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[0.25] Rebar - Modify building destruction settings!


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This is a quick plugin that I wrote to help me figure out how KSP handles building destruction internally so that I could add destruction support to Kerbal Konstructs.

The plugin allows you to globally modify the follow settings:

  • Damage decay rate - How fast the building recovers from a non-fatal collision.
  • Impact momentum - How much momentum (velocity * mass) is required for a collision (or group of collisions) to take down the building
  • Repair cost - How much it costs to repair :P
  • Collapse duration - How many seconds it takes for the building to collapse
  • Collapse offset - How much the building can slide to the side while falling
  • Collapse tilt - How much the building can rotate while falling

To change the settings edit this file:


Right now the config is relatively simple and the settings effect every destructible building in the game (if people are interested I could probably change this to let you modify individual buildings.) and only lets you set a multiplier (or addend for tilt and offset).


Increased collapse tilt and duration

You can download the plugin from Kerbal Stuff

Source is available on GitHub

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...Right now the config is relatively simple and the settings effect every destructible building in the game (if people are interested I could probably change this to let you modify individual buildings.)...

Selectively strengthen, or make indestructible, the launchpad and runway so they don't explode as soon as you launch/land heavy craft on them?

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