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[PLUGIN, PART, 0.17] Bigtrak KSP Edition v.30 Liltrak


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Is it just me, or is the crew-podded Bigtrak a little harder to land in the Cuttlefish? I'm guessing it's because the pod is slightly off-center when mounted on the cuttlefish, resulting net thrust vector not going through the center of the pod. Mechjeb can't land it, and landing it manually was a bit tricky.


Oh well, I've got one down now., and I imagine any further issues will be Minmal.

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Thanks Black2216 :), the Bigtrak uses Tosh's Cart Plugin which is currently on version 1.33. Things are a bit confusing currently since there are two versions that are on the front page. One is a work in progress that lets you eva and the other is an old version that will not let you eva. Here is the link to the Bigtrak that has EVA capabilities:


Speaking of the link ^, I just updated the alpha download, it now flies straight maltesh :)

The new Bigtrak is a one piece Cart/Command Pod (thanks 6677 and Tosh) that uses a lightly modded Cart 1.33 plugin and has been updated to use the .mu format which makes it 1.5mb smaller in file size. Brake lights are not working yet (axis issues) and the collision mesh is still a little loose but it may or may not get tightened up. Nova posted that models with multiple unjoined parts cause performance issues and this thing already at 20 parts for all the bits that are needed for the Cart and Airlock support. We will see though, it would be nice to have some back side rail collision so the Kerbals don't walk off the bed and into wheels.

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The ladders are an issue, that's part of the reason why I made Liltrak with the hatch that is right off the back side. That angle on the rear of the collision mesh of the Bigtrak was put there just for ladders, without it if you tried to climb up ladders that were placed on the back you couldn't get on the bed, you would just fall back down to the ground.

Anyone have any input on whether to leave it ladder-less or to add a permanent ladder? I was hesitant to tack any permanent ladders on since I think that eliminates some of the freedom the game gives when building things. Also a permanent ladder could get in the way of attachments on the back or front. There would always be that one time you went to visit some other planet, landed, went on EVA and then realized you forgot to add a ladder to get back in. In that case I suppose you could roll the Bigtrak on its side somehow :P

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There would always be that one time you went to visit some other planet, landed, went on EVA and then realized you forgot to add a ladder to get back in.

Happens in vanilla, too. :P I don't think you need to add ladders there, you need to plan your rocket carefully anyway if you intend to go on another planet, anyway

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Nice. I apologize for almost always complaining, It's just that I enjoy driving this thing so much. With regret, I point out a minor new issue, though. The rockets on the current puddlejumper pack block the airlock on the alpha. The other parts of the pack don't seem to cause problems.

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The one thing that might prevent me from getting this is the fact that supposedly MechJeb can't land it.

O, Rly? Apparently my MechJeb didn't know it during last dozen of 0.5 m\s automatic landings. ))

Edited by KAPbl4
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Unfortunately, with Alpha, we have a "hatch blocked" error when using the puddle jumper engines (as reported earlier), or when adding something (ladder rungs for example) to the little wall at the front of the cargo bed.

As for Mechjeb, yeah, it works great with this mod.

A ladder off the front means I don't need to walk across the cargo bed, so no problem there, but no puddle jumper engines is a major setback.

I'm betting that get's fixed soon.

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Didn't manage to get any help last post but i am having utter nightmares trying to take off with the cuttlefish rocket. I leave everything the same with the .craft however i add in a zero drag/weight verison of the kethane plugin (was going to test kethane with bigtrak) to not cause any balancing issues however every time i hit 10-15km the cuttlefish just takes a nose dive, almost literally, ive tried using mechjeb but that cant handle it either? Does anyone have any advice or a .craft with a bigtrak+kethane and/or zo2 so i can see where the hell i am going wrong.

Thanks :)

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A ladder off the front means I don't need to walk across the cargo bed, so no problem there, but no puddle jumper engines is a major setback.

I'm betting that get's fixed soon.

In the meantime, I have had some weird success mounting the puddlejumper rockets on top of the Puddlejumper SAS module.



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Liltrak is pretty fun to drive. I left the handling a little twitchy since its small and this way the Bigtrak stays as the big stable rover. Its most stable on the mun around 25-30 m/s, any faster and it turns into a big white foozball bouncing around. With the command pod force it's capable of popping wheelies in low gravity, and it can be drove on 3 wheels in most places which makes for some fun stunt driving. Reminds me of how the ambulances in GTA are top heavy but always mange to fllip back over on to their wheels.

The Bigtrak still does not have working brake lights or works with the Puddle Jumper. I spent over 3 hours tweaking things but still no go, its going to take a re-model. There's nothing on the PJ model that intersects the airlock but I think the game may be drawing a full box around the outermost parts of the Puddle Jumper's mesh which would then intersect the airlock. The upper rocket ducting will need to be lowered and maybe the nozzels moved more towards the back. While messing around trying to fix that I even put the airlock 10 meters above the hatch and it still didn't like it, for that matter neither did the Kerbals that fell from the sky thinking it was EVA time. But fixing that is a project for next weekend. Also since Tosh is crazy productive in tuning out cool new things I now have to update the tweaked Cart.dll to Cart 1.34 which I'll try to get done tommarow :P

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kyle.mk.howard, it should work, but KSP has issues with craft that are moving, so make sure you are stopped and zoom out a bit so you can't see your craft wobbling, and it should work.

I have done that with little-to-no success. I have even switched ships with the keyboard shortcuts and it won't let me go to the space center or end a flight in another vessel's control, either.

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