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The Phoenix Space Program - The Complete Overhaul Edition (PIC HEAVY!)


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(FYI, the literal translation of Shingeki No Kyojin is Advancing Giants, but the Shingeki no Kerbin reference is easily understandable.)

That's mainly for the reasons you've said, and I don't really speak Japanese, you know ;)

EDIT: Damn iPhone corrector... (btw, thank you, I didn't know what did Shingeki No Kyojin mean)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, updating ALL the mods and getting ready for the next chapter. Soon.

- - - Updated - - -

As I said. Many mods don't work anymore and my craft are broken :'(. I don't know what to do. If you really want this series to continue, I'll start tweaking EVERYTHING to make it work. However I think it'll be better to start a proper RSS career as of now, and continue my Phoenix Space Program there. Sorry guys.

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Chapter 9: The KORONA Program

Upon hearing that Kanarcho Kerbals were starting to construct bases for launch of missiles, IKC wanted to know what were them for. The only mean of spy reconnaissance from the air at the time was the KU-2 "Kragonfly" spy plane.

Although fast, they could only fly in the atmosphere, and were easy to detect for radars.


After a long meeting, it was decided to use a satellite, but it needed to return its photos back to Kerbin. A bigger launch veichle was required. The Khor-Kergena A was a two stage rocket able to carry the KORONA probe into a mostly polar orbit, to make photos easier to take.


On the night between the 28th and 29th Kay 959, the first KORONA Probe, codename: Winter Owl, was ready to be launched from KSC.


Ascending through the gturn.


First stage separation.


Burning to orbit.


In orbit.


Passing near the space center. Taking photos...


Now that the photos were taken, the most difficult part of the mission came. De-orbiting the probe. It would have been the first attempt at returning something from orbit.

At the re-entry window, the Kergena made a retro burn and separated the film canister.



When re-entering, the heatshield went beyond temperature limits, but it resisted.


Parachute opened.


Capsule landed. Without electricity as the probe needed to stay online only up to parachute opening.


After some days, the results arrived.


At first it seemed like a normal airbase, but then a quite large object, most probably a medium-small rocket, was standing at the end of the runway, ready to be tested. A small VAB/Hangar was also visible. It seemed like the Kanarcho Kerbals had rocket technology and could also have an orbital launch system. What were they up to?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 10: A new competitor

Meanwhile, at the Kanarcho National Spaceport...


But before, a little bit of rocketry!

The K-7 Kemyorka, famous for the panic it created when it was first tested by the Kanarcho Kerbals, was one of the first ICBMs ever built, and the first successful. Able to launch a warhead over to the other side of Kerbin, its deployment created fear in people because of nuclear bombing possibility, and fear in Phoenix Space Organization, because there was a new (and for long, the only) competitor to rocketry.

In reality, the K-7 was just a fear weapon. It needed three hours to load the LOx into the tanks, making a first strike impossible. Instead, our ICBMs used the more toxic but hypergolic UDMH-NTO mixture.

Further studies by the KKS Rocketcha (which means Kanarcho Kerbals Space Rockets) revealed that it was capable of launching a payload into orbit, as demonstrated below.

The Stayputnik 1 was a nosecone-payload satellite mounted atop of a K-7. It weighted about 150kg or more. Details aren't really clear.

The first rocket to have strapon boosters, at launch it could break normal windows, so mission control windows were made of a special plastic.


Falling to gravity. The island's coastline can be seen.


Dropping the boosters.


Coasting to Apokerb.


At that time, IKC was aware of the launch and ICBMs were prepared for a retaliation. However, trackers found that the rocket was going on a strange trajectory, nowhere near any city. The president of IKC called Mr. Phoenix Kerman in person, and, after a fast meeting with Derby and Chris Kerman, it was finally decided that the rocket was getting into orbit.



Payload decoupled.


The launch caused shock on Kerbin. While it wasn't the first satellite as in another dimension, it proved that Kanarcho Kerbals could launch something to orbit.

But it didn't end there. The KK president said in a public speech that that was only a test, and there was another goal.

The Space Race started.

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okay, you really need kerbinside. it adds more bases and stuff. For some reason, i cant stand multiple competitor nations launching from a single spaceport. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82785-0-90-Kerbin-Side-v0-41-Go-For-Multi-Launch%21

I would really love to use Kerbin Side, but there are two problems:

1. Does it work in 0.25?

2. Will it blen- erm, destroy my FPS or crash my game?

Find out soon

EDIT: It works, yay!

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Chapter 11: Animals in space

After the success of Stayputnik 1, Kanarcho Kerbals created a proper space program: "Kanarcho Kerbals Kolonization Program", or KKKP. On 28th Kerbnember 959 they made the bigger step: launching a living being into orbit from the newly constructed Kanarcho Space Center.

The first "Kerbonaut" of history was to be the puppy "Leika".

At 3:43 AM local time the rocket was being checked for launch, while it was fully fueled (safety standards FTW).


Launch occurred at 3:49 AM local time.


That's a quite large base I have to say.


Gravity turning.


Dropping boosters in the famous "They Go Where They Want Cross".


Dropping fairings at 30km.


Coasting to Apokerb.


The payload is in orbit.


The payload shown in the sun.


The payload wasn't supposed to stay in orbit for long, so the deorbit burn occurred 4:30 hours into the flight.


Re-entry was quite hard for the poor puppy, 10gs.


Now the capsule is without electricity, but the parachutes were already deployed.


Landing was as expected, with the gray spikes absorbing the impact and the antennaes grabbing the dirt, locking the spacecraft to the ground.


As soon as the news arrived at Phoenix Space Center, the Command Center was buzzing like crazy. Did they have a space program so advanced to launch animals into orbit without failures? Or was it just luck? All we knew was that we needed more expert rocket scientists, as suggested by Mission Control and the whole R&D. To know who they are, refer to the roster on the first page.

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KKKP, eh? glad you're using kerbinside. I feel that KKKP might be sd more often as i think... in my case, its Koviet Kerushian and Kinese Provinces.

I like how laika survived. I like puppies.

Leika :wink:. And I don't even know how KerbalKonstructs worked on 0.25. Well, not without bugs, like the launch site not loading fast enough (so the rocket stayed gravity free for a few seconds) and the KK icon not showing. Also, keep in mind this isn't supposed to be a recreation of (real) history, but a more Kerbal version, with its obvious differences (since when was Goddard alive in 1959?). And who doesn't like space puppies nearly crushed from G-forces which returned from space inside an half a meter wide capsule?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 12: Aiming for the Mun and monitoring the weather

It was the end of year 959 on Kerbin, and two nations were fighting for space conquer and scientific superiority. But now that the KKKP had launched (and returned) an animal into space, how could one cause a shock so great to be spoken about on every newspaper front page? Really, orbit around Kerbin was becoming nearly a standard thing to do in the mean time between the end of work and the Kutball match in the evening (obviously that is not to be taken literally). But Kerbals had known for very long that the Mun orbited around their home planet, at first with Kolomeus, who said the Mun orbited around Kerbin as did the other planets and even Kerbol, and second with Kopernikus, who said in his teory that Kerbin and the other planets orbited Kerbol, and the Mun orbited around Kerbin.

The Kioneer series of space probes was designed to study Kerbin's SOI and the Mun. They were named after Khun Kioneer, who was a pioneer of "destroying neighbors using rockets" in the early 200s in Khina.

Those probes were designed to be launched aboard a Khor-Kable booster, derived from the Khor ICBM, with a newly designed Kable upper stage (a small hypergolic kick stage was also included in the Kable box which was shipped to KSC).

Launching just before Kerbmas, the rocket was designed to put the kick stage into orbit, and then firing it at the right time to get to the Mun.


Ascending through the atmosphere.


First stage separation.


Fairing separation just shy of 35km altitude.


An error in the guidance system put the apokerb at 298km altitude! We'll need to compensate manually with a lower perikerb.


Luckly it was still able to get to that lower perikerb orbit!


Burning the kick stage.


Separating the probe.


Executing a small course correction of 6.7 m/s.


Approaching the Mun.


Burning at perimuni.


That DOES look like an orbit right? Because it is.


Armsit 2A and KRAB 1

The meteorologists on Kerbin became really interested in rocketry once they realized they couldn't predict the weather that well. So they raised a petition among the Interkerbin Meteorologist Association to launch a satellite into a polar orbit. The satellites were called Armsit. The first one, Armsit 1, was launched aboard an highly experimental rocket by the International Kerbin Council, but... let's just say it didn't go as planned. That's why you call a rocket experimental.

So, imagine who was called next. Unfortunately we already had another satellite contract by The United Kerbal Republic Navy, KRAB, like the ones you find on the beach, and it was already high priority. But why not take two birds with one rock? (Is this even correct? Here we say "prendere due piccioni con una fava") So, because Armsit 2A, the 2A stands for 2Advanced (not that advanced, but still ehnanced), was quite big, it was decided to mount KRAB 1 on top of it, and launch with a single Khor-Kablestar (a Khor-Kable without kick stage). It was also going to attempt the first in-orbit engine restart ever.

On the pad, T-00:15:00. Launch is scheduled for 10:30 AM local time.


Launch is as planned and the rocket ascends to 10 km to start the gravity turn.


Starting the gravity turn at 10 km altitude.


As the first stage burns out, the second stage separates and then ignites.



After fairing separation, before orbital insertion, the satellites are clearly shown. Armsit is the big one.


In orbit, waiting for the re-ignition sequence to start.


Restart succesful! But not the last of this mission, there will be another at apokerb.


The second restart happened in the dark, it wasn't worth to take photos. The satellites are in a 157x146km orbit at KRAB separation.


After KRAB is far enough, Armsit 2A is deployed. Mission Successful!


Television broadcasters were really happy to see that the weather prediction were now correct most of the time. So was the Navy. KRAB could track all the ships under its path, giving a new mean to satellite espionage and naval warfare, where there isn't any "fog of war" as long as KRAB satellites were on the site where they were needed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The rocket tipping had my interest and then reading that due to lack of TWR had locked me in solid. Laughed at the Van Kallen belts too. War. War never changes. And here's looking at bright sunny skies; where there ain't no snow, where the rain don't fall, the wind don't blow.

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The rocket tipping had my interest and then reading that due to lack of TWR had locked me in solid. Laughed at the Van Kallen belts too. War. War never changes. And here's looking at bright sunny skies; where there ain't no snow, where the rain don't fall, the wind don't blow.

Yeah, I think that part will be saved from the overhaul. It made me laugh so much I didn't feel angry at all. By the way, I'm happy that you liked this! It makes me get on and continue that long, LONG overhaul I'm doing now. Chapter one will be finished by tomorrow or Saturday. Keep tuned!

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  • 2 months later...

Guys, quick question time. Since my install in 0.25 broke quite badly and I'm switching to 1.0.4, I think it would be better for this AAR to leave stock Kerbin and grow a bit in size, by switching to 6.4x Kerbin.

There are two reasons for this:

1. Since I'm using Real Fuels + Stockalike config, the ISps are realistic, that means that unfortunately the rockets are really REALLY puny in stock size.

2.I'm really accustomed to RSS as of now, and I can't stand orbiting at so low speeds.

Of course it will be a bigger overhaul than expected, and I'll need to re-learn KSP, but easy-games are not for me. Think about it, bigger universe+re-learning the game+my inability to do things seriously would only mean more fun. It should be my choice, but, you know, this project is not only mine, it is also for the readers and of the readers.

This is just my opinion, I for sure know I will enjoy it anyway the universe is scaled.

Also, excuse me for any grammar errors, I won't be able to use my computer for two weeks and so I'm writing with an iPad that uses an Italian corrector. Great.

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Your project is all about your choices. The readers can only offer suggestions.

Considering that the Unity 5 update will most likely be a save game breaker, if I were to start another career it would be after the patch that will follow the Unity 5 update. The update could also include many new bug fixes, parts and other interesting game enhancements.

I really like the idea of more space to explore.

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That update is something I am worried about, but I think (depending upon how far the story has gone) I can manage to re-build everything I've done, for example I could continue it in 1.0.4 until I complete the Unity 5 install and save-game stuff.

The real problem is there isn't any turning back, my original install is so broken that tanks cannot even be put in place most of the time. Let's not talk about when I launched a small test rocket.

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