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[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]


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10 minutes ago, vardicd said:

Roger, no problem. side note, any idea why updating reset all progress on the contract pack anomaly surveyor? I'd just flown out to and explored all the kerbin monoliths, and had contracts to go to the Mun for a crash site and anomaly, but now all of a sudden the monolith contracts on Kerbin are showing again, but I still have the Mun ones. Just confused. :confused:

I posted about this on the Anomaly Surveyor thread.  I changed how the contracts were offered a little bit, which changed the names of them, which cause progress to be lost..

10 minutes ago, vardicd said:

Wait, there's a limit to contracts you can have running on the Level 3 mission control facility? I don't recall ever hitting one. I swear I had one game back before I started using Contract Configurator where I was running 40+ contracts at once, but maybe I'm remembering wrong.

Indirectly.  The building has no limit, but you can only accept as many contracts as can be offered (which I realize can be increased from the default 15 in the config file).  I'll look at feedback from everyone and tweak the numbers in the next release if it's warranted.

10 minutes ago, vardicd said:

EDIT: additional side note, updating reset my Strategia focus. Cancelled my Mun landing focus for some reason. doesn't look like it imposed the penalty for cancelling though, so no worries.

Could be the same issue that others reported with updating...  still not sure what that is so if you can provide logs/saves that would be helpful.

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3 hours ago, nightingale said:

@MickB & @Benno - Hmmm, not something I expected.  Can you guys get me the following?

  • Name of the contract that was failed
  • KSP.log file
  • Save from before the failure

Save file & fresh log: http://www.file-upload.net/download-11788820/FailedContract.7z.html

Name of the contract: Multispectral Scan of Mun & Minmus

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4 hours ago, nightingale said:

 I'll look at feedback from everyone and tweak the numbers in the next release if it's warranted.

I'ld appreciate a way to change the 10/7/4 limits, MM-cfg is fine by me.

Before the update, I already had 6 or 7 active 3-star contracts (without changing AverageAvailableContracts), and now I can't accept any until I have sorted out all those "Explore xyz" contracts - which will take a *long* time. Since even something as simple as "bring 3 crew to a Mun space station" counts as 3-star for some reason, that's rather inconvenient right now :wink:

And as always, thank you for continuing to support this nice mod :)

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2 hours ago, Hupf said:

Save file & fresh log: http://www.file-upload.net/download-11788820/FailedContract.7z.html

Name of the contract: Multispectral Scan of Mun & Minmus

Thanks, raised #544.

17 minutes ago, Kiwa said:

I'ld appreciate a way to change the 10/7/4 limits, MM-cfg is fine by me.

Before the update, I already had 6 or 7 active 3-star contracts (without changing AverageAvailableContracts), and now I can't accept any until I have sorted out all those "Explore xyz" contracts - which will take a *long* time. Since even something as simple as "bring 3 crew to a Mun space station" counts as 3-star for some reason, that's rather inconvenient right now :wink:

And as always, thank you for continuing to support this nice mod :)

Going to address this for the next release (raised #545).  I'm actually glad it wasn't exposed via MM - that way people were forced to come to the thread to complain. :P  The real reason is that it's not a strict number, but formula based.  I'm probably going to change the formula from linear to something more complex - but once I settle on something I'm happy with I can expose some of the parameters to the formula.

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13 hours ago, nightingale said:

Indirectly.  The building has no limit, but you can only accept as many contracts as can be offered (which I realize can be increased from the default 15 in the config file).  I'll look at feedback from everyone and tweak the numbers in the next release if it's warranted.

Can you please make this configurable (and also turn-off-able). I like to have lots of missions going at once..

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I seem to be having some issues with the contract limits. When I accept the contract "Create a network for the Mun" (2-stars) it eventually cancels out and goes back to the list of available contracts. In the KSP.log I found the following:

[LOG 21:25:37.078] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Cancelling contract of type RT_MoonRelay.Mun (Create a network for the Mun): Too many completed/active/offered contracts.
[WRN 21:25:37.080] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Removed contract 'Create a network for the Mun', as it no longer meets the requirements.

My mission control is currently at level 2 with limits of 7/4/2 and I have two 2-star contracts so adding the Mun relay contract should not exceed the limits... Unless the limits apply to available and completed contracts in some way. I have three available 2-star contracts including the Mun relay contract and nine completed 2-star contracts.

Also, when the contract is canceled the advanced funds are not removed so it's possible to simply accept it again knowing it will be canceled to get free money. I accepted this contract several times and ended up with over 500,000 funds.

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Now all contracts that are eligible are available all the time (players are no longer at the mercy of the RNG to get the contracts they want).

So, while this is certainly convenient, correct me if I'm wrong but there doesn't seem to be anything in place to offset the reduction in difficulty? Is there anything keeping this from being unbalancing?

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1 hour ago, westamastaflash said:

Can you please make this configurable (and also turn-off-able). I like to have lots of missions going at once..

See a couple posts above - going to be working on this for the next release.

38 minutes ago, WalterB said:

I seem to be having some issues with the contract limits. When I accept the contract "Create a network for the Mun" (2-stars) it eventually cancels out and goes back to the list of available contracts. In the KSP.log I found the following:

[LOG 21:25:37.078] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Cancelling contract of type RT_MoonRelay.Mun (Create a network for the Mun): Too many completed/active/offered contracts.
[WRN 21:25:37.080] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Removed contract 'Create a network for the Mun', as it no longer meets the requirements.

My mission control is currently at level 2 with limits of 7/4/2 and I have two 2-star contracts so adding the Mun relay contract should not exceed the limits... Unless the limits apply to available and completed contracts in some way. I have three available 2-star contracts including the Mun relay contract and nine completed 2-star contracts.

Also, when the contract is canceled the advanced funds are not removed so it's possible to simply accept it again knowing it will be canceled to get free money. I accepted this contract several times and ended up with over 500,000 funds.

Hmmm...  this one is a bit unexpected - do you have a save file I can take a peek at?

8 minutes ago, Tybot said:

So, while this is certainly convenient, correct me if I'm wrong but there doesn't seem to be anything in place to offset the reduction in difficulty? Is there anything keeping this from being unbalancing?

Sure - the limit on the number of active contracts.  Just how much opening up choices makes stuff unbalancing is up for debate though - you could get the contract you want before by declining other contracts until the "right" one comes up (and yes, I do realize in most games this has a rep penalty tied to it).

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It'd be much appreciated to disregard the contract limit if the Mission Control center is completely upgraded. I have a 6 Kerman tourist rocket that cannot be used now because I have a limit to the number of low prestige contracts I can have. Meanwhile, I accepted several contracts that were going to expire to save for later when I get the proper tech. With this limit, my career is severely crippled because I can neither make the money I need to upgrade my buildings and get the science from experimenting on my passengers through my lucrative tourism business, nor can I complete the accepted contracts because I do not have the required tech.

Essentially, putting an artificial limit has almost destroyed my career game.

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3 hours ago, majNUN said:

It'd be much appreciated to disregard the contract limit if the Mission Control center is completely upgraded. I have a 6 Kerman tourist rocket that cannot be used now because I have a limit to the number of low prestige contracts I can have. Meanwhile, I accepted several contracts that were going to expire to save for later when I get the proper tech. With this limit, my career is severely crippled because I can neither make the money I need to upgrade my buildings and get the science from experimenting on my passengers through my lucrative tourism business, nor can I complete the accepted contracts because I do not have the required tech.

Essentially, putting an artificial limit has almost destroyed my career game.

So what are the current contract limits you're seeing?  How much reputation do you have (you can see it in the load dialog on the main menu)?

Have you modded the contract limit, or is it still set to the default (15)?

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1 hour ago, nightingale said:

So what are the current contract limits you're seeing?  How much reputation do you have (you can see it in the load dialog on the main menu)?

Have you modded the contract limit, or is it still set to the default (15)?

With my Mission Control building fully upgraded, I have a limit of 6 trivial contracts, 4 significant contracts, and 2 exceptional contracts - which means a max of only 12. My reputation is at 23% (I recently renegotiated a financial strategy). I actually had 18 contracts when I installed the update - 7 were trivial contracts for taking tourists up. A trivial tourist contract is usually for 1 or 2 Kermans and I could usually count on getting contracts for 6 to 8 Kermans after sending a batch up on a mission of 15 to 20 minutes of play. Other trivial contracts were for doing science scans in different biomes or part testing. The bulk of my contracts were trivial. I had one exceptional contract and 3 significant contracts waiting.

I'm still waiting for some tech unlocks (high altitude aviation) to do some high altitude temperature and pressure scans and observational surveys. So these 3 contracts have taken half my allotted spaces for trivial contracts - which means I cannot get the 4 or 5 tourist contracts to fill up my tour-rocket-bus. I'd have to trash the other contracts to free up space and take a financial hit.

I haven't modded the limit.

If you are using reputation as a way to calculate the number of contracts, consider that it is a currency in the game for strategies. After upgrading the Admin building, I usually spend my rep for better strategy deals, so there will be big dips in reputation after such renegotiations. Should I have to take a penalty in the number of contracts for such deals?

Also while in the Missions Control building looking at contracts, I've noticed that when I am in the "Active" tab, it automatically switches to the "Available" tab.

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As soon as I load up my saved game (1.1.3) I get a screen telling to copy and paste the following:


Exception occured while attempt to generate contract of type 'BasesandStations.ExtraCrewCapacity':
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ContractConfigurator.HasCrewFactory.Generate (Contracts.Contract contract) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory.Generate (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract, IContractParameterHost contractParamHost) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory.GenerateParameters (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract, IContractParameterHost contractParamHost, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 paramFactories) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory.GenerateParameters (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract, IContractParameterHost contractParamHost, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 paramFactories) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ContractType.GenerateParameters (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract.Initialize (ContractConfigurator.ContractType contractType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

After that I am unable enter some of the facilities (clicking on them or the icons does not work). If I do enter a facility the exit button no longer works and I have to abend the program.

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11 hours ago, nightingale said:

Hmmm...  this one is a bit unexpected - do you have a save file I can take a peek at?

Here you go: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70102736/CC.zip

The zip file contains KSP.log, output_log.txt and three quicksaves: CC_debug1.sfs was made before accepting the contract, CC_debug2.sfs was made after I accepted the contract and CC_debug3.sfs was made after it reverted back to Available.

Also, here's the list of mods I have installed:

  • AmpYear
  • Chatterer 0.9.90
  • Community Resource Pack
  • Contract Configurator 1.15.3
  • Contract Pack RemoteTeck 2.1.0
  • DMagic Orbital Science 1.3.2
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator 6.4
  • Editor Extensions Redux 3.2.14
  • FAR
  • Improved Chase Camera 1.6.0
  • Interstellar Fuel Switch 2.1.1
  • KAS 0.5.9
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock
  • Kerbal Construction Time 1.3.4
  • Kerbal Engineer
  • KIS 1.2.12
  • Mk2 Stockalike Expansion 1.7.12
  • Module Manager 2.6.25
  • Mouse Aim Flight 1.0.1
  • NavUtlities 0.6.1 (patched for KSP 1.1.3, see mod thread for details)
  • Precise Node 1.2.3
  • ProcFairings 3.17
  • RCS Build Aid 0.8
  • RealChute
  • Reentry Particle Effect 1.1
  • RemoteTech 1.7.1
  • TacLifeSupport 0.12.2
  • Universal Storage


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@cpottinger - That error alone shouldn't cause the behaviour you've described.  Are you able to get me the KSP.log file?

@WalterB - I can't reproduce your issue, even when using your save.  Does it consistently happen (if you reaccept the contract, does it get cancelled within 30 seconds)?  Does it get triggered when you do anything specific?

@majNUN - I'm going to be looking at the contract limits, here's what I'm currently thinking:

  • Building level will also affect the prestige limits
  • Change so if you have positive rep, the limits will allow you to at least go up to the building limit (for level 1 and 2).
  • Add in some user-configuration (may not be for next release due to time constraints).
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@nightingale I mentioned yesterday that updating your mod group reset my progress on the anomaly surveyor contracts, making me once again revisit the Monoliths on Kerbin which I had already done, so I accepted the contract to revisit the monoliths again, did the one right outside KSC, then got the contract to visit the others, got the one just to the west of KSC, and the one at the abandoned Space facility, and suddenly the contract to check the Monolith right by KSC has popped up again. as available. I suspect it should not continue to recycle those contracts?

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9go905ecacflbnh/AADyyp8hqOp0y0-s5jPauZtHa?dl=0 <--Outputlog if you wish to see it.

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1 hour ago, vardicd said:

@nightingale I mentioned yesterday that updating your mod group reset my progress on the anomaly surveyor contracts, making me once again revisit the Monoliths on Kerbin which I had already done, so I accepted the contract to revisit the monoliths again, did the one right outside KSC, then got the contract to visit the others, got the one just to the west of KSC, and the one at the abandoned Space facility, and suddenly the contract to check the Monolith right by KSC has popped up again. as available. I suspect it should not continue to recycle those contracts?

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9go905ecacflbnh/AADyyp8hqOp0y0-s5jPauZtHa?dl=0 <--Outputlog if you wish to see it.

Can you post a save file?

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I haven't installed yet, because the changes seem a little too different to the stock contract system than I would personally like. So far, I've been enjoying the stock RNG contracts for my career, and if I understand correctly how your system works, wouldn't feel as challenged by your new system. I use KCT with several active missions at once, never timewarping for more than a few days, which makes being at the mercy to RNG contract generation just feel like part of the challenge. If you could include a way to modify this to be more stockalike down the track then that would be amazing. Congrats on the big release by the way.

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Hi @nightingale,

I tried to put a DATA_NODE into a CONTRACT_GROUP, but I got a parsing error. Here is the code :

	type = int
	maxTechLevel = MaxTechLevelUnlocked()

and the log of the error :

[ERR 08:56:04.227] ContractConfigurator.ContractGroup: CONTRACT_GROUP 'ComSatContracts': Error parsing maxTechLevel

[EXC 08:56:04.238] InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
        System.Linq.Enumerable.Iterate[Int32,Int32] (IEnumerable`1 source, Int32 initValue, System.Func`3 selector)^M
        System.Linq.Enumerable.Max (IEnumerable`1 source)^M
        ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.TechParser.MaxTechLevelUnlocked ()^M
        ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`1[System.Int32].Invoke ()^M
        ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Function`1[System.Int32].Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)^M
        ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[System.Int32].ParseMethod[Int32] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token, Int32 obj, Boolean isFunction)^M
        Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement.^M
        Error occurred near '*':^M
        ......................* <-- HERE^M
        ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[System.Int32].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode)^M
        ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[Int32] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression)^M
        ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[Int32] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression)^M
        ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[Int32] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1 setter, IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, Int32 defaultValue, System.Func`2 validation)^M
        ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Int32, Func`2)^M
        ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory)^M
        System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])^M
        ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode:ParseDataNodes(ConfigNode, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Dictionary`2, Dictionary`2)^M

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
As MaxTechLevelUnlocked() is a global function, I don't see where is my mistake.


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I've been having the same bug as vardicd posted.

Contracts from contract packs (only - not any stock ones have done this yet) which have already been completed occasionally show up on the list of available contracts.

Accepting them clears them off the list, but doesn't actually add them to your list of active contracts. It doesn't seem to effect any functionality, so it's mostly a cosmetic issue, but it might be confusing for some players.

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@vardicd & @tjsnh - I think I found the issue that was causing "ghost" contracts to show up in the available list and have fixed it for the next release.

@flatbear - This mod is a tool for creating other mods (eg. contracts).  You can't use it to change existing contracts, but you could use it to create your own contracts that are more to your liking.

@hargn - You didn't do anything wrong - that function looks to be broken.  Fixed for next release.

@ninjaisfast - Just curious, are you playing with contracts packs (or other contract mods), or are you comparing it to stock?  As far as the stock contracts go, they remain unchanged (they will still get offered with the same frequency/rules).

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Not Kerbinshaking but just to mention that using  CC +  Additional Progression Contracts 1.0 (7/23/16) , I encountered a World's First Landing on Kerbin completion when I jettisoned my heat shield (Mk1 capsule) and it hit the ground.  My capsule was still in the air under parachute and actually landed in the water.  I do not know if it is CC or APC.

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