childish name to call you... :wink:

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I'm wondering why is this a discussion about silly hype stuff and not discussing features.

I know, right? I'm supprised no one's really talked about how they said they're improving the mk. 1 spaceplane parts. I knew that they were improving the mk. 3 parts as well, but I didn't know about the mk. 1 stuff. You can even see an example in the daily kerbal, in the article showing the new explosions. If you look closely, the fuselage looks different than it did before. By this means, I hope they also made a new IVA for the mk 1 inline cockpit.

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