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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. You have to phone the telephone company, dictate your message to the maid, wait a minute, and listen while she reads the web text on the telegraph. Now it's twice faster, because earlier they were sending a courier.

53 minutes ago, Dientus said:

Wished I made more money.

Granted. You have bought a new cartridge for the  printer.


I wish the cartridge is of the proper color.

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Granted, you try to buy a Demag AC 395 with the counterfeit money, but even though it is still looks real, it was not real enough, so you go to prison for 20 years. Luckily, you got your phone call, called me, and I busted you out in my G-BKF armored rescue crane. Then they caught you again, and went away for 25. I got the Hypnotoad (Only Futurama fans will understand) as my lawyer, so I was deemed not guilty.

I wish for a full size Lego Sarens SGC-250 (AKA "Big Carl"), the largest land based crane in the world (Or it might be the ALE/Mammoet SK 10000, I need to look that up)

Edited by Ben J. Kerman
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