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0.90 Kerbal Weather Systems! Alpha 0.5.3 WIP! (Jan 2)


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Looks like this will be fun. You can cobble together a wind direction/strength thing with a KAS rope, some Firespitter air brakes and an IR free rotator, a wing in place of the air brakes would also work I guess but the higher drag on the airbrakes made me use them. I present the mk1 weather station :)


Omg, that is quite amazing I must say. Very creative on your part, I'd love to see more iterations when they come up, but thing is, the wind shows up backwards on your arrow, this is probably caused by the shape the airbrakes make when you open them and how wind doesn't like going inside that little cavern you make under the brakes, it'd much rather prefer to go over the brakes than under them. Try having the brakes on the front of the arrow instead, see how that works out.

Edited by silverfox8124
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@kiwiak: I'm not sure what you mean exactly, windsocks have already been mentioned, and if you look on my GUI, it explicitly tells you the direction of the wind.

I was thinking about something more intuitive.

Maybe some marker on navball? To allow player to easily put ship in proper position to counter wind force. By the way, have you thought about some scansat integration? Weather maps, things like that.

This woul make landings on Duna or Eve much more interesting, pilot woudl have to consier weather in his landing zone, or even predict weather if you plan to implement some dynamicly changing weather.

Edited by kiwiak
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And as for the navball, I dont think that'll happen anytime soon, or perhaps at all.

Is this because of time constraints or because it's unnecessary/out of scope?

As an additional way of conveying weather info to the player is a voice/text display like Automated Weather Observing Stations in the real world. Not a request, just something to be aware of. Avoids visual clutter.

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This is amassing! This screams out for new weather science experiments and for weather related launch restrictions! Range is RED because of weather restrictions....

Edited by Kolago
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From my early experiances with KSP I was wondering why no weather systems or jet streams, not even a mod. Keep up the great work. Needed to break wind since 0.23. Its not good to hold it in for so long. Also an idea for quasi random weather, use all solar, planet and moon positions relative to the weather centre. The Kerabl Almanac predicts a long gusty fall followed by harsh winter storms.

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