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Economy only Career mode

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I like this idea. Science at the moment is somewhat frustrating in career anyway. You can get ridiculous amounts through contracting (20% funds->science blows up even bothering with science parts, though that will get balanced I assume) and I've never liked the whole "You need to go back to a biome once you've got all the parts open" feeling whenever I go to Mun or Minmus. It forces you up a particular tech tree line first unless you really like to 'waste time'. Yes, that's in quotes, I know this is a game that you waste time playing, but it's still horribly inefficient unless you blow out the science tests first, especially since a few of them way up in the end of the tree are for flying around atmospheres like Kerbin. Add to that you need to go to space to get wings to fly around Kerbin even at low altitudes.

The science tree progression has always seemed odd and contrived to me in some aspects, and while there's plenty of discussions around rebalancing it, avoiding it entirely and enjoying the tycoon portion of the game could be a lot of fun.

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