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"Take an EVA report on the surface at" not functioning

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Hi there,

Not much on bug reports as you guys do an awesome job and I rarely encounter problems (and usually they fix themselves, mere visual or understandable limitations that we can build around), but I just encountered a small issue with the "Take an EVA report on the surface" sub-contracts of certain exploration mission on Kerbin;

Unlike the other subcontract that requires you to fly over a region and create a report from the cockpit mid-flight, this requires you to land and take an EVA report on the surface. The problem is that, even though I am in the region specified (my plane is in fact landed dead-on the spot where the navigation tool says it is, and on the world map it is also exactly there), landed / gracefully crashed, stepped out and created said report, it isn't ticked in the list.

I have tried several contracts / regions with these mission parameters and all amount to the same result; no go on the surface EVA report, no way to complete contract.

I am running a clean 32-bit Windows ZIP installation from the website in a new career. I have had the experience that sometimes lack of memory sometimes introduces problems here and there, contracts being ticked off 2 seconds after they have been completed and other such delays, but those problems always come with similar problems in other aspects of the game, this does not and is replicable (in my copy anyways).

I have tried and find something similar on the forum but was unable to find a similar post, so I assume there is none and I am the only one having this problem.

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Firstly, be sure to read this sticky: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92230-%21%21%21-PLEASE-READ-BEFORE-POSTING-%21%21%21-Stock-Support-Bug-Reporting-Guide

A screenshot (of the map view, the contract pulldown, and the Kerbal itself in this case) would help diagnose the issue.

Make sure you're actually landed with the Kerbal, and not on a ladder or standing on the craft.

While still in the craft, go to map view, select the waypoint and hit 'Engage Navigation', then see if the navball icon for the waypoint is blinking. If it is, the craft (and therefore the Kerbal, if you're at around the same location as the craft) are in the right place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a very similar problem. But I have a different system: Linux x64.

After around 20 attempts to land precisely in target zone, I give up. Looks like this is a game logic problem.

Here is all related info, including all my save games and some screenshots, in 7z archive (4.5 MB): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byka-cbwONilLU9vS1VWdkR4ZEU/view?usp=sharing

Actually, after some entering and exiting ship, game crashed, but it is first time game crashed for me. So don't be surprised of logs ending.

If you require more debug information, I can provide it.

My hypothesis is that game don't believe object is actually in target zone, because of high altitude there (highlands >1000 meters).

=== Game info: ===

build id = 00705


Branch: master

Kerbal Space Program - (LinuxPlayer) Steam BETA

I don't use any mods.

=== System info: ===

OS: Linux 3.16 Gentoo n/a 64bit

CPU: AMD Phenom 9950 Quad-Core Processor (4)

RAM: 7860

GPU: GeForce GTX 760/PCIe/SSE2 (2048MB)

SM: 30 (OpenGL 4.4 [4.4.0 NVIDIA 343.36])

RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8

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Ok, I spent some time for investigating that problem, and I assumed this is not a bug (at least in my case).

I have played a little with save files and object coordinates and teleported my ship into a target zone. When it is exactly in coordinates of target zone, you can successfully make an EVA report.

To complete "Take an EVA report" missions, you should be in nearly 600m radius near target indicator.

As "workaround", if you can't land your ship precise enough, I suggest to land your ship somewhere, exit game and then set landed ship coordinates (section VESSEL) to latitude and longitude of target zone (section CONTRACTS with values "experiment = evaReport" and "state = Incomplete") in permanent.sfs save file. This will teleport your ship exactly into the target zone. Of course you do that at your own risk and you can mess up your save games and everything, and some players will assume this as cheating, so make backup first and be careful.

Dear developers, please add distance information for landing zones, or some clearer indications of it!

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The ground waypoints have much tighter target areas because they are meant for precision vessels, like landers, VTOLs, rovers, or Kerbals. You need to be right on them for them to complete. Note that your navball icon will start flashing when you are in the target area, however, there is no navball in EVA, which probably led to your confusion. You will also receive messages when entering or leaving the target area.

I do want to address this, but for now I suggest using this mod if you want more detailed waypoint distance information.

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  • 4 months later...

I've been having the same issue. Followed coordinates, hopped out, and my EVA did nothing. I just realized that once I hopped out the waypoint seems to have shifted. 63.1km and far from the icon on the map. So I flew to the new coordinates. It's worth noting that when the waypoint shifted, the navball icon didn't show up anymore. Once there, I hopped out and the waypoint shifted another 63.1km away. So got back in my plane and took off for the new waypoint. This time around, the navball icon showed up and I believe it was in the direction of the original waypoint. Unfortunately, upon hitting 4x time (I was getting impatient) my plane flew apart.


In this image, I've arrived at the second waypoint after the first one shifted. I hopped out and it seems the waypoint is still far away. The new waypoint is just visible over the wing on the right.


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