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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. You will be getting good marks in your coming exam (actually nailing it perfectly without any sweat/preparation for it), at the expense of prophetically failing all of your subsequent exams no matter how much you studied/prepared/cheated for it, thus failing all your subjects in the long run and making your school kick you out because of your persistent failing grades, that doesn't go any higher anymore. You will also prophetically fail all the entrance exams in any school that you will take then your parents and relatives will then shun you for the rest of your life because of it. Too bad...

I wish for comfort.

Edited by Flixxbeatz
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Granted, but your space station falls victim to the Kraken an instant later!

I wish I had a Snickers.

Granted, but the Snickers expired 3 years ago.

I wish I had a cup of coffee, as I pulled an all nighter and I am hideously tired.

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Granted, but you get two xbox ones.

I wish I had a pc capable of launching a 1000 parts ship in KSP without lag.

Granted, but it overheats and explodes if you launch a 1001 part ship

I wish for supremacy over the Games forum!

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Granted. They now won't peel at after a sunburn and stick at you for the rest of your life, thus making the pain much more unbearable. To make matters worse, your new skin will now grow underneath it, and there's no way to remove the burnt skin, since it's now already magically permanently fused into your body. Prepare yourself to take a bottle of painkillers a day once your new skin starts to grow, since it would be painful for sure.

OOF, sniped, effort wasted :confused:

Granted. Your chair is now very comfortable, to the point that you don't want to get out of it anymore, no matter what will happen to your body. Basically, you're now stuck there, because of your chair's superior comfortness. You won't even go outside for a walk, go to the bathroom to take a bath, or to toilet to dump some anger and stuff. And then your body begins to atrophy due to lack of exercise, and your bowels and organs now start malfunctioning because of your refusal to let go of your bodily wastes. Oh - and you won't be able to get out of it to get food and water either, to make matters much worse than you thought and speeding up your demise. All of it because of a very very comfortable chair...

I wish for peace.

Edited by Flixxbeatz
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