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[1.0.2] Entropy: DangIt hardmode


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It's like Ippo's DangIt! but worse



As of v0.3 of Entropy, you NEED at least DangIt! 0.5 to use it!

Have you seen Ippo's DangIt? Well you should! It's a great mod that adds random failures. This mod adds even more, in a vein of more dangerous failures!


I make no guarantees that the balance of these failures is OK! Use only if you are OK with testing unfinished code!

No pix no clix:


Currently adds:

  • Animations getting stuck
  • Generators losing efficiency
  • Intakes being clogged (Part of base DangIt now)
  • Engine coolant failures (Part of base DangIt now)
  • Parachute failures (Stock: Chute gets stuck predeployed, RealChutes: Halves area)
  • Solar panel tracking failing (Stops pointing toward sun)
  • SRB O-Ring failures (overheat and explode + overthrust)

Known Issues:

  • Repairing RealChutes parachutes decreased instead of restoring drag FIXED IN v0.1.2, GET IT NOW!
  • TweakableEverything allows you to re-enable sun tracking on solar panels (On Github) Fixed in 0.5

For modders: If you want to make it so your parts have no chance of failure (e.g. escape towers) just add the module NoFailureModules, and no reliability modules will be added!

NoFailureModules currently implemented (thru ModuleManager) for (I plan to add a couple part packs here):

  • Stock
  • FASA As of 0.4.2

Install with CKAN :

ckan install Entropy

and for realchutes support on CKAN:

ckan install EntropyRealChute

Source Code: Github

Download (please use CKAN instead! | has RealChute support bundled): Kerbalstuff

Edited by Coffeeman
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Mother of god...!

Thanks for breathing life into this - Ippo, Dang It! is undeniably my favorite mod and probably adds more depth to the game than anything else. Was very sad to hear that you were abandoning development, but real life is more important after all so can't blame you - well done for starting such a superb mod.

Coffeeman - Glad you're picking this up and running with it. When you say animations getting stuck - How do you mean? Things like cargo bays failing to open, undercarriage not coming down, that sort of thing? Also, would there be any scope to add in forces from leaking resources? Another area to possibly consider would be solar panels slowly losing the ability to generate power over years in space, as well as slowly getting covered in dust when on a planets surface - a percentage efficiency rating, which slowly decreases, as opposed to a binary functional/failure setting...?

Anyway, sounds good! Once my assignments are over I'll definitely be giving this one a whirl!

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Nice to see Ippo's DangIt! given more breath.

I'd like to ask, could a increased possibility of failures be associated to experimental parts (which, in a career game, are the object of part testing contracts?). I'd even say those parts should perform less well than the ones fully developed, one of more of their performance metrics to be randomly reduced in flight, until experimented enough. Any possibility to see experimental parts given "special" care?

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Released this at 1am then went to bed... Lets see...

@CatastrophicFailure : LFO engine failures are covered by DangIt!, Ippo's plugin, off which Entropy extends. To make Entropy work you need to install that too!

@BLUESTREAK : RE: Animation, yeah thats what I mean (but undercarriage always works, its actually a different PartModule) :) . RE: Tank leak force... That would be something to be added to the base plugin (DangIt!), but yeah, I'll look into that. RE: Solar panels... I'll definitely be looking into that sort of gradual failure, but I will have to fiddle with Ippo's code more before that, but that is definitely planned.

@diomedea : That is a great idea! I'll look into that.

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Nice to see Ippo's DangIt! given more breath.

I'd like to ask, could a increased possibility of failures be associated to experimental parts (which, in a career game, are the object of part testing contracts?). I'd even say those parts should perform less well than the ones fully developed, one of more of their performance metrics to be randomly reduced in flight, until experimented enough. Any possibility to see experimental parts given "special" care?

I wonder if having the number of times the part has been launched improve the reliability, so that well used parts are more reliable than ones used for the first time.

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I wonder if having the number of times the part has been launched improve the reliability, so that well used parts are more reliable than ones used for the first time.

Sure, accounting for how many times a part was used would help in fine-tuning both performance and failure rate. However, this would come at the price of further data to be tracked ingame, and I'd leave to the author to decide if/when Entropy's plugin should take this twist. But, I'd personally love to see this :).

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RE: Usage improving reliability: This would be a very interesting thing to see! Additionally, I think maybe having Strategies that increase/decrease the reliability of your parts (at expense of money of course) would be cool. For example you could have the "Safety Culture" strategy that would make everything safer, but also cost mode, and the "Go-Fever" strategy that would do the opposite. Both of these would more fit the scope of DangIt! proper, and I'll ask Ippo about them :)

@zekes: YIKES! [in reality, reentry failures are the domain of deadly reentry]

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(complete destruction of a plane/rocket thing totally falling apart)

That is one of the more impressive destruction screenshots I have seen. Ever. I don't build with enough parts to get nice looking screenshots like that. :( (Actually, my computer just doesn't like hi-res texture, probably just that..)

Take my rep.

Anyways, nice to see an expansion of the DangIt mod, though I personally don't use it. I did in the past, I was more of a sandbox player back then and it always messed with my designs, but now that i'm mainly a career player I might look back into it!

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I wonder if having the number of times the part has been launched improve the reliability, so that well used parts are more reliable than ones used for the first time.
Sure, accounting for how many times a part was used would help in fine-tuning both performance and failure rate.
RE: Usage improving reliability: This would be a very interesting thing to see! [...] I'll ask Ippo about them :)

Well, I didn't want to mess with someone else's business, but since you want to ask me... :)

Personally I've always been against that feature. It's been proposed multiple times in my thread and I've always shot it down :) The reason is that I feel it's just a "game-y" feature that does not really model anything sensible, plus I think it makes for bad gameplay.

I think you might have seen that I don't want people to be able to pay funds to increase the reliability of a part. The reasoning behind this is that it would allow you to just pay your way out of a problem, and funds are anything but scarce in KSP right now: so it would basically amount to "let's increase the price of the engines". The plan (still unrealized: alpha, remember?) is to use the reliability stats to counterbalance efficiency and differentiate engines even more. Why would anyone choose a LV909 over a nuclear engine for a mars mission, right now? If the nuclear engine was significantly more unpredictable, you might want to reconsider your choices.

Tracking part usage is no different: time is money, so you can just invest a lot of "resources" (i.e, time) and ignore the problem. You run 10 Mun missions with 50-engine abominations and puf!, you are good forever, no need to choose different engines for different mission durations.


Coffeeman, remember the terms of our agreement: you need my permission to add new features only in DangIt, Entropy is 100% yours and you can do whatever you like with it regardless of my opinion on the matter :)

So if you like the idea and people like the idea, by all means, do it... as long as it stays out of my repo :P

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...plus I think it makes for bad gameplay...

Hm... Yeah, I can see this being a problem! However, I think that some kind of reliability improvement would be good. Maybe you could spend some science when repairing a failure to analyze it (if you had the perks) and permanently improve that part (by some small margin.)

In other news... @dzikakulka : No auto-staging, they can only fail while ignited. What happens is the thrust increases by quite a bit and they overheat in about 20 seconds.

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Well... I just got thrown into a flatspin when a jet engine quit on me. It was GLORIOUS!

FYI, Module manager is throwing up an error in the RealChutes patch during the load up, I don't know enough about it to be able to identify what the issue is though.

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FYI, Module manager is throwing up an error in the RealChutes patch during the load up

Yay! My first bug! :D


Do you use realchutes?

Did you install from KerbalStuff?

Can you tell me what you have in your game data folder? (Including ModuleManager version)

Can you send me KSP.log?

Can you send me Gamedata/z_Entropy_realchutes/ModuleManager/parachutes.cfg?

I'll get this sorted right away!

Good luck with your plane!

Edited by Coffeeman
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Yay! My first bug! :D


Do you use realchutes?

Did you install from KerbalStuff?

Can you tell me what you have in your game data folder? (Including ModuleManager version)

Can you send me KSP.log?

Can you send me Gamedata/z_Entropy_realchutes/ModuleManager/parachutes.cfg?

I'll get this sorted right away!

Good luck with your plane!


Yes - it's up to date as well.


A metric ton of mods, however none seem to conflict with Ippo's DangIt!. ModuleManager is the version before the very newest one

At the moment I'm not at home and using mobile internet.

Yes, I still have the downloaded file sat on my phone, Link incoming next post.

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