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[1.3.0] Malah's Quick mods [2017.05.31]


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20 minutes ago, Jiraiyah said:

:/ Quick goto is not seeing as much love as others :/

Yes... This is the VERY first of the QuickMods™ that I always look for when KSP updates..., and it always seems to be the last one to update? :P

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1 hour ago, Malah said:

It just needs more work than others :wink: (with less time, new things in my professional life take me all the time).

I will update my mods for KSP 1.2 this weekend (and try to correct all QuickGoTo's error).

no worries sir, I know how professional life can be (medical doctor here :D) <--- professional life == kerbal on ballistic entry without parachute :D

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1 hour ago, Malah said:

It just needs more work than others :wink: (with less time, new things in my professional life take me all the time).

I will update my mods for KSP 1.2 this weekend (and try to correct all QuickGoTo's error).

Sorry, we must have crossed posts, as I didnt see yours... No need to rush... Take your time updating... The ONLY constructive criticism I have, is for future updates, i'd like to see GoTo move to the top of the list to get updated first, is all... :P

HOWEVER, I imagine popularity/download stats, along with your statement that it needs more work than the others, should have more weight on what you decide to update first, than my humble opinion... :wink:

Edited by Stone Blue
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Hi sir, I tried your quick load mod last night in combination with Stock Visual Enhancement and,.... well, the clouds or city lights won't show up, if you used that mod without quick load, you will see that the clouds around kerbin in main menu pop around kerbin around 1 to 2 seconds after the scene is being loaded, I think, for some reason, your mod bypassing this phase is causing the issue, not sure what event handler is being bypassed there but taking quick load out of list will fix the problem on SVE

Edited by Jiraiyah
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Hello, I've updated all the QuickMods for KSP 1.2.

I've corrected the biggest bugs on QuickGoTo, but I've seen others small bugs, I've published it only on github in a beta version. If you see bugs, thanks to report them on github with all the logs and if possible with the steps to reproduce these bugs.

On some QuickMods, it's possible that you can see the stock toolbar button's on others scenes than spacecenter, it will be corrected for the next release of each mods (I think QuickRevert and QuickIVA are affected).

After the update of QuickStart, I've seen a bug with the contracts, if you see it too, you can report it with the logs on github (it can empty your contracts lists ...).

These mods have got a tiny update or only a recompile : QuickSearch, QuickExit, QuickIVA, QuickMute, QuickStart, QuickCursorHider, QuickFineControl and QuickSAS.


QuickGoTo (BETA)


Changelog - v1.23 - 2016.10.15

  • Fix: Corrected the crash to desktop with a goto from flight scene,
  • Fix: Corrected the goto from buildings,
  • Fix: Corrected the onhide/onshow of the applauncher,
  • Fix: Init the blizzy toolbar buttons (thanks Fwiffo),
  • Fix: Deleted skin functions (you can chose only KSPSkin or GameSkin),
  • Fix: Deleted foreach functions,
  • Fix: Deleted useless libraries,
  • Compiled against KSP




Changelog - v3.01 - 2016.10.15

  • New: Added a parameter to lost your revert if you escape the atmosphere of the home body (disabled by default),
  • Fix: Rewrite many functions,
  • Fix: Deleted all career functions,
  • Fix: Deleted all optionnal version of QuickRevert,
  • Fix: Enhanced the settings functions,
  • Compiled against KSP




Changelog - v3.11 - 2016.10.15

  • New: Added a right click option on the stocktoolbar to access to the settings window,
  • New: Added stage auto hide,
  • Fix: Corrected the mouse over with scales parameters,
  • Fix: Enhanced the mouse over of the applauncher,
  • Fix: Deleted foreach functions,
  • Fix: Deleted useless libraries,
  • Fix: Enhanced the settings functions,
  • Compiled against KSP




Changelog - v1.20 - 2016.10.15

  • New: Added a brake at control lost,
  • New: Added a brake for landed plane,
  • Fix: Corrected the stocktoolbar button,
  • Fix: Corrected the loading of the settings,
  • Fix: Deleted useless libraries,
  • Compiled against KSP




Changelog - v1.11 - 2016.10.15

  • New: Re-added GUI,
  • Fix: Corrected the reputation lost message,
  • Fix: Enhanced the settings functions,
  • Fix: Deleted useless libraries.
  • Compiled against KSP
Edited by Malah
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56 minutes ago, RealGecko said:

Every time you release new Quick mod I think to myself: OMG, how did I live without it :D

I KNOW, right?!?....

You wouldnt think much of the QuickMods™ just by reading the short descriptions, but once you try them, you'll find these are some of the BEST "quality-of-life" mods for KSP... :wink:

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@Malah So I installed almost all the QuickMods, and I was cleaning up my GameData, with about 120 mods installed....
Thats a LOT of folders...
I know its not a FUNCTIONAL things, and I dont know how much rewriting you would have to do, but would you possibly consider adding an upper folder level to your releases?
I mean, such as putting all the QuickMods into ONE folder under GameData? Rather than each adding its OWN folder? After all, you are up to, what, 14 QuickMods? :D :thumbsup:

ie  /GameData/QuickMods/QuickBrake,         /GameData/QuickMods/QuickExit, etc....                   

Plus, you wouldnt have to do them all at once.... You could just start doing it as you future update each one, till eventually they are ALL that way...???
ANd no rush... IF you were to even consider it...

Edited by Stone Blue
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21 hours ago, Jebs_SY said:


There is a issue that quickload loads the career faster then EVE is able to load the clouds after the main menu comes up... :D  So EVE users cannot use it. See here.
Is there a chance this can be optimized?

What is quickload? You don't know what is the name of the mod and you don't know how to do a report, no I will not take my spare time for a bad report ... Have you try to tweak the config file?

3 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

@Malah So I installed almost all the QuickMods, and I was cleaning up my GameData, with about 120 mods installed....
Thats a LOT of folders...
I know its not a FUNCTIONAL things, and I dont know how much rewriting you would have to do, but would you possibly consider adding an upper folder level to your releases?
I mean, such as putting all the QuickMods into ONE folder under GameData? Rather than each adding its OWN folder? After all, you are up to, what, 14 QuickMods? :D :thumbsup:

ie  /GameData/QuickMods/QuickBrake,         /GameData/QuickMods/QuickExit, etc....                   

Plus, you wouldnt have to do them all at once.... You could just start doing it as you future update each one, till eventually they are ALL that way...???
ANd no rush... IF you were to even consider it...

Nice idea, thanks, I will prepare this :wink: I think all mods will pass to this, but one by one (with some CKAN breaking).

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Hey Malah, i've found a bug in Quickstart: when loading ksp: you can't switch from the VAB selection to SPH, but you can switch from SPH to VAB, you can switch out from all the others... i think there's a bug with the editor switch in itself with the shared VAB/SPH.

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3 hours ago, MK3424 said:

Hey Malah, i've found a bug in Quickstart: when loading ksp: you can't switch from the VAB selection to SPH, but you can switch from SPH to VAB, you can switch out from all the others... i think there's a bug with the editor switch in itself with the shared VAB/SPH.

Hello, can you send logs please?

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Hey @Malah o/

I love the QuickHide mod but there is a vital bug with the autohide after 2 seconds.

It will hide the toolbar and close the KSPedia if you open it.

So you have to turn off the autohide after 2 seconds to be able to browse the KSPedia.

Hope its not too hard to fix.

Thanks a lot for your awesome mods and have a great day!


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That's also happening with a couple of mods, like x science. If you have the x sci window open on the KSC it will close the window when the bar auto hides. When in flight the window will not hide, but it will hold the icon bar open..


Edit: Just checked several mods I have with windows in KSC, they are all fine apart from x science and the KSpedia

Edited by Torih
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Sorry got another issue, appears that contract Configurator has broken QuickHide, clicking the button no longer hides any icons, and right click for settings only brings a single bar.

I think its related to some changes which mods need to make for the Blizzy Toolbar intergration:


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21 hours ago, Torih said:

Sorry got another issue, appears that contract Configurator has broken QuickHide, clicking the button no longer hides any icons, and right click for settings only brings a single bar.

I think its related to some changes which mods need to make for the Blizzy Toolbar intergration:


For the blizzy toolbar: I know, it's already planned :wink:

For Contract Configurator, I don't know, perhaps logs can help.

Edited by Malah
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Same here @Malah, I can't use QuickBrake at all and it's not even set to use Blizzy's Toolbar. When I click on the icon in the Stock Launcher, it'll just show a very tiny window in the center of the screen and I'm not able to do anything with it.

Désolé pour le dérangement :wink:

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