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Who needs landing gear anyway!


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Landing is definitely possible without any landing legs. Provided you are extremely careful of course. Heck, I remember experimenting with landing relying only on engines themselves back in 0.13.3/0.13.4 before I even bought the game.

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Yeah. The way KSP works most parts are either undamaged or destroyed. Hit the ground at less than say 6 or 7 m/s, which isn't an onerous requirement once you've got a few landings under your belt, and the engine will be unscathed.

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This reminded me of something :)

I thought of that too!

I find landing legs aren't that important, unless you're in high gravity, or need it to spread out how much ground the lander covers for balance reasons. But then, I like to do very soft landings.

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Knew I had pics online!

First from Minmus - This was one of the first half-dozen flights there and got renamed "How the heck did I land this?!?" And yes, Mechjeb is open but because I was bored of autoland, and this wasn't an important mission or anything I did it by hand. Went well, I think!


Second one is from Gilly - was used to get "explore Eve" and "explore Gilly" contracts in one go. The lander went to Eve, the transfer stage docked with Gilly, engine-first. Thankfully I decided to shove a thermometer and gravioli detector on there, something I now do regularly just for situations that this.


Edited by moogoob
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